It looks like the logged in homepage is missing some elements.

- Masthead image with info about Global Summit

- Announcements - I thought items from the announcment group would be on the home page (seems logical important announcments on the homepage?)

There just seems to be some random posts on the home page. What filter put them on my homepage?

It is not newest based on the timedate stamp.

It is not based on groups or tags.

It is not based on the number of comments

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· Apr 14, 2016 1m read
[request] a more compact index

I would really like to see (an option for) a more compact index of posts. The current index layout makes me feel like a) there's not much content on the site and b) I have to look harder to get an idea of what's going on. I feel like I'm forced to read each post instead of just glancing over a "list" of posts.

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· Oct 11, 2016
Modify search feature

I am unsure why but the search feature does not allow you to begin your search with a period, please have this modified.

For example, I was not able to search for ".obj".

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Typically the thumbsup/thumbsdown icons are grayed out until you vote for one. Then it is either red or green depending on which you selected. I like this behavior. However, on my own posts, the ones I cannot vote for, the indicators are both colored. Since the visual queue has already been established that this indicates a selected vote, I think this should be changed. Perhaps, since we cannot vote on our own posts, completely hide them.

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· Jan 20, 2016
Chasing the footer

When I am looking at the list of posts in a community (or is it a group? If so what is the difference?)

There is a footer that is constantly falling off the bottom of the page after I scroll down.

This is due to the load and show more posts when I scroll to the bottom functionality (not the best UX)

Is there anyway to stop the footer from running away all the time?

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as described in How to post an article from Word or Google Docs, you can use the Paste from Word button to paste content you have copied from a Word or Google Docs document into a Developer Community post.

this worked well for me pasting from Word 10 documents, and retained most (though not all) of my Word formatting. i did have one problem, however, and wanted to pass on my workaround.

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Since we have a way to see 'Unanswered' questions now, there are a couple of things that jumped out at me. Not sure if I am missing how to do these or if they need to be added to the future enhancements list:

1) It looks like a lot of people 'Comment' on a Question rather than providing an Answer. This means that there are many questions listed as unanswered where the answer actually lies in a Comment (but noone has submitted a formal Answer). Is there some way to tag a Comment as the Answer?

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@Mike Kadow and I are both having this issue.

When editing a post and trying to insert a link, I use the Internal link type to link to a different post. I am able to search for the page and get the page name to show up in the dialog box, but then the "ok" button is non-responsive. I can cancel properly. If I change the link type to URL and paste in the full URL of the page, I can click "ok" and it will save the link.

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I went to

I noticed there were some very old dates listed.

What are these dates? Is it the date of the latest post? the date the group was created(not useful)?

Why is the community manager (with out a pic) listed above each of the groups (creator of the group )?

Listing the creator of the group and how longago it was created is not useful information. More useful info is the date of the last post.

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We can change to this mode of UI in the Create New Post that I think makes the tag usage easier. There's help text under the window in this screen shot and it will contain instructions on the use of tagging, the benefits and also a link to a standing post to request new tags. I think this method of operation will allow us to add many more tags without making them burdensome to navigate.


Not quite sure how to connect groups to tags in this UI but that might be the next step.

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Hi, Community!

We are fixing groups, tags and message types for the several last year's postings.

So that's why you are getting "strange" notifications now with no any new comment.

As a result, you'll get better tagging and for the DC articles and questions.

Anyway, you can turn off the "OnUpdate" notifications as it is described here.

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