I am getting the date 20201121090000 in the HL7 message, How do I convert it to 2020-11-21 09:00:00 in a easy way?

I am currently doing it by extracting the first 7 values and splitting as date and time and then adding a hyphen using substring.

Is there an easier way by using $ZDATE? or something like that?

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· Sep 5, 2019
Setting up sFTP operations

So we are in the midst of setting up a bunch of sFTP operations where we will have Ensemble send files to our various customers.

My questions about the set up are these:

1) For a simple test, I set up an Operation using EnsLib.FTP.PassthroughOperation. Is this the one I should be using?

2) if the receiving system has a username and password, then all I have to do is put that username and password into a Credential and assign that credential to my operation correct?

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Good morning,

Background to task: Shut down Ensemble from a task in Task Manager.

I have a batch file that shuts down Ensemble when run as administrator. I can confirm this works, as it brings up the shutdown/restart prompt for Ensemble, however I now need to plug this into Ensemble's Task Scheduler so it can be run on-demand.

At present I am trying to use: do ^execute: %windir%\system32\cmd.exe Z:\Scripts\shutdown.lnk

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I have a ORU message, which has a EVN segment that I want to remove and send the message across.

I tried to clone the request as below:

s newreq = request.constructClone

s changreq = newreq.RemoveSegmentAt("EVN")

Set request = changereq

but it fails. Is there a way that I can safely remove a segment and pass it on?

Would appreciate your help in this



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Hi all,

We are delivering files to SFTP server using EnsLib.FTP.PassthroughOperation class and EnsLib.FTP.OutboundAdapter. But we are facing error below:

ERROR <Ens>ErrFTPPutFailed: FTP: Failed to Put file '' (msg='Error in SFTP Put('/cachesys/mgr/Temp/HC4IZVmI6w9gEw.sftp','/directory1/directory2/directory3/') ERROR #7511: SFTP Error '4': SFTP Error [80102004]: Operation Failed [80102004] at SFTP.cpp:750,0',code=0).

The SFTP settings is as follows:

Basic settings:

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· Oct 6, 2016 4m read
RESTful Exception Handling

A beginner’s guide to Exception Handling in RESTful web services. The article gives an example how the various error conditions during processing a service request can be handled.

We expect our client – server communication working in a flawless operational condition, running error free software. But we are prepared to handle exceptions. Are we? So far in the examples of the previous sessions were not. We did not care about exceptions. The result? In any error incident it took ages to figure out what the problem is and more importantly how to fix it.

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· May 16, 2016 11m read
Accelerate Ensemble

Introducing non-persistent messages. eXpert-to-eXpert


InterSystems Ensemble as a tool does a lot for the Developer. One of the nice features is the Message trace utility. It shows a message flow diagram. The diagram shows the progress of the message processing real time. You can get many-many useful information from the production. In any case, someone needs to find a bug in a production implementation, without the Message trace utility it could turn into a real nightmare.

On the other hand, keeping message “traceability” is not for free. A heavy loaded production can very quickly run out of resources just because of the house keeping functions of Ensemble. House keeping functions such as maintaining message header, log entries, message queue generates a significant load on the Caché database used by Ensemble.

This article is about to show how to force Ensemble work more for the everyday life, instead of being prepared for “any-time-debugging”.

This is an eXpert-to-eXpert article. Therefore, I assume the deep understanding of Ensemble.

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· Feb 28, 2020
SQLCODE Error -400

I have a code block in a BPL. I have the below SQL and code. All variables have been declared and set. When I run the SQL, if there are no values returned, I get 100 for the value of SQLCODE when I perform the FETCH, which is correct. If values are returned, I get a -400 error when I perform the first FETCH. I've investigated, but cannot find the reason for a -400 error. Hoping someone out here understands this and knows what's wrong.

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I am creating a BPL using the Management Portal instead of creating a custom class.

As per the documentations 'request object' contains properties those were in the original request message object or primary request and can be reference using the dot syntax.

So if the primary request was an HL7 message, i should be able to pull the value MSH:9.2 as follow

request.{MSH:9.2} and assign it to a context property

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I have built an Ensemble SOAP service (EnsLib.SoapService.Service) as a business service which accepts soap requests from another application. To secure the traffic between the SOAP service and the application i'd like to enable SSL. I see that in the management portal I can upload the certificates, chains and keys and save them as an SSL / TLS configuration. However, it is not clear to me how I apply this SSL / TLS configurtion to the soap service I am running.

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InterSystems Official
· Sep 29, 2018
InterSystems Caché and Ensemble 2018.1 Release

InterSystems is pleased to announce that InterSystems Caché and Ensemble 2018 are now released!

New in these releases are features that improve security and operations, including:

· Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) support
· Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy (VSS) integration
· Integrated Windows Authentication support for HTTP
· SSH enhancements

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· Sep 6, 2017 4m read
Polling an External REST API with Ensemble


Before we begin, I'd like to mention that I am by no means an Ensemble expert, so take this with a grain of salt and please feel free to offer any suggestions for improvement. That being said, I have enjoyed working with Ensemble and wanted to share the approach I took to poll an external REST API for patient data in the hopes that it might help others with a similar goal.

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In all web services, i need to my get login and token. So with Postman, i tried to call a HTTP request where I put the login/token in the header :

I tried to get data from Http request header. The REST APi use %CSP.REST. I tried something like that :

But it didn't work..

Someone can give me some example or other method ?


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I can't work out how to use the Cache CA Server to process certificate request from external clients!

We are setting up an interface where we use SSL/TLS 'Mutual Authentication' to allow a client system to securely transmit document to our server. (they are off-site and hosting a service for us)

I am not a security expert, but my understanding of setting up mutual authentication where my instance of ensemble is the server, and it is receiving messages from a client is as follows

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· Apr 9, 2019 3m read
IRIS/Ensemble as an ETL

IRIS and Ensemble are designed to act as an ESB/EAI. This mean they are build to process lots of small messages.

But some times, in real life we have to use them as ETL. The down side is not that they can't do so, but it can take a long time to process millions of row at once.

To improve performance, I have created a new SQLOutboundAdaptor who only works with JDBC.


Extend EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter to add batch batch and fetch support on JDBC connection.

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· Mar 31, 2017
Troubleshooting Disconnects

One of our Departments are claiming that we are loosing HL7 messages that are sent from their Vendor's system to Ensemble.

I know interfaces 101 if we have no record of the message then we never received it, however they are insisting they are sending it.

I asked them to provide the ACK's if they sent the messages but Ensemble had no corresponding Message Control ID (MSH.10) .

Currently I have the following settings...

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Hi. This about a migration of code from a DEV environment to a PROD environment.

If an (under development) business host is Enabled in DEV environment and the production class is migrated across environments, this means that the Enabled status of the same business host in PROD would also become enabled (even if it may have been disabled before the update)

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A file-based business service uses a local path on a Linux machine that is actually a mounted CIFS share. The mount is "soft" and is designed to not cache data, etc. There are times however when the remote system offering up the share (it's a Windows machine I believe) gets bounced or otherwise hung up the business service in the Ensemble production just hangs.

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