Hi, I am facing below error while sending the data from one namespace to another namespace.

ERROR <Ens>ErrFailureTimeout: FailureTimeout of 15 seconds exceeded in EnsLib.TCP.PassthroughOperation; status from last attempt was ERROR <Ens>ErrOutConnectionLost: Lost TCP Counted Read connection to xx.xxxx.xxs- detected via ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <READ>zReadCountedStream+10 ^EnsLib.TCP.CountedCommon.1|Block Count -- logged as '-'
number - @'
Else { Read tLenStr#4:pStartTimeout Set tTimedOut = '$Test }'

0 3
0 288
· Jun 2, 2017
Decoding Base64 PDF File

Hello, I am writing some cache code that will pick up a PDF file, Base64 encode the contents and then send on to a third party system within a Long String (via their API). I have been testing this and discovered that the PDFs do not open within the supplier system (I get an error saying that it hasn't been decoded correctly). I wanted to prove that the issue does not lie with the way that I have Base64 encoded it within Ensemble, and therefore as a test wanted to Encode the PDF stream, then decode the stream and write out to a new file.

0 13
0 5.9K

InterSystems has corrected an issue that can cause InterSystems IRIS® and Caché to not take advantage of large pages for shared memory on Windows, even though these products report that large pages are allocated. This can have detrimental effects on system performance.

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0 387

This error I am getting when I am updating cache.dat file:

02/13/23-22:38:11:880 (3444) 3 Error: ERROR #5002: Cache error: <FUNCTION>LoadDLLs+27^STU - Shutting down the system.

This error I am getting whenever I am compiling any of my production or compiling Enslib.HL7.Adapter.TCPOutboundAdapter

#5002: Cache error: <SUBSCRIPT>ConstructCompileTree+72^%occInherit ^oddCOM("")

Can anyone help me with this ?

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0 164
· Jan 26, 2021
How to stop task planning

How to stop a task plan when it starts incorrectly and continues to execute due to disk space and other reasons, which may cause system failure

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0 474

Listen to CEO George James chat with Derek Robinson, host of the InterSystems DataPoints podcast talk about source control, developer tools and how our solutions are beneficial for InterSystems IRIS users.


In this short 17 minute episode, George and Derek discuss our work with developer tools, and how choosing the right source control can provide users with a seamless solution - which is why Deltanji is seen as the go-to source control for InterSystems IRIS users.

Listen now on the InterSystems website > https://bit.ly/3Jp5py5
or wherever you get your podcasts - just search for 'InterSystems DataPoints'.

3 0
0 172

Mirroring 101

Caché mirroring is a reliable, inexpensive, and easy to implement high availability and disaster recovery solution for Caché and Ensemble-based applications. Mirroring provides automatic failover under a broad range of planned and unplanned outage scenarios, with application recovery time typically limited to seconds. Logical data replication eliminates storage as a single point of failure and a source of data corruption. Upgrades can be executed with little or no downtime.

9 22
2 7.3K

Usualy, if you want to deploy a solution, you need to add the items, configure your lookup tables and default configuration manually.
It's okay if you have all the permissions and privileges to perform these actions. If you want to deploy to a client's production server, and you don't have the permissions, you need to indicate in a document ALL the steps that the deployment manager has to perform.

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0 248
· Nov 14, 2022
SSL Configuration for Gmail

Hi Community,

I am configuring new SSL Configuration for Gmail (For sending errors to gmail in ensemble production) by following the below steps.


Step2:Giving the server address smtp.gmail.com

Step3:Giving the port number , I have tried giving 465,587,25 as port number still is not connecting

Can anyone please tell me where i am doing wrong on configuration?



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0 674
· Jan 16, 2023
File system Max size

Hi Guys,

we are having a problem with the Cache.dat file is not expanding anymore since it has reached 2.2TB, we still have extra 260Gb of free disk space in our drive but for some reason it's raising a FILEFULL which is a result or the database not able to expand.

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0 495
· Jan 25, 2018
List of Business Services

Is there a way to get the list of Business Services from a command line call? We are trying to see if there is a way we can automate bring down our Inbound Business Services during a fail over.


Scott Roth

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

0 12
0 777
· Jan 26, 2023
Tablepane Navigation

Hi Guys

The navigation by default returns the Total records, how can I change that or allow the navigator to only show the number of records in the current page, or is there a property of Tablepane that returns the current page records No?


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0 140

We are upgrading from Health Connect 2018.1.3 to IRIS Health Connect 2022.1, and one thing that we are particularly hesitant about is if our Business Rules will work in the new version.

I am trying to come up with a testing process for bulk testing our rules, and wanted to know if this could be done programmatically instead of having to modify all the Business Operations to have them write the HL7 data to a file. I caught Orlando Health's presentation at GS2022 but I am not sure that will work for my team.

1 10
3 610

Hi guys,
I've setup an FTP passthrough service and operation to move two files from one SFTP server to another.
The files are moved and i can confirm with filezila that the whole operation went well.
However, i need to raise errors and send email if one the sftp servers is down for whatever reason, and if the trasnfer didn't go well.
I ticked the alert on error box for the passthrough BS and BO and the errors are indeed forwraded to an alert management system. I have real problems with the check on the SFTP servers.

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0 509

Hi Community,

I have created a HL7 production in my working environment, Ens.Alert ,EMailAlert, PagerAlert, and BadMessageHandler are created.

Can anyone explain how Ens.Alert and BadMessageHandler will work when an HL7 message in Passed in Business service and how these 2 are related when any error occurs in the Production envinorment?

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0 212

This article will describe and include an example of how to embed an external PDF file into an HL7 segment, specifically ADT_A01:2.3.1 OBX(). This can be useful when attempting to insert pictures or other external data into an HL7 message. In this example, the name of the PDF file to be embedded is provided in the incoming HL7 message in OBX(1):ObservationValue field.

12 4
5 14.7K

Hi community,

I am working on Converting Non HL7 message (Using record maps) into HL7 message.

1.Can anyone share few details how to save Non HL7 message into SQL table and the converted HL7 message into SQL table

2.In Message Viewer is there any SQL tables are linked to the session id or where the information regarding the message will be stored? Will the message trace details are stored in globals or in SQL table,If yes can anyone share the details in which tables or globals will it be stored?

0 2
0 335

Hi everyone.

I have a use case where I'm using embedded SQL within a Business Process to interact with a SQL table. However, when it comes to deployment into our production, the table wont form part of the deployment package created from the production.

Beyond manually creating the table on the production system, is there a standard way of ensuring that a table needed for a class is created during deployment?

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0 159