· May 23, 2018
DeadJobAlert question

We have received a dead job alert. We want to know when occurs this, I mean, Ensemble kills a job automatically if it is consuming a lot of memory or CPU? Or is the operating system who kills the job and Ensembe detects it and alerts?

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We want to monitor an Ensemble Production and send custom email alerts in function of some Rules. For example, if we normally receive 1 message per second, if suddenly we receive 5 or more messages per second, we want to send an email alert. And if tomorrow we don't want to check this again, we want to disable it through Ensemble Business Rules.

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I have a vendor that is sending me an Abbreviation in FT1:16.4.2 that I need to look up against a table to find the correct ID for.

FT1|1|||20180523161501|20180523161503|CG|1906551^Lipid Profile|||1||||||^^^ LAB&06CL|||Z00.00||00410^Knerr^Joel||721410||30100001^Lipid Profile|

But in my Business Process when I refer to request.GetValueAt("FT1:16.4.2") its not recognizing that this field contains information. Is my syntax wrong?

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Hi All

I'm looking for the a simple-quick-easy solution to monitor a SQL table thought Ensemble.

I have a process that update a DataBase ,a scheduled task that runs every night (Not Ensemble)

In the end it updates a table (replica_status) with a new recored with two fileds: Id, DateTime

I looked around the community but didn't find an answerd case.

I'm thinking on a Task that will run a sql outboud adapter BO that checks that table and send a alert if no new record was created yesterday

is this the right approach or is there's a better solution?

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· Apr 24, 2018
Custom Purge Job

I want to create an interface specific purge job. Please let me know if there are any holes in my approach. I realize that an interface that went from HospitalAService to HospitalARouter to PracticeBOperation would require two separate executes in my example below, but I want that granularity as there are some intermediate steps in our workflows that we don't need to retain messages for.

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Routing Rule Usage -

Can we use Functions and Methods with multiple parameters and refer objects by reference as parameters inside Routing rule ?

How do we handle DB related workflows in Business Rules ?
How can we perform Response object based handling in Business Rules ?
Can we try by extending methods with Ens.Util.FunctionSet and pass in the Context object from the rule as a parameter for certain functions ?
Can we split the Business Operations into methods that can be used from the routing rules and create the message route request flow ?

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I use the InterSystems cache to implement a web services program. I receive the data sent by the other person. However, I receive the wrong text (the normal text is the question mark "??????"). The other party uses the gbk code to send Chinese. The other party cannot modify the gbk code, what should I do to receive normal Chinese text? Thank you.

I use ensemble 2010 and ensemble 2016.

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· May 10, 2018
2015.2.2 .json format

Is it possible to produce a .json format using Ensemble 2015.2.2? Not sure what the trigger will be as of yet, but we have our local Department of Health trying to develop a reporting piece using .json.

Not sure how this will work with our Ensemble instance not being in the DMZ to send outside our network, but I thought I would ask anyway to see if it is possible.


Scott Roth

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Two fairly common requests we receive from HL7 customers are (1) how to remove all trailing delimiters for fields and segments in HL7 messages and (2) how to "find and replace" for an entire HL7 message (as opposed to one segment/field at a time). The code sample below shows a custom function that solves for item 1 and by extension item 2 above. In other words the same approach can be used for finding/replacing any sequence of chars in an entire HL7 message, with some tweaks to the custom function.

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In all web services, i need to my get login and token. So with Postman, i tried to call a HTTP request where I put the login/token in the header :

I tried to get data from Http request header. The REST APi use %CSP.REST. I tried something like that :

But it didn't work..

Someone can give me some example or other method ?


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I wonder if you could help me with a problem with persistent globals and journals.

We have a few interfaces using a persistent global just to translate some codes. The use of that global is like a lookup interface calls a method that search for a field (in the message) in the global. If found, the code is translated with another field from the global.

The format of the global is something like:

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0 592

I have package mapped SYS.History but two classes in the package are giving me problems.

SYS.History.SysData and SYS.History.PerfData has an Include ( Include (%sySite, MONEXT))

When I try to open the corresponding table in SQL I get the following error

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0 817


I have a client who is considering encryption options in order to comply with a tendering requirement.

Were they to encrypt the production database then what would be a reasonable expectation forthe impact on message throughput. Or possibly more easily answered: what would be the expected impact be on I/O rate and CPU utilization. Are there any benchmarks to which could support an estimate ?

How would this compare with plan B: to use disk encryption ?


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0 482

I need to create a document with a root like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<RCMR_IN200002FI01 xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3" ITSVersion="XML_1.0">


However, the CreateDocument in %XML.Document only allows namespace as an additional argument.

I did override this method, but trying to do something like

Do document.SetAttribute("ITSVersion",,"XML_1.0") only results an empty document with the <?xml> declation only.


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· May 4, 2018
Convert HL7 to PDF

Is there anything native in Ensemble that will support converting HL7 to PDF?

I see there are numerous examples in .Net and Java for this capability.


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· May 4, 2018
How to use MS Exchange wsdl


We are trying to create a new operation wich gets a XML message and send it's contents in an email.

We've used the SOAP Wizard to generate the Proxy Classes but now we are a bit lost...

What we are trying to achieve is to Create appointments in a Outlook Calendar and send emails.

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0 355

Hi Community

I've just started developing for a new client and noticed that the View Raw Contents link isn't displayed when inspecting HL7 message contents in the Management Portal. Is the link missing due to:

1) a configuration setting?

2) a security setting?

3) a difference between installation on Unix Vs Windows?

And is there a way to turn it on?

I've trawled through the doco but haven't been able to find anything on this.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give


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I am using the EnsLib.RecordMap.Operation.BatchFileOperation to write a batch to a file but for some reason this has been working fine as of yesterday I had a problem with the cache databases filling up running out of memory so had to compact my database and gain space now when I run the operation I get the above error .Of course in my batch table there is no batch record with ID 1.The message is passed with the correct header information but still get this error any suggestions why?

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Hi, folks. I have an HL7 SIU message inbound that is missing a few fields, such as patient ID and provider ID. I insert this HL7 message and a few of the fields into a SQL database. My SQL team then runs a stored procedure to retrieve the patient ID and provider ID and insert the found values into fields in the table. I would like to then do a select from the table, load the HL7 message and add the fields that were found by the SQL stored procedure into the HL7 message. I'm attempting to use a DTL to accomplish this.

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