go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 4 I think you just confusing $listbuild with list in BPL context. In BPL when you define it as List Collection, it will use class %Collection.ListOfDT, or in case of array it will be %Collection.ArrayOfDT That means, that you should use if 'context.Facilities.Find(##class(Ens.Rule.FunctionSet).SubString(context.EpicDepartmentID,1,4)) { do context.Facilities.Insert(##class(Ens.Rule.FunctionSet).SubString(context.EpicDepartmentID,1,4)) }
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 4 The support for NodeJS in IRIS is quite primitive and limited to only native functions, globals, methods, no SQL check in IRIS folder, what do you have installed with IRIS for nodejs I don't have windows, only docker, and in my case /usr/irissys/bin/iris1200.node /usr/irissys/bin/iris800.node /usr/irissys/bin/iris1600.node /usr/irissys/bin/iris1400.node /usr/irissys/bin/iris1000.node /usr/irissys/dev/nodejs/intersystems-iris-native/bin/lnxubuntuarm64/irisnative.node If you want to use IRIS SQL from nodejs, you can try my package, which you can install with npm npm install intersystems-iris const { IRIS } = require("intersystems-iris"); async function main() { const db = new IRIS('localhost', 1972, 'USER', '_SYSTEM', 'SYS') console.log('connected') let res = await db.sql("select 1 one, 2 two") console.log(res.rows); await db.close() } main() It's quite simple at the moment, only supports SQL with no parameters, but should work I believe
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 4 I'm not familiar with HL7 processing, but I suppose should be like this foreach(<field>) { set $list(list, * + 1) = <field> } if you need to create list, than $list on the left side, with *+1 as position, to add to this list, and the right side, any value you would like to add to the list
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 4 USER>kill list for i=1:1:10 { set $list(list, *+1) = i } zw list list=$lb(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) Is this what you're after?
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 3 or do GenerateEmbedded do $system.OBJ.GenerateEmbedded("*") Which can help to discover hidden issues, like when some old SQL does not compile anymore (real case).
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 3 if you happened to install the official python driver, it could mess here.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Feb 27 Awesome, thanks for using sqlalchemy-iris btw, in case when you run it inside IRIS, you can use python embedded mode, this way engine = create_engine('iris+emb:///USER')
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Feb 26 Studio is already deprecated and works only on Windows Accessing the management portal depends on how you installed IRIS and which version you used. Your installation may not have private web server installed, and you would need to install any webserver yourself. run command: iris list it will output something like this Configuration 'IRIS' (default) directory: /usr/irissys versionid: 2025.1.0L.172.0com datadir: /usr/irissys conf file: iris.cpf (WebServer port = 52773) status: running, since Sat Feb 15 06:34:51 2025 SuperServers: 1972 state: ok product: InterSystems IRIS Here is WebServer port is what are you looking for, and the full URL will be http://localhost:52773/csp/sys/UtilHome.csp If you don't have a private web server, check documentation, on how to configure separate web server
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Feb 24 Yes, looks like it's solved now, pulled again and got 2025.1 now
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Feb 23 Tried to check 2025.1, but did not find it $ docker inspect --format '{{ index .Config.Labels "com.intersystems.platform-version" }}' containers.intersystems.com/intersystems/iris:latest-{em,cd,preview} 2024.1.3.456.0 2024. 2024.1.3.456.0 For some reason, the preview points to em version, why so? For the community edition, $ docker inspect --format '{{ index .Config.Labels "com.intersystems.platform-version" }}' containers.intersystems.com/intersystems/iris-community:latest-{em,cd,preview} 2024.1.2.398.0com 2024. 2025. At least here it is 2025.1 version but, I've noticed that em version now not the same as for enterprise edition Anyway, where is 2025.1 for the Enterprise version? The community edition is too limited to check everything on it. The post is two months old at this point, but it's not available.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Feb 20 if you are using the community edition, this is most probably related to the amount of connection used. try on enterprise version
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Feb 15 I'm curious why would you need it, are there any issues when working via shared memory? As already mentioned, you have some options, use a different host, or use DriverParameters SharedMemory Optional. Boolean indicating whether or not to always use shared memory for localhost and Default = null. See IRISDataSource methods getSharedMemory() and setSharedMemory(). Also see “Shared Memory Connections”. For instance, in DBeaver it may look like this, if there is no SharedMemory option visible, you still can add it manually
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Jan 15 USER>zw [1,2,3].addAll([4,5,6]) [1,2,3,4,5,6] ; <DYNAMIC ARRAY> USER>w $zv IRIS for UNIX (Ubuntu Server LTS for ARM64 Containers) 2024.1
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Dec 17, 2024 Where do you see the error with ISC.FeatureTracker.SSL.Config? There is nothing in the code example, that would point to using it. Why would you even use it anyway, and the error says, that this config is not enabled, you can check it here
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Nov 12, 2024 Usually build is happening in one thread, and you would not see this error even with unlicensed version And this error means, that you have multiple processes trying to connect to IRIS during the build And even using Community Edition may not help, because it has a limit on connections, and you may face the same issue there too. In some scenarios, it's possible to use multi stage building process, where you can use Community Edition image as a building stage, and target image without starting IRIS or with using only one connection, finish the build. You can check multi-stage way with Community, or use iris.key during build stage
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 14, 2024 as long as those processes do not load the same files, it's safe, it uses locks per loaded item
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 8, 2024 It depends on how much non-unicode data you have. If it's not much, you can try to use XML way. Another way, is to use some simple scripts, that order over all globals, and convert in place. Skipping indexes, with full rebuild. I think there were multiple solutions, to this task. You can try to find them. You have to collect as much as possible about your data. Code, is it in 8-bit or not, or it's just all in English, some code may contain comments in a native language, and if you don't use git or other source control, you may need to convert too Data, is it some legacy data, or class based. If native, is it delimiter based or same as classes with $listbuild. Two different strategies in this case, data with some plain delimiter can be converted right away, $listbuild based data, would require to go through $listbuild Any additional data. Some legacy applications may store additional information such as TUI/CHUI forms in pseudographics somewhere, you should look after this data as well Any other possible sources 8-bit data Communication, file-processing, can be changed The last time I implemented a converter for 20+ years old application, more than 15 years ago, it was an application with textual terminal interface, and it went well.