· Apr 21, 2016
iFind index missing data

I've been using iFind indices in one of my applications but this morning discovered that the index is missing data. I confirmed the issue also exists in our test environment and rebuilt the indices there. That seems to have fixed the immediate problem. However I'd like to understand how this came about to avoid it happening in the future.

Has anyone encountered this before and know the cause?

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· Apr 20, 2016 1m read
Feedback on Product Documentation?

We are in the process of putting a new UI on the existing product documentation, including a mobile-optimized view. We also plan on releasing additional "solution based" documentation that is targeted at common usage scenarios or important configuration tasks.

We are interested in your feedback on our current product documentation - what you like and dislike and especially what changes you would expect to see to make it as useful as possible.

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It is time for me to eat my own dog's food and start implementing unit test running with coverage :) I will be inundating IRC with questions at this point, but I have a more general question first.

In this tutorial, it is supposed that your unit tests are exported as XML first... But that's not very practical. Is there a way, instead, to run all tests from a given project without having this export?

My first thought on how to do this would be to:

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· Apr 19, 2016
SQL Sequence

Does Caché support SQL CREATE SEQUENCE as in PostgreSQL?

If not, what would be the best alternative? Create my own sequence logic as the example bellow?

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· Apr 19, 2016
MessagePack support

MessagePack is a binary-based efficient object serialization library. It enables to exchange structured objects between many languages like JSON. But unlike JSON, it is very fast and small.

Any chance of adding support for MessagePack?

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I hereby announce the creation of an IRC channel dedicated to Caché development:

* network: FreeNode (connect to server:

* channel: ##cos (yes, two hashes).

Topic is anything related to Caché development in spite of the name (and the fact that of Caché development I only really know about COS anyway), so sorry in advance for the restrictive channel name :)

Waiting for you here! (my nick is idletask on freenode)

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For CachéQuality I'd love to be able to create issues when the programmer uses classes which are deprecated for this or that version of Caché... But short of reading all the changelogs of all versions, I can't really tell when a command appeared (for instance RETURN; I know now that it appeared in 2014.x, but it took me some time to realize that), or when a (set of) class(es) became deprecated (for instance %GlobalCharacterStream to be replaced with %Stream.GlobalCharacter -- I don't even know since which version this is true :/).

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Want to share with you code snippet of try catch block I usually use in methods which should return %Status.

 try {
 catch e {
 	set sc=e.AsStatus()
 	do e.Log()

Quit sc 

Here $$$TOE is a short form of $$$TROWONERROR macro.

Inside macro StatusMethod is any method you call which will return %Status value. This value will be placed into sc variable.

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· Apr 13, 2016
XMLExport and Validation

I interested on how others feel on this subject. In general terms when you have a class that extends from %XML.Adaptor and you call XMLExport no validation is automatically done as part of the XMLExport process. As an example if you do the following

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In this presentation, developer oriented, we will cover this tool, how it works, how you can use it/administer it, etc. Duration 30 minutes.

The topics will include:

  • a short presentation of Caché Quality and SonarQube (which this plugin uses),
  • a demonstration of the rules and how to tailor them to your need.

Questions will be more than welcome! Hope to see you there!

And a big thanks to Evgeny Shvarov who made this possible!

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0 611
· Apr 8, 2016 1m read
2016.2 Field Test Kit 2016.2.0.632.0

I am pleased to announce the next 2016.2 field test kit, 2016.2.0.632.0.

Since I haven’t sent an update to this thread in a while it should come as no surprise that there have been quite a few changes since I wrote about build 609. In fact, there have been over 175 changes in 50 different areas, with the majority of changes in:

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Presenter: Saurav Gupta
Task: Provide customized authentication support for biometrics, smart cards, etc.
Approach: Provide code samples and concept examples to illustrate various custom authentication mechanisms

Description: In this session we will discuss customized way to solve various authentication mechanism and show case some sample code.

Problem: Using custom Authentication mechanism to support devices like biometrics, smart cards, or create an authentication front end for existing applications.

Solution: Code samples and concept examples.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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This post will show you an approach to size shared memory requirements for database applications running on InterSystems data platforms including global and routine buffers, gmheap, and locksize as well as some performance tips you should consider when configuring servers and when virtualizing Caché applications. As ever when I talk about Caché I mean all the data platform (Ensemble, HealthShare, iKnow and Caché).

A list of other posts in this series is here

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7 9.9K

Presenter: Anton Umnikov
Task: Run SQL queries quickly on huge amounts of data
Approach: Use a shared-nothing architecture to leverage a cluster of small, cost-effective servers

Explains how a shared nothing architecture allows you to leverage a cluster of small, costeffective servers to serve query results that would have taken much longer on a single, big and expensive box. This brings affordable horizontal scalability.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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