Suppose I have an image and need to convert that image into a PDF for inclusion in an HL7.

I know that Zen Reports can display an image in a PDF but I do not want to view the image in a web page. I just need to convert the image to PDF in a Process and then include that PDF in an HL7. The workflow would be like this:

Get image -> Convert image into PDF -> Include PDF in HL7 OBX.

I know how to do the last part to include PDF in HL7 OBX. Just need ideas on the first part.

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1) What's the correct way to check for an existence of a segment? So far I have been doing this by checking to see if a required field is non-null, and this seems to work but is a bit clumsy. In this case, it’s an X12 message being checked in an IF action in BPL:


Or in a DTL, to see if a Z segment exists:


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With help from others here I had developed some code to take a Base64 PDF within a OBX.5 and save it locally to the file structure on the server.

I had to make a change to the code to return me a String so I can pass the Path back into Ensemble to use it in the message. When I made this change I am getting " ERROR #5034: Invalid status code structure ("/ensemble/data/transfer/AncillaryPDF/TMSAUDIO/Apr-11-1/980512729TMSAUDIO1046784936436537800.pdf")"

Here is the code...

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I created a DTL to do HL7 mapping. The test function in the tools works the DTL perfectly but when used by the rule in my business process, the OBX segments are stripped and the MRN is gone. The assigning authority and ID type are added into the PID but the actual patient MRN is blank (3.1 value).

Here is the source code.

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I have an EMR sending double quotes "" as the value. How do I write criteria to find this match in a DTL?


source.{PV1:DischargeDateTime()}="""" didn't work

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0 709

I am working on creating a DTL that can replace OBX segment with a string formatted NTE segment . There is a class ImportFromString but it looks like that is not replacing the target message with the new formatted NTE. I do see target.setvalueat class but I wanted the transformer to not be scheme base.

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GT1|1|1|Test^Test||123 Building^123 Building^Brooklyn^NY^11220^United States^^^Kings|^PRN^PH^^^^^^^^^(111) 111-1111~^PRN^CP^^^^^^^^^(222) 222-2222|||""|IN|DGH^Daughter

I'm trying to clear the phone number completely.

Remove target.{GT1(1):GuarantorPhNumHome()} still gives me _~_

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0 429

Hi all,

We have a big problem with spanish accent and special characters using Data Transformation (HL7 Messages).

We have some DT to transform HL7 messages to other type (OUL^R22 To OML^O21) so it copys the PID segment to the new one, but if in the PatienName field has any special character, the transformation stops and it not continues with the transformation.

This is the message

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I want to set the value in the second field of OBX-5, or OBX-5-2. My schema is not broken down to that granular level, so I can't just click OBX-5-2 to populate it. I tried a few variations without success.




Any ideas?

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I have an Ensemble DTL which is suppose to translate the inbound XML document to an outbound XML document.

I need to test if a particular XML element exists, to perform some translation.

In the DTL I have the following,

<if condition='source.{element1.element2.element3}'>


    // do something



How do you use if statement to test the source XML document to see if a particular element exists in the source doucment.


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· Oct 10, 2016
Telepath PMEP File

Hello All,

Does anyone have a specification for Telepath PMEP file formats?

They look like this

01|XXX|005|MIC|XXX Microbiology & Mycology|123456|25.08.16 15:06|
03|F|SURNAME|FORNAME|111222333|MRN1|01.01.1950|52 Some Lane|Somewhere|||AA11 1AB|MRN1|01.01.1950

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0 424

Hi All

I have a BP which has a transformation.

when I run the process I end up with the following error:


ERROR <Ens>ErrBPTerminated: Terminating BP Propirion.BP.GetServices # due to error: ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Object is immutable
ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Object is immutable


I have created a context named : HL7Message type of: EnsLib.HL7.Message and in the start of the BP assigned the request to it (using set in assigned activity)

What did I miss ?



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Is there an out-of-the-box or accepted standard method for loading up mappings between different code sets and then referencing these mappings (both directions) from DTL? First thought was the built in Lookup() and corresponding data tables but these only work in one direction (key -> value) and not the reverse. Obviously I can build my own classes to support a two way mapping but am wondering if there's a standard way of achieving this. The mapping should contain the code and display name from each of the code sets and allow mapping based on either code or display name.


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Hello Community,

I am trying to create a simple Ensemble DTL transform using the GUI. In order to test something very simple, I have created a transform that does nothing.

I'm using test data from here:

It's a very small test 835 file.

My transform looks like this in the compiled class:

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Does anyone have a sample that demonstrates how to use the Data Transformation option create='existing', in order to update an existing object by its ID? My use-case is that I have an HL7 message coming in which contains data on a patient that may or may not already exist in a (non-HL7) table. I want to use the PatientID from the (source) HL7 message, check if that patient exists in the (target) object, and if so, insert some new data into the existing patient, or if not, create a new patient.

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I am trying to use data transformation (DTL) to map a JSON to SDA. My elements in the source JSON is not one to one with SDA object. That means I have to add code to loop through these objects in order to complete the mapping. Can someone send me a sample that can look to create that? I am not very comfortable with scripting language used in Health Share. Appreciate your help.



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We are receiving XML documents and storing them. When we click to go into the clinician portal and again to view a patient, we can see the documents but none of the data is mapped to their respective buckets, i.e. allergies or medications.

I am thinking that I need to build an XSLT parser and change the format to SDA3, is this an appropriate approach? Or would using the Data Transformation (Ensemble -> Build -> Data Transformation) be a better idea? Lastly, if the XSLT idea is preferred, where would I call it within the stack?

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What would be the preferred method to create an HL7 message from an input that is not HL7?

Would it be better to take the non-HL7 input and construct an HL7 message in the business service that then gets passed off to a routing process, or would it be best to just pass the non HL7 message to a routing process that called a data transformation to create the HL7 message?

My thought is the later, due to the fact that updates to the creation of the HL7 message are done using the graphical DTL editor rather than editing COS in the service.

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I installed Atelier on Windows in order to take a look at how the BPL and DTL graphical editors accessible via the "Open diagram editor" action work. The diagram editor is opened but I get the following error:

Message from webpage
Unable to load SVG diagram. Please ensure your browser is supported for portal access.

It looks like Atelier uses IE in order to display the editor even though my Windows default browser is Chrome.

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· Apr 22, 2016

Hi this is my first post, so a little about my background. I've been programming in PHP/JavaScript for about 10 years.
I've got quite a bit of knowledge surrounding object orientated programming and know the basics.

Last year I looked into the Mirth integration engine and did some work around that.

I've now moved jobs and I'm doing some work (surprise, surprise) with Ensemble.

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· Sep 28, 2015 1m read

Ensemble is based on message flow, and a data transformation is a way to convert from one message type to another. DTL (Data Transformation Language) adds a layer to this - it provides a graphical way to do the conversion. This is really helpful because most of the time, people with domain-specific knowledge may not have extensive coding skills. However, you always have the ability to do some coding, so if you need or want to, this is available.

DTL has several components: the data transformation engine, the language itself, and the DTL editor.

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