InterSystems FAQ rubric

To resolve the error <PROTECT>, remove the read-only attribute of the system-wide library database (IRISLIB for InterSystems IRIS, CACHELIB for Caché/Ensemble/HealthShare (Caché-based))

Once you have finished importing the routine, remember to change it back to read-only.

[Version 2013.1 and above]
[Management Portal] > [System Administration] > [Configuration] > [System Configuration] > [Local Database] Uncheck "Mount read-only" from the database name link.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

It can be retrieved using the schema INFORMATION_SCHEMA.

INFORMATION_SCHEMA is a system schema and is not displayed by default in the SQL menu of the Management Portal.

The method to display it is as follows.

  1. Open Management Portal → System Explorer → SQL menu.
  2. Check "System" on the left of the schema drop-down.
  3. Select INFORMATION_SCHEMA from the schema dropdown.

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· Jul 3, 2023
Cache Studio for Windows 11

Has anyone tried loading Cache 2017 on Windows 11?

I'm working with my corporate IT department to get a version published that will work on Windows 11 desktops but I have to prove that it can be loaded before they will give me the rights to install it.

It looks like Cache 2018 is supported but we're still supporting a bunch of 2017 installations until we can begin the move to IRIS.

Meanwhile the new laptops are all being issued with Windows 11 and the installers are all blocked by corporate.

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· Jul 12, 2023
Enabling telnet

Can %Service_telnet be enabled programmatically? I have the need to enable this feature so that I can automate a script I have for Cache, but unless the telnet service is on, the session cant connect.

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1 311

This is for the veteran programmers out there (you know who you are; you started programming before date 60000).

I'm in the middle of updates for our system, and I've come across many $ZU() calls. Most of them are documented in the "Replacement List", but two are missing: $ZUtil(0) and $ZUtil(1).

I honestly don't remember what these are for (and I'm pretty sure I used them in code in a previous century), so if someone can tell me, great. If you can provide a link to a reference, better!

As always, I appreciate your help.

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0 307

in Management Portal on Freespace screen there are links to compact and truncate a database.

Can these tasks be done programmatically? I have looked through documentation and dont see anything but I hope I just missed it.



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InterSystems FAQ rubric

ObjectScript allows you to pass any number of arguments using arrays. Do it by adding ... after the argument name.

An example is as follows. In the example statement, the argument information is set in a global variable (a variable stored in the database) so that it can be easily checked after the method is executed.

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0 281

I got a problem to resolve, to sum it up I need to extract a function body from a JS file with cos.
I already got the JS code in a string and the function name but I'm kinda stuck as to how to get my function body, I already tried a few things (regEx, counter bracket) but there are comment and strings that block them from functioning. Is there a javascript parser or a good way to do it except by creating a javascript parser?

0 8
0 290

There is test folder inside my sftp server. I executed the below lines of code

s ssh = ##class(%Net.SSH.Session).%New()

d ssh.Connect("host")

d ssh.AuthenticateWithUsername(username,password)

d ssh.OpenSFTP(.sftp)

s remote="\test\sample1.txt"

s local="c:\orders\sample1.txt"

s status=sftp.Put(local,remote)

I get the below error

"MSSH Error [8010102B]: Unable to send FXP_OPEN* [8010102b] at SFTP.cpp:539,0Put,IM%e^zPut+2^%Net.SSH.SFTP.1^1e^^^0"

0 4
0 283
· Dec 4, 2023
Storage %SYSTEM.Event

Hello, How are you doing?

I'm currently developing a proyect in wich I want to use %SYSTEM.Event to process queues. I realized that if a queue has events pending to be sent to the listeners, when I restart the cube the queue with all its events are deleted.

Is there a way to store the queue with their messages in a Global?

I've checked the documentation but I can't find any option for this prupose.

0 10
0 264
· Jun 23, 2023

Hi Community,

I need to convert date 1997-08-09 10:38:39.700000000 into this format 1997-08-09T10:38:39Z

I have tried using all date function $ZDH,$ZDT no luck can anyone help me to convert this into required format.



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0 268

I'm working for an organisation that is running a very old version of InterSystems Cache (5.016) which runs on AIX . The last two times we have re-booted Cache, we have encountered rollbacks. I've been asked two questions. During the rollback it was "How long is it going to take?" and after the system returned, it was "So what caused it?". My answer to both was "I don't know".

0 4
0 261

I'm having trouble adjusting the protocol used for any CSP Requests. Currently all request to the system are sent over HTTP 1.1

When loading 40+ images on a page, the browser starts stalling request. According to google HTTP 1.1 only allows 6 parallel TCP Connections before suspending the remaining.

I have looked through the Web Gateway Settings, %Net.HttpRequest.HTTPVersion and SSL Configuration but haven't found anything.

0 7
0 250

Hello community members!

I am trying to connect to Caché database from Azure data factory using ODBC connection. The aim is to read data from Caché and write it in Azure blob storage using copy activity. The ODBC connection is successful and i can see the Caché tables, but i'm facing an error while reading the table contents.

I'm getting the below error :

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0 250

I found the thread that discusses object mapping, in particular mapping a common global among more than one namespace. The example that is given is a simple one when it's ^global(sub1, ^global(sub2, etc. However I'm having trouble getting this to compile/work when the global has a fixed subscript amongst variable ones.

I have this global in namespaces LAB and ARK in the following format:




Here is what I have for this. In it's current state it throws tons of errors:

0 4
0 249

InterSystems FAQ rubric

If the system does not stop for 24 hours, old journal files will be deleted at 0:30 according to the "Journal file deletion settings".

A possible cause of journal files remaining that are older than the "Journal file deletion settings" is that there are transactions that remain open.

In that case, you will be able to delete the journal file by searching for processes executing transactions and finalizing the transactions.

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