· Sep 20, 2016 4m read
Diagnosing Framing Errors

Framing refers to the characters that mark the start and end of an HL7 message (or other types of framed messages). Most HL7 services and operations have a Framing setting that allows the user to define this framing. The most common choices are available as defaults, but with the AsciiMM/NN setting, components can be configured to recognize any framing characters.

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Hey everyone,

I stumbled across a comment in this post that mentioned that the %SYS.GlobalQuery is a potentially faster alternative to %GSIZE. I tested it out and while I like the %SYS.GlobalQuery I noticed that it has some size discrepancies against a %GSIZE with details. Can anyone tell me which is more accurate for estimating the size of globals?

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· May 4, 2018
Convert HL7 to PDF

Is there anything native in Ensemble that will support converting HL7 to PDF?

I see there are numerous examples in .Net and Java for this capability.


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Healthcare interoperability is instrumental in improving patient care, decreasing healthcare provider costs, and providing a more accurate picture to providers. However, with so many different systems, data is formatted in many different ways. There are many standards that have been created to try to solve this problem, including HL7v2, HL7v3, and CDA but each one has its drawbacks.

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· Jun 19, 2017
Date Filtering Functionality

I have come across several cases where I need to set a Date filter to send only send any admit/scheduled date past a certain point. We have a couple different date comparison functions but none looking at the true date. Most of them are date + 15 or etc. Does anyone have a good date function they have written to say if x > 20170102 ?



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Hi guys,

I am trying to run a command line code using $zf(-1) in cache terminal. it is returning access denied error.

I have tried to run the code in cmd itself it is also throwing Access denied error. But if opened cmd as administrator and run the same code it is working perfectly. I am using windows system.

Hence i need to know how can i run the cmd line code as administrator using our terminal or studio. Please help me out.



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· Oct 1, 2017
Convert HL7 to XML

Hi We have a need in our Ensemble production to take HL7 ver 2.3 and provide an XML representation of it to provide to non-HL7 consumers. What would be the prefereed way to do it. Are there are pre-defined XML schemas in Ensemble that could be use ? We are currently on Ensemble 2015.2

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· Jul 8, 2020 7m read
Tips for debugging with %Status


If you're solving complex problems in ObjectScript, you probably have a lot of code that works with %Status values. If you have interacted with persistent classes from an object perspective (%Save, %OpenId, etc.), you have almost certainly seen them. A %Status provides a wrapper around a localizable error message in InterSystems' platforms. An OK status ($$$OK) is just equal to 1, whereas a bad status ($$$ERROR(errorcode,arguments...)) is represented as a 0 followed by a space followed by a $ListBuild list with structured information about the error. $System.Status (see class reference) provides several handy APIs for working with %Status values; the class reference is helpful and I won't bother duplicating it here. There have been a few other useful articles/questions on the topic as well (see links at the end). My focus in this article will be on a few debugging tricks techniques rather than coding best practices (again, if you're looking for those, see links at the end).

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We recently updated Ensemble, on our Unix DEV server , from version 2013.x to 2015.2.3 (Build 855U) and when we test our SSL/TLS configuration we get the following error:

ERROR #729: Certificate /qmd/ens_chldev_1/mgr/SILCert/SILCSSSJR-CER.cer is not valid for TLS Web client authentication .

The certificate was working fine before the update in DEV and it is working fine in our PROD Unix server with Ensemble 2012.x. Any ideas why we are getting this error?

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Below is a simple alert processor based on the EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter to send text alerts via an SMS Gateway service. Typically, all that is needed to send an HTTP Post to the gateway service is the destination phone number, a source phone number, credentials, and the URL.

The code below is based on the Anveo gateway whose interface is as follows:

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I have a business service that needs to run only once a day at an specific time. It is important that the service only runs once.

I have tried the scheduler but you can only define the times (start-stop) when the service will be this will not work for me as I need this to run only once.

Looking at the documentation I found "tasks". Apparently this is exactly what I need. As per documentation:

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I am receiving this alert every couple of minutes. I am trying to figure out what is causing this and if it is just the settings on my TCP operation or if this indicates an actual issue. Is it an issue with my framing (MLLP) or reply code actions (not set)? Something else?


ERROR <Ens>ErrTCPTerminatedReadTimeoutExpired: TCP Read timeout (30) expired waiting for terminator SegTerminatorAscii=13, on |TCP|7049|12692, data received =''
(alert request ID=2071)


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· Jul 31, 2017
Posting to a REST service


I come from a programming background, but haven't touched ObjectScript before my current job, so please forgive my ignorance.

Within an Ensemble system, I need to post some information to a RESTful web service. I'm just trying to figure out how to create a method which takes a simple message and posts this off to a RESTful web service?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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