· Nov 1, 2016
How do I decline an answer?

I posted a question and someone replied with a comment.
This comment was marked as an answer, but the comment does not actually answer the question.

How do I tell the system that the comment is not actually an answer and should not be marked as answered?

Can the original post author decline an answer? What is the answer is incorrect?

Can the community vote on the best answer (like on other popular discussion boards)?

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· Feb 10, 2016
Responsive Design broken

Hi! I know that we have a layout for mobile devices, but it's broken on the pages with code snippets and another unfixed width content. Screenshots are attached.

I found that overflow property has 'auto' value, but the width (and max-width) property doesn't set for <pre>. Could you set max-width property for pre and other elements?

For example, these modified styles work fine for me on any screens for <pre> and <img> (with your media queries):

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Most of my comments/contributions are personal, not reflecting the point-of-view of my current client. My WRC account is normally 'connected' with my clients email domain (e.g.

I would like to set a personal account for DC so I can receive the digests in my own email box.

More sophisticated, I would like to use more then one email per account where I can specify on which address I want to receive DC digests

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I've "favorited" several communites (the Ensemble community, for example). I assumed that since Ensemble shows up in my subscriptions I would receive emails when there was activity in that group. My settings are the defaults: hourly, on updates, on comments. Perhaps, I'm going about this the wrong way, but I would like to be able to subscribe to a community (and not just a conversation) and get email updates on activity. How do I set this up?

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I have just received an email digest for a post I submitted as someone has added an answer but it was not clear from the digest why I had received the digest or what had changed.

1) When reading the digest in Outlook it has poor layout and style

Main text is light green on white background - poor contrast

2) Not clear what has changed, ie what should I do as a result of getting this email

Would prefer something like

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Hi everyone!

I’m the new InterSystems Community Manager and responsible for everything within the InterSystems Developer Community itself including Community Events, Content and Projects etc.

Please feel free to point all the criticism to me along with suggestions of course!

Our team is working now on fixing some evident and annoying UI problems to make this place comfortable for all the InterSystems customers and new developers to discuss InterSystems related problems, questions, techology and projects.

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It looks like the logged in homepage is missing some elements.

- Masthead image with info about Global Summit

- Announcements - I thought items from the announcment group would be on the home page (seems logical important announcments on the homepage?)

There just seems to be some random posts on the home page. What filter put them on my homepage?

It is not newest based on the timedate stamp.

It is not based on groups or tags.

It is not based on the number of comments

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Developer Community was refreshed on May 30th with the following new features and fixes:

1. Formatting of postings in My Collaborations and My Content has been improved

2. Browse by Tag now has filtering options for New, Highest Rated and Unanswered posts

3. Full paging is back on the home page

4. Browse by Tag now includes child tags. Example - posts tagged only with "MDX", which is a child tag of "DeepSee", will appear when using Browse by Tag and viewing DeepSee content

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· Feb 24, 2016
Trouble editing my profile

I'm trying to edit my profile but running into trouble. When I go to the Edit tab, I can see a form for editing appear and then quickly disappear and then the only option I'm left with is this:

If I try to uncheck and save this setting, it appears to save, but when I navigate back it always remains checked.

Any suggestions?


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There is no obvious way to provide feedback to the development community. In order to find the topic to find open discussions, I had to search for "feedback".

There should be links in standard places; without doing research these place probably include: menu, front page, footer.

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I went to

I noticed there were some very old dates listed.

What are these dates? Is it the date of the latest post? the date the group was created(not useful)?

Why is the community manager (with out a pic) listed above each of the groups (creator of the group )?

Listing the creator of the group and how longago it was created is not useful information. More useful info is the date of the last post.

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In the subscriptions e-mails I get (digested), the URLs are typically wrapped across lines, like:

| Post link:



|01610  Direct unsubscribe link (content type):

My mail client can't handle this, of course; the link doesn't work. (The actual link in this case is: )

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I noticed a lot of sites these days support use of Gravatar user profile pictures so your profile picture can follow you around from site to site, could we support this here?

Also there appears to be some HTML bug in the user profile edit page, when I click on the 'edit' tab I see options to edit the profile for a fraction of a second before this closes and I am unable to edit anything.

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