
A site has a Mirror set, and an Asynchronous DR. The disk drives for each of the instances are local disks and the databases are large (>2 TB)

The current backup strategy is started off as using Cache Backup and is still the case today, but the size and time it take t do the backup is obviously prohibitive.

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I wanted to see some alerts that occur in my Productions in a Mobile Device, I came across Pushover.net recently that although has an upfront cost $5 you can send as many messages as you like after that, there is a 7 day free trial to check it out.

To Integrate this with a production I did the following.

Create an account and set up a device on https://pushover.net/

Record the following API Keys from the web site on the main page you will see

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0 1.2K

Hi all,

I have an operation which uses the SQL outbound adapter to query a data source set up using a system DSN on the server which uses the Intersystems ODBC35 driver (this is a cache db hosted elsewhere).

Whenever Ensemble runs the following query:

SELECT lnkdid,
FROM JAC.drug_basic
WHERE c_drugfull LIKE 'Para%'

No data is returned, however running the same query via SQL Server Management Studio, all expected rows are returned.

Also if I run the following via Ensemble:

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· Mar 12, 2018
Compilation Status after Import

Is there a way to enumerate the compilation status of a package?

currently after deployment we are doing something like this to validate a successful load and compile of classes:

successful_compilation_count=`grep -a "Compilation finished successfully" output.log | wc -l`
successful_load_count=`grep -a "Load finished successfully" output.log | wc -l`

is there a method to do this where it is a little bit more elegant/dynamic without having to maintain counts for comparison ?

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0 376
· Mar 13, 2018

We have a case where a vendor can send us more information in the DICOM message rather than in the HL7 result message. In theory it should be possible to take a DICOM and convert it to HL7, stupid question is has anyone done it before? Does anyone have any good examples of a DTL they did to show me how to setup the message structures and translation?


Scott Roth

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center


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I have a service that that I would like to use to poll the database table in MySQL server 2012 and get an id to use if the condition is met but have trouble achieving this here is what I have so far any suggestions please.

Method OnProcessInput(pInput As EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot, Output pOutput As %RegisteredObject) As %Status
  set pRequest=##class(SamsReq).%New()
      set pRequest.pID=pInput.Get("pID")

< set sc=..SendRequestSync("DQTT",pRequest,.pOutput)

 quit sc

the error that I am getting


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I have searched through documentation, etc and see many mentions of using Ensemble / Health Connect along with the Java Gateway to interface with JMS Queues, but see no specific documentation on how to do this.

Does anyone have any information, or a concise example of using the Java Gateway to allow Ensemble / Health Connect to be able to place messages and retrieve messages from a JMS Queue?


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· Mar 5, 2018
Send txt file thourgh TCP


I'm trying to send a txt file over TCP.

The txt file contains lines, every line has a fixed length : 179 characters , however it seems that this length vary while sending it!

So, I need to send the content of the txt file as it is without adding anything.

I'm using as operation EnsLib.TCP.PassthroughOperation.

I need your help please.

Thanks !

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Reasonably new to Ensemble but have a requirement to take a HL7 message and send to a external source using a HTTP Post. I already have built an operation that will post a stream forwarded to it but was wondering if there was a shortcut for copying a complete HL7 Message (including end of segment and end of message) into a stream without having to parse through the whole message segments individually. Any pointers would be much appreciated.

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0 855

I have a service that uses the EnsLib.SOAP.InboundAdapter, and I seem to be facing an odd problem.

Our clinical document system sent a request which contained a word document in base64, and was presented with the error "ERROR #6253: Datatype validation failed for tag payload (ending at line 1 character 2111). Unexpected tag <ClinicalDocument> found."

I took a look at the word document sent, and found it contained an image which made the document size about 4MB larger than the average document.

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0 421


A file-based business service uses a local path on a Linux machine that is actually a mounted CIFS share. The mount is "soft" and is designed to not cache data, etc. There are times however when the remote system offering up the share (it's a Windows machine I believe) gets bounced or otherwise hung up the business service in the Ensemble production just hangs.

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0 1.6K

I have used Studio's schema wizard to create classes representing my XML structure as defined in an xsd file and then I use the main class of that set of classes as parameter in my Ensemble web service.

Let's say I have a web method signature like this:

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I seem to be getting some odd behavior from Ensemble when searching using the extended Criteria options (VDoc Segment Field).

I'm searching for a specific range of test patients (for example, Surnames starting ZZZ) and I'm only getting back about half of what I know is there (and is verifiable by removing the search criteria and manually scrolling through the message viewer.

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0 241

I am working on an ZAUTHENTICATE.mac to move us from local cache users to Delegated Authentication against LDAP.

I have created a user role within my instance of Ensemble that matches the AD Group that I will be assigning everyone in my group to. Is there a way to query the list of available Roles within Ensemble, and if one of my AD groups matches that role, set the role for that user?

How would I compare the AD Group against the Role listing?



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· Feb 16, 2018
CDA on Ensemble?

Hi everybody,

I love the integration of HL7 v2.x in Ensemble, it's really easy to use.

I would love to see the same about using CDA on Ensemble. I know it's a complicated standard, but it would be more easy for developers in Europe if we could use it like any other type of message instead of using at XML level and xsl transformations.

Any experiences dealing with CDA on Ensemble?

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0 476


We are currently in the process of migrating from Ensemble to Healthshare and I have been advised Healthshare works with the IDE Atelier.

Does anyone know if you can change the views for transforms like you can in Studio? IE to see the .dtl, .cls and the .INT?

It would be nice to be able to visually view the transforms like you can with Studio.


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