Hi everyone, I have and Zen Mojo application, it's all working but I have some doubts about what is recommended to use: There is some reports of employees, for example, and actually I'm using some plugins : "Excelent export" to generate Excel reports and "jspdf" to generate PDF reports in client side.

I have an REST service, that receives the request, process and returns JSON, after client side receive the response it's processed.

- This can be slow/bad in applications with large data?

- It's better/recommended to use ZenReports even with ZenMojo applications?

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0 365
· Nov 23, 2017
Indexing null value

Dear community!

I have problem with index NULL value. Unique index doesn't work for this case. If I use insert and one of parameter is "NULL". Message of constraint doesn't appear and row is inserted into table successfully. How Can I use index with NULL?

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0 647
· Jan 15, 2018
Headers in HttpRequest

Hi Guys,

I'm using Ensemble 2014 and have a code that Posts HttpRequest to a REST API and working fine, but don't know how to add Header to my request!?

I tried Set Request.SetHeader("Source","Civicview") but it's bringing a Syntax error, any help pls?

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I was understanding the cluster configuration supported by the Cache. Have couple of queries around that:

1. In Cache version 2018.2, there is a shrading concept which splits the data of a Master Data server into multiple small data server which store shraded data.

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0 334

If a global node contains special characters, (eg : a line returns), it will be displayed like this in Portal ("System > Globals > View Global Data" panel) :

^A(1) = "this is"_$c(13,10)_"a test"

I would like to export global data to a txt file using a similar format.

I already wrote the main code (that loops on all nodes and dump them to file), the problem is how to handle special characters.
For the moment I replace them manually one by one. It works, but it's far from perfect :

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0 1.4K

Hi all,

I have a rule to throw a message when there is an error. I want to prevent send the email if the origin of the error is the API to send the email

This is my rule

Now, If there is any error in any process, it works, but if there is an error in MyProduct.BO.SendEmail it is trying to send the error again, and it is a infinite loop.

Is there any way to check what is the origin and don't process if the origin is MyProduct.BO.SendEmail?

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0 276

Hi developers!

As a follow-up to my previous post on the Node.js Native API, I created a quick poll because it may be interesting to see what technologies developers are using in their applications around the world with IRIS & Caché. I put a poll below, just check all boxes you have used or plan to use with InterSystems technology.

Thank you all for your cooperation!

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0 381

I need to develop a tool to help to get what data is being consumed by a certain process, in order to get all data used to build an automated test scenario.

For example, some user process will pull data from ^GLOBAL(1)="dataString", ^GLOBAL(2)="dataString2", ^GLOBAL1(1)="data1String", ^GLOBAL2(4)="data2String4". Amidst all other data on these Globals, I will ignore everything that was not used in the user process, and get the specific keys used on it.

1 12
0 383


I am using embeded python to utilize some pythonic library but i got a problem on my hand.

One of the python function i am using return multiple values

in python you would do something like that :

val1, val2, val3, = function(params)

In COS I got something like that :

lib = ##class(%SYS.Python).Import("lib")
val1 = lib.function(params)

And I don't know how to get the second and third values.
Is there a way to get them?

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1 99

I am trying to execute a system query. - %SYS.Journal.File_Search()

The Query is looking for a Journal File Name and a String.

However, the Query line accepts no parameters. - Query Search() As %Query(ROWSPEC = "Offset:%Integer")

But in the SearchExecute method if checks for File and String.

ClassMethod SearchExecute(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, String As %String, FileName As %String . . .
i $g(String)="" q $$$ERROR($$$JournalFileSearchUndefined)
i $g(FileName)="" q $$$ERROR($$$JournalFileUndefined)

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0 806
· Jul 13, 2016
Access namespace files

Hello, guys!

I want to get access to the folder where all files of the namespace are stored using COS. I found a way to get access to class files and found a folder where all csp, html, css etc files are stored.

However, is there any folder which contains all files(even .mac and .int)?

Or, probably, there is a method which gives all files content?

1 2
0 343

Hi all,

For custormer support reasons we would like to know if its possible to activate some kind of flag or see/redirect wich is the code (lines) being executed when some misterious problems appear.

Is there any way to view the stack of execution code on a deployed code environment? Is there any other equivalent way to track the execution stack for a certain period of time?

Best regards

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0 389
· Aug 25, 2016
ZEN Mojo onEvent() callback

Hi - Trapping onselect and onchange events that occur on layout objects seems to work fine, however, according to the documentation, I should also be able to use onevent, which is defined as follows:

onevent: Defines how the page behaves when another type of event occurs within a documentView (an event other than select or change).

and has the method signature:

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0 379
· Sep 9, 2016

Hello, guys.

I found one interesting moment in Cache Object Script. It doesn't have(or at least I didn't find) trimming function. By trimming I mean if a string has some whitespaces/tabs/carriage returns from very beginning or/and from very right, this function removes them.

I have found several workaround ways.

1. Using Cache Basic

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0 1.8K

Here's an easy one for you; before I spend another hour looking for the answer, how do you convert %ArrayOfDataTypes to an array (that could, say, fit into the %session.Data array, or maybe just some array named info()), and of course back again?

NS>s aodt=##class(%ArrayOfDataTypes).%New()

NS>w aodt.SetAt("lcavanaugh","username")
NS>w aodt.SetAt("organization","coolcompany")
NS>w ##class(%ArrayOfDataTypes).BuildValueArray(aodt,.array)


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