I am trying to execute a program from within cache using a $zf call

S X=$ZF(-1,"C:\""Program Files (x86)""\Car-Part\Messaging\iCPM.exe")

For the sake of this post I changed it to open notepad

S X=$ZF(-1,"C:\Windows\notepad.exe")

If I call it directly from terminal notepad opens and all is happy.

If I add it to a program we use to run certain tasks once an hour or even every 10 minutes it will fire off notepad but it will be in the background.

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A few years ago, I was teaching the basics of our %UnitTest framework during Caché Foundations class (now called Developing Using InterSystems Objects and SQL). A student asked if it was possible to collect performance statistics while running unit tests. A few weeks later, I added some additional code to the %UnitTest examples to answer this question. I’m finally sharing it on the Community.

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I would like to create a new message of a particular type and append various segments programmatically. I have started with the following snippet. What I am currently finding difficult is to define a segment of a particular segment structure. I would like to append a pid segment of 2.3.1 to my message. I know I could you the importfromstring but I wanted to know whether there was a better way of achieving this.

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Hi guys!

Portrait of Madame X, Gustave Caillebotte.

One of the features I like in InterSystems ObjectScript is how you can process array transformations in a specific method or a function.

Usually when we say "process an array" we assume a very straightforward algorithm which loops through an array and does something with its entries upon a certain rule.

The trick is how you transfer an array to work with into a function.

One of the nice approaches on how to pass the information about an array is using $Name and Indirection operator.

Below you can find a very simple example which illustrates the thing.

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Hey everyone as you may know I am a beginner and I am kindly asking for some assistance in a problem I have been solving. The problem is that I am calling a user defined function within a procedure called occupiedseatsAdj and the compiler comes up with this error.

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I'm experiencing a recurrent problem that I haven't found the way to solve, so I'm coming here with the hope somebody can give me a new approach.

To make it short: we are creating categories on-demand to be able to place the maximum numbers of workers in memory, avoiding the limits established by system categories. But from time to time, one of this creation fails and system is no able to start the queue. The error we are getting is:

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I have a very simple web service that I'd like to secure via SAML Authorization with X.509 Certificates. I am, however struggling with documentation and my lack of cryptographic skills. (I do this just for educational purposes now, but need to use it in the future)

Does anyone have an example that shows how to construct a SOAP Client with adding all necessary security headers manually or point me to a decent learning resource?

Thank you very much!

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· Mar 2, 2017 1m read
Trusting the code you import

As more people join Developer Community, and with increasing efforts to promote code sharing, I'd like to draw fresh attention to this post I wrote a year ago. It spotlights a feature within the class compiler which is both useful and dangerous. When importing code (e.g. from an XML export of classes received from someone), it's worth considering the risks.

Even if that post doesn't seem relevant to you at the moment you may wish to note it for the future. A handy way of doing this is to click the star icon at the end of it.

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First of all thank you for your time reading our topic

We would need some help from experienced people

We have a SOAP Service with more than 10 methods

Our aim is to include all classes being used by this SOAP Service, in a Studio project

The challenge is that there are plenty Data classes (which extends from (%SerialObject, %XML.Adaptor))

▶️ Is there a recommended way to include all project's classes in a Studio project?

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We have a handful of cases where we get reflex orders in an interface that contain multiple OBR segments. These are rare but when we get them, they are causing errors in down stream systems because we are unintentionally excluding OBR segments.


At the DTL level - is it possible to iterate over this segment WITHOUT altering the underlying schema? If so what would that look like?

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The attached code package provides a simple implementation of a web service client that utilizes the USPS Shipping API to normalize an address.

This code requires the developer to obtain a USPS Shipping API user ID which can be obtained from the USPS shipping API website. The assigned User Id can either be passed into the web service call as a parameter or can be coded as a parameter into the Request object.

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This is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.

For an introduction : goto to article https://community.intersystems.com/post/advent-code-2016-day1-no-time-ta...

The input in today's challenge consists of an encrypted name, a dash, a sectorID, a dash and a checksum between brackets.
A name is real if the checksum is equal to the five most common letters in the encypted name.

