· Mar 15, 2019
How to shrink a WIJ

I have a DR Mirror with a WIJ that is 5 times as large as the Primary Failover member. My Read-Write Reporting mirror WIJs are the same size as the Primary. I don't know why the DR WIJ i so large and would like to shrink it to the same size as the others. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks!

0 3
0 439

Sometimes global mapping of the same globals can be defined in different ways. E.g., I need to define it for 3 globals ^qAuditC, ^qAuditLog, ^qAuditLogC from the same database named APP-NOJOURN. Which approach should be better from the performance point of view?

1) qAudit* => APP-NOJOURN (one record in global mapping table)

2) qAuditC => APP-NOJOURN
qAuditLog => APP-NOJOURN
qAuditLogC => APP-NOJOURN (three records in global mapping table)

0 3
0 556
· Aug 16, 2018

I need to start doing unit testing for some of my code.

Why does it delete the unit testing class from Cache when I run the test?

Is there a way to turn this off?

0 20
0 591
· Mar 10, 2019
Try Cachè on Ubuntu


There is a way to install and try Cachè 2018.1 on Ubuntu 16.04 distribuition or it's necessary use Red Hat/Suse distribuition to try Cachè on Linux?

0 4
0 524
· Mar 9, 2019
%SYS.TasK Related query

Hi Community,

I have to make a daily task (Job) which will run (7 am to 7 pm