· Aug 12, 2016

Git Continuous Integration - What are the most important differences between CacheGitHubCI and CacheUpdater?


I am about to configure a server with continuous integration for a client. I found that our Russian friends have again come up to the rescue and developed not one, but two continuous integration tools for Git and Caché:

My question is simple: What are the most important differences between the two and which one is going forward so I can choose the right one?

Kind regards,

Amir Samary

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Both of these tools are for GitHub and Cache (not Git and Cache, but with easy customization required to support some other Git server API over HTTP).

Cache Updater is a simple Cache task. You specify GitHub information (repository and user/pass if it's a private repo) and namespace. Then you set a schedule and that's it. Every time the tasks runs it downloads (and compiles) code from GitHub and into Cache Namespace.

CacheGitHubCI is a full fledged CI system. You may specify pre and post compile actions, unit tests, etc. The results and timings of each build and action are saved and there are DeepSee dashboards available. GitHub webhooks are supported, which allows running builds immediately after there is a new commit in a repository.

Which one you choose depends on your requirements. Cache Updater is very easy to set up, CacheGitHubCI offers more features.

Both of them are built atop GitHub COS API, which provides COS wrappers for GitHub API.

Hi, Amir!

I use CacheUpdater to keep plenty of virtual machines (f.e. 30+ virtual machines) up to date with the certain set of Caché Utilities, which can be updated just with Caché classes download from github repo and compile.

CachéGithubCI is continuous integration tool for development with Github repositories as Eduard already mentioned.

I just realized that CacheGitHubCI will try to load classes from GitHub as XML. As I am using Atelier with the Eclipse GitHub plugin, the source code on GitHub is not stored as XML but as the source we see on Atelier when editing the class/csp/etc.

I can contribute to CacheGitHubCI, but before I do it, I wonder if anyone has implemented a new version of CacheGitHubCI that will load source as exported by Atelier...

I just realized that CacheGitHubCI will try to load classes from GitHub as XML. As I am using Atelier with the Eclipse GitHub plugin, the source code on GitHub is not stored as XML but as the source we see on Atelier when editing the class/csp/etc.

I can contribute to CacheGitHubCI, but before I do it, I wonder if anyone has implemented a new version of CacheGitHubCI that will load source as exported by Atelier...