I am trying to execute a program from within cache using a $zf call

S X=$ZF(-1,"C:\""Program Files (x86)""\Car-Part\Messaging\iCPM.exe")

For the sake of this post I changed it to open notepad

S X=$ZF(-1,"C:\Windows\notepad.exe")

If I call it directly from terminal notepad opens and all is happy.

If I add it to a program we use to run certain tasks once an hour or even every 10 minutes it will fire off notepad but it will be in the background.

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· Nov 26, 2023
modifity status RW database

Hi folks!

I need to change a status database to RW with the class

I used scripts for this, for example, I can create a database like this

setup_database() {
csession -B -U "%SYS" <<-EOF
zw ##class(SYS.Database).CreateDatabase("/InterSystems/cachedb/mydatabase")
set Properties("Directory")="/InterSystems/cachedb/mydatabase"
zw ##Class(Config.Databases).Create("MYDATABASE",.Properties)

How can I modify this status R/W?

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Hello InterSystems Community Members,

I hope you are all doing well. I am currently facing an issue while trying to set up the SNMP subagent functionality for my InterSystems Cache installation.

I am using InterSystems Cache for Windows (AMD64) version 5.2.4 (Build 809_0_9006U). The SNMP subagent functionality requires the iscsnmp.dll dynamic library, which I have been unable to locate in my installation directory.

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As Intersystems Cache for Windows comes with a custom Apache version (2.4.52) and has some security risks, so not advised to be used for Production servers/environments. I want to install the new version of Apache (2.4.58) and replace it with the built-in version of it. Is there an easy and convenient way to perform this upgrade? My target is to completely replace the built-in version and replace it with a new version so that it passes the security scan.

Here is the link to the security risk mentioned by Intersystems:

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Hi I am trying to run a debugger in VS Code. I have the settings.json file and the launch.json file. I am trying to debug code using the attach to a process method, however when I run the debugger I get the following error.

Launch.json code


// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.

// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.

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Hi Allen,

A partner have decided to change the algorithms that were used to connect on it's SFTP, but our version of libssh2 don't match with the list of it's HOSTKEYS algorithms.

If i update the library with the last version without to be sure that it includes the old algorithms, i risk to break the connection for other cases.

all suggestions are welcome. Thx



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Hi all,

We are doing a SQL server upgrade to SQL server v.15 from a legacy server which had v.10 . I have our Cache server as a linked server int order to pull data from our system. When building out the ROWSPEC, I have my fields typed as %String with various lengths with one field having a max length of 15000. The SQL server is trying to interpret this as a text data type instead of varchar(n). Text is a depracated data type since SQL server 2008. The error below is produced when trying to query from this view

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After upgrading from Cache to IRIS while running the web application I am getting an error in message.log

Error: Create Gateway - Unable to create new gateway connection: ERROR #5023: Remote Gateway Error: <NOTOPEN>%AddToCurrentClassPath+6^%Net.Remote.Gateway.1

Cache Version : Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.7 (Build 721U) Fri Mar 18 2022 22:07:35 EDT

Upgrade to IRIS Version : IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2022.1.2 (Build 574_0_22511U) Thu May 11 2023 22:36:05 EDT

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s ftp=##class(%Net.FtpSession).%New()

s ok=ftp.Connect(server,user,password,port)
s ftp.Timeout = 100

i ok {

s ok=ftp.SetDirectory(directory)
i ok {
n files,file

s ok=ftp.NameList(directory,.files)
i ok {
f i=1:1:files.Count() {
s file=files.GetAt(i)
i (ftp.SetDirectory(file)) {
d ftp.SetToParentDirectory()
s fname=$p(file,"/",$l(file,"/"))

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Hi Everyone,

We are using SQL based KPI's to display reports in IRIS dashboards. We have applied the filter functionality in these SQL based KPI reports.

I need your help for below scenario.

Below is my full report. Filter is applied on Name and Subject Name in this report.

Now I have used filter on Name and selected values 'Virat' and 'Big Show'

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