We have multiple interfaces to Epic. We currently have the IP address set to epicsup. We now want to update all of the interfaces with this IP addresses to epictst. Is there a method to do this?

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0 185

Hi All,

i have a issue in getting the complete file path when using the FTP Adapter in service.
EnsLib.FTP.PassthroughService / EnsLib.FTP.InboundAdapter

I need to know the folder name (including sub folder) where the new file is found by the service when looking up for new files.
The normal file class is working good as expected

More details below,

In the below two examples you can notice folder name is fetched by normal File adapter, but in FTP only the file name is available.

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0 402

I have a service named FTP_In that is of class EnsLib.HL7.Service.FTPService. It picks up files from multiple subfolders and sends them to an EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine. What I want to do is somehow capture the subfolder as a variable for use in the routing rules. Is this possible?

Let's say I have the following files and directory structure on my FTP Server

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0 542
· Aug 3, 2020

Hi, I want to INSERT a customerID and customerName to a table if the customerID does not exist. Or UPDATE if they've changed their name.
I've reviewed the documentation (https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls?KEY=RS...) and have confused myself with the INSERT OR UPDATE statement. Rather than using two individual statements , is there a way to get it in one?

What I have at the moment doesn't do anything. In fact it errors.

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0 441

Hi, I'm still very much new at Ensemble DTL. I am trying to set up an algorithm that requires loading fields from an OBX into an Array. I don't think that I know how to iterate through the OBXs. I know that there is a "for loop", that I will try to play with, but in the mean time, could someone tell me what is wrong with the following?

For example the code below works when I hard code the number 1 in OBXgrp(1)

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0 450

An error occured when HS.IHE.XDSb.Registry.Operations on the BUS sends query request to the registry. The error is

Error 6242: HTTP request to SOAP webservice returned unexpected status: 403.

Any thoughts as to why? The settings on the components haven't changed. The process worked a few days ago.

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0 761


I've added a REST service which worked fine on our test system but failed on the production environment because UnknownUser does not have %All set and I really don't want it set on production (in fact I've also switched it off on test).

Is there a way to allow a single REST service to have unauthorised access?

I was thinking adding a resource/role to UnknownUser specifically for that service but I've never touched on Users/Roles/Resources so I'm struggling to work out what needs adding where.


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0 258

My custom Business Operation typically creates a Ens.StringResponse with StringValue which is sent back to my custom Business Service. Is there a way I can use the assign, or some way, in Rule Editor in a Business Process (EnsLib.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine) so that it can send back a Ens.StringResponse with a StringValue to the Business Service when not routing the message to any operation?

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0 218

I am having difficulties with using the ..Strip() function in my DTL to strip the slash ( / ) from the phone number portion of an x12 834. There are very few records that have the slash in the phone number, so I am trying to filter out any characters other than numbers so that all phone numbers are formatted 1112223333.

Here is the code portion of the strip:

Set HomePhone ..Strip(source.{loop2000(k1).loop2100A.PER:CommunicationNumber},"*AW","-()/").

I am then checking the length of HomePhone.

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0 306
· Feb 21, 2018
HL7 segment query using SQL

I'm trying to get a count of specific message type with a specific entry and thought I could build the query in Message Viewer but this does not provide counts (as far as I am aware). So when I take the SQL from 'Show Query' it omits the segment criteria as the code shows below.

I have attached the criteria that has been excluded. Is this possible?

Thank you

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0 1.4K

I want to write the values that are stored in an array into the OBX 5 field. The text in MyArray(1) will go in the the first OBX 5 field. Then the text in MyArray(2) will populate the next OBX 5 field.

My question is how do you format the Set > Action Tab > Value entry so that it pulls the data from MyArray(source.{PIDgrpgrp().ORCgrp().OBXgrp().OBX:SetIDOBX})

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0 259
· Jul 24, 2020
Uptime reports for Ensemble HL7

Good morning all,

Could we please get some insight on what is possible (or what other organizations may be using) for tracking uptime for our HL7 engine? We can use Activity Tracking to show how many messages went through, but are there any good canned reports (or queries) about the number of message failures or the amount of time that an interface was down?

We are using alerting to the team to know about not getting messages or if messages failed. Has anyone created a report or dashboard against the Ens.Alert table or would you recommend elsewhere?

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0 231


Can anyone point me to an example of a DTL & Class method that can pull a base64 encoded PDF out of a MDMT02 message?

This is really asking for two things;

- how to make a DTL that extracts a specific subfield of an HL7 2.3 message into a message of its own,


- how to transform an base64 encoded document into its original binary form for writing to a file.

I'd also love to see an example of an HL7 2.n MDM^T02 ==> HL73.ITK2 non-coded CDA

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1 3.5K
· Jul 16, 2020
Ensemble namespace permission


I am attempting to set up a security role for our support team so they can have read access to the production and messages.

I have given the role RW rights on the resource associated with the database. However, when I log into Management Portal and select "Ensemble", the "Available Ensemble namespaces" list is empty.

What permissions do i need to set to be able to navigate to the production?

Thanks in advance,



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· Jul 6, 2020
Ensemble does not start

Hi Team,

When I tried to open ensemble in my system I got bellow error.

I have done lots of code in my local system but now not able to open the ensemble.

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We would need to know the Ens.Response SourceConfigName to identify which Operation has raised an exception.

We have tried:

$$$LOGINFO("..%Process.%PrimaryResponseHeader.SourceConfigName..: "_..%Process.%PrimaryResponseHeader.SourceConfigName) //It outputs an empty string
$$$LOGINFO("response.SourceConfigName: "_response.SourceConfigName) //It generates an exception

We would need to get from an Ens.Response which body is null, its SourceConfigName:

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0 308

Been cleaning up our production 2017.1 instance of Health Connect in preparation to a move to Health Connect 2020.1 (on IRIS!)

One thing I have found I we have built up a number of old classes and other configuration files.

It would be nice to start on the new server with a clean slate.

Is there any way to identify classes that haven't been used for a long time so they can be reviewed and removed?

Kind regards,


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1 350


Business Rules can define a context object, whose properties are exposed and used in the expressions of the rules. For example, my context object is an object with 3 properties. PropA, PropB and PropC.

When constructing my rules, I can call a custom function, and I have one I built myself called 'myFunction' which takes arguments and I pass in properties of my context object. (I can pass in the value of the context object's PropA, B or C).

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0 301

Hey everyone.

I have a use case where I need to write files to a handful of locations, and 2-3 subfolders in each location.

My plan was to extend EnsLib.File.PassthroughOperation and then pass that operation the file and the subfolder details, and then have an operation per destination.

Has anyone done anything similar and can highlight any pitfalls I may be about to make?

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0 220

I need to set and use some context variables in a transformation (written in DTL), but the code is manually written.

When writing the same as BPL I define context variables and they are visible in transformations called by that process.

In something like this my.DTLtransform sets HL7 message fields to values in context variables:

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1 629

While I am not new to HL7, I am very new to Ensemble.

We have a request to change the order in which the Addenda segments are sent to the client. Right now, the global setting of the Lab system is to send the newest addenda at the top of the report, then the next oldest, and so on until we get to the final report:

OBX|1|||*****Addendum 3****
OBX|2|||text 3
OBX|3|||*****Addendum 2****
OBX|4|||text 2
OBX|5|||*****Addendum 1****
OBX|6|||text 1
OBX|8|||final text

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