· Oct 11, 2016
Modify search summary view

Would it be possible to include more lines, and maybe even replace line breaks with a space, to allow you to view the posts that are made more efficiently?

For example, I clicked on Caché and noticed that almost everyone began with "Hi", which ended up not really allowing you to review any of the posts before diving deeper.

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Suppose I find a post that seems really useful, and that I expect to want to return to in the future. I click on the star to favorite it (giving the author some kudos). But later there's a lot of commenting on it that I don't care about. Can I keep it as a favorite but unsubscribe from updates? Or should I resort to browser bookmarking?

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Why isn't the develoepr community contest post on the home page? Can you make it "sticky" to the homepage?

What happens if there is some urgent/important announcment you need everyone to see? Can you sticky a post to the homepage top? maybe create a section (main area or right side) that the admin can stick important posts for everyone to see?

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Hi, Community!

We want to introduce tag Tips & tricks.

It's not a snippet sometimes, but some small piece of best practice and useful experience.

Please vote if you think it makes sense and we need this tag and we'll introduce it as the first level tag in taxonomy.

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Early on in my use of DC I think I marked a couple of things as favorites. On the right-hand side of the DC listings I have this:

The first entry links to a post by Bill McCormick. The second links to the Field Tests group.

Is there a way for me to remove these entries? Or are they a remnant of some DC feature that has been superseded?

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I noticed the system displays an age for each post.

Can it display the actual creation timedate stamp instead?

(Maybe this is a display option set on an individual account setting?)

Can we add the timedate stamp of the last edit so it is clear that the post was changed?

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I think DC would be a great area to get feedback from current or future users of our technology about what new features they would like to see in our products and let them vote the different proposals. Open discussions/suggestions with no commitment on IS side to be done but sure there would be lot of good ideas to consider by our product managers and development.

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· Mar 18, 2016 1m read
Too easy to lose a post I wrote

Here's the scenario. I write a post, click the Publish button to post it, but overlook the fact that because I didn't add a tag I'm still on the same page. The pink area highlighting what I forgot to fill in is out of sight at the bottom of the page. I carelessly navigate away (e.g. back button, or DC app tabs). There's no warning, and I've lost what I wrote.

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While comment content appears to be sent in subscription emails, new posts do not. E.g.:


| Greetings, Benjamin Spead.

| Your subscriptions on InterSystems Developer Community notify you of

| the following changes since the previous digest:

===================================================== 1 of 1 (new)

| Author: Benjamin DeBoe

| Title: How to increase the timeout for ZEN refreshContents() ?

| Tags: Web Development, ZEN


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