[DCE-96] - Show views counter for the post
[DCE-97] - Clean up My Collaborations and My Content
[DCE-108] - Remove Find Menu
[DCE-109] - Search page - fix Categories dropdown, remove internal naming
[DCE-110] - Add warning to comments, answers and posts when page is dirty and you move off-page
[DCE-111] - Developer Synchronization: Copy global-summit-2016 view

[DCE-93] - Post author and date messaging is wrong on Post Detail Page
[DCE-112] - Improve Tag Selection - Handle Special Characters

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Option 1:
Groups are renamed "Forums". They are segregated and have their own sets of tags. If I'm viewing "Ensemble" and I click "Create a Post", it is posted in that forum. I must tag the post with one or more tags from that forum, "Business Service", "Production", "DTD", etc. Tags can be assigned to multiple forums. I am never prompted to choose a "group"/forum. It's based on the context I was viewing.
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We can change to this mode of UI in the Create New Post that I think makes the tag usage easier. There's help text under the window in this screen shot and it will contain instructions on the use of tagging, the benefits and also a link to a standing post to request new tags. I think this method of operation will allow us to add many more tags without making them burdensome to navigate.


Not quite sure how to connect groups to tags in this UI but that might be the next step.

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· Mar 18, 2016 1m read
Too easy to lose a post I wrote

Here's the scenario. I write a post, click the Publish button to post it, but overlook the fact that because I didn't add a tag I'm still on the same page. The pink area highlighting what I forgot to fill in is out of sight at the bottom of the page. I carelessly navigate away (e.g. back button, or DC app tabs). There's no warning, and I've lost what I wrote.

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· Mar 17, 2016 1m read

This latest update was a huge stride in making the community usable. I think you fixed almost all of the major usage gripes I had and it's looking great!

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We will soon be implementing a filter that will remove Developer Community feedback from the home page. Please keep the suggestions and comments coming.

You can still access the feedback from the "Browse by Group" section on the home page by clicking on the Developer Community Feedback link.

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Since it took me a while to find the correct place to reply to a specific comment and not the post itself, I thought I'd make this observation an 'improvement request'.

Currently a comment has only the small grey arrow at the bottom, next to the 'favorite' button. The 'favorite' button has color and text which make it way more prominent. The 'reply' button on the other hand is gray and has no text. It's easy to miss.

I suggest adding at least text and perhaps also some color to the 'reply' button to make it stand out more. Even a tooltip would be useful.

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It looks like the logged in homepage is missing some elements.

- Masthead image with info about Global Summit

- Announcements - I thought items from the announcment group would be on the home page (seems logical important announcments on the homepage?)

There just seems to be some random posts on the home page. What filter put them on my homepage?

It is not newest based on the timedate stamp.

It is not based on groups or tags.

It is not based on the number of comments

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· Feb 10, 2016
Responsive Design broken

Hi! I know that we have a layout for mobile devices, but it's broken on the pages with code snippets and another unfixed width content. Screenshots are attached.

I found that overflow property has 'auto' value, but the width (and max-width) property doesn't set for <pre>. Could you set max-width property for pre and other elements?

For example, these modified styles work fine for me on any screens for <pre> and <img> (with your media queries):

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Whatever the current login cookie expiration is set at is too short. I consistently have to log back seemingly every time I visit, even if I visit daily.

Contrast this with, say, my Gmail login, which lasts for weeks or months at least.

Worse, when I go to a topic but am not logged in and want to comment, logging in takes me to community.intersystems.com, not back to the topic.

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· Jan 19, 2016
Announcements on homepage?

Should items in the announcement group be shown on the homepage?

It would seem if there was an announcement (like the field test or Global Summit) it show up some where on everyones home page.

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· Jan 20, 2016
Chasing the footer

When I am looking at the list of posts in a community (or is it a group? If so what is the difference?)


There is a footer that is constantly falling off the bottom of the page after I scroll down.

This is due to the load and show more posts when I scroll to the bottom functionality (not the best UX)

Is there anyway to stop the footer from running away all the time?

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I went to


I noticed there were some very old dates listed.

What are these dates? Is it the date of the latest post? the date the group was created(not useful)?

Why is the community manager (with out a pic) listed above each of the groups (creator of the group )?

Listing the creator of the group and how longago it was created is not useful information. More useful info is the date of the last post.

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