Does anyone know how to get the closing tab/menu changing event in a CSP? I've tried the JS "OnBeforeUnload" already but it seems the browsers aren't allowing it anymore. I need to show a pop-up that holds the user if trying to get away before completing the stage.

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· Apr 21, 2017
Cache 5.02 License Error

Hi All,

We are using the InterSystems cache 5.02
We having 80 license unit but don't the reason 50 unit have been consumed (CSP unit)
This happen because of this page ran frequently "/apps/docmatic/%CSP.SysConnection.cls"
Can anyone explain why this page ran frequently and consume license?


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I have a couple of IOT devices that communicate via WebSockets to our backend.

I successfully managed to create a websocket connection between server and (iot)client using %CSP.WebSocket
However I would like to implement authentication on this using the HTTP headers at the same time of Connection: Upgrade.

I tried to set the headers to globals in order to debug but they are always empty.

Example code:

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Dear Folks,

I have recently studied deepsee and developed few dashboards needed for our web app users. I am trying to embed them in our existing web app which uses angular with delegated user access. I need to embed the native IRIS dashboard into it. ( I can't use Highcharts or any other js tools).

How do I setup the dashboards to work with delegated authentication (Without providing access to management portal or other parts) ? Also should I use the default csp/{Namespace}/_DeepSee.UserPortal.DashboardViewer.zen? or any other web application URL ?


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Is there a way for web application to set its session timeout value according to the user role or other criteria?

In this case, I have a custom production monitor page, and I want to set 5 minutes for most users but allow managers a longer time or those displaying pages on a monitor a longer time.

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