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We would need some help, please;

We would like to handle when we have a date with hours:


And when we have it without the hours part, as follows:


For the first case we used:


For the second one we wrote:

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This is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.

For an introduction : goto to article https://community.intersystems.com/post/advent-code-2016-day1-no-time-ta...

The challenge of day 5 is to calculate a password of 8 characters by finding the MD5 hash of the input and an increasing integer index.
The password is constructed by taking the 6th character of the first 8 hashes that start with 5 zeroes (in hex representation).

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· Aug 1, 2019 3m read
Nested set model for ObjectScript

In many projects I was faced with storing hierarchical data (tree) in classes.
By tree, I mean such data, where each node has a parent node — an object of the same class.
Many examples of such data can be given. For example, a catalog in the online store. Suppose that this online store sells books, in this case, the category tree might look like this:

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We would need to iterate all over the OBXs list and get their OBX3 CE1 to determine if it is the lab result we need to send to the output system.

We wonder how could we achieve this in a foreach component inside a Bussiness Process.

We think we would need to use a foreach because of it is needed to generate a message, for each one of the OBX which have the OBX3 CE1 that the output systems uses for the lab results.

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NOTE: This content was originally presented at the InterSystems Global Summit in 2014, however related topics often come up on the Developer Community so I have decided to turn this into an article for easier reference and discussion. However, much of the content was pulled directly from the presentation slides so the article format resembles that of a PPT deck more than paragraphs.

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· Sep 20, 2018 2m read
Get Day of the Week from Date

This code snippet determines the day of the week associated with a date. The class method "test" takes a date as a string in "mm/dd/yyyy" format, and returns an integer corresponding to a day of the week:

Class cartertiernan.getDayfromDate Extends %RegisteredObject
    classmethod test(date) as %Integer {
        //Set date = $ZDATE(date) //  Looks like: mm/dd/yyyy
        Set monthList = $LISTBUILD(0,3,3,6,1,4,6,2,5,0,3,5) // (Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,...)
        Set centuryList = $LISTBUILD(6,4,2,0) // first two digits divisiable by 4, then subsequent centuries. EX (2000, 2100, 2200, 2300)
        Set dayList = $LISTBUILD("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday") // Index goes from 0-6
        Set day = $PIECE(date,"/",2) // get the day 
        Set monthVal = $LIST(monthList,($PIECE( date,"/",1 ))) // get the month value
        Set first2DigsYear = $PIECE( date,"/",3 ) \ 100 // get the last 2 digits of the year
        Set last2DigsYear = $PIECE( date,"/",3 ) # 100 // get the first 2 digits of the year
        // Used for DEBUG perpouses
        /*write !,"day: ",day
        write !,"Month: ",monthVal
        write !,"last2: ",last2DigsYear
        write !,"first2: ",first2DigsYear
        write !,"cen Val: ",$LIST(centuryList,(first2DigsYear # 4) + 1),!!*/
        // Look here for formula explination (its the "Basic method for mental calculation")
        // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Determination_of_the_day_of_the_week
        Set dayOfWeekVal = ( day + monthVal + last2DigsYear + (last2DigsYear\4) + $LIST(centuryList,(first2DigsYear # 4) + 1 ) ) # 7
        Quit dayOfWeekVal

Here's a link to the code on GitHub

(originally posted to CODE by Carter Tiernan, 6/18/14)

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EnsLib.HL7.Message.cls provides many API methods for manipulating an HL7 message. RemoveSegmentAt(), for example, can be used to remove a segment by path or index, but only one segment at a time. There may be times that you'll need to remove all segments within a group or even many groups of segments from the HL7 message. Surely you can iterate through each segment in each group and remove them one by one, but there's a much easier way.

With just one command, like below, you can remove all OBX segments in an ORU_R01 message (msg):

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Environment: Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2015.2.2 (Build 811U) Thu Mar 3 2016 12:55:48 EST [HealthShare Modules:Core:14.01.351

When try the following to send back SOAP Fault, is the following correct way?

Set fault=##class(%SOAP.Fault).%New()
Set fault.faultcode=$$$FAULTServer
Set fault.faultstring="Processing Error"
Set fault.detail= "Error on server"
Do ..ReturnFault(fault)

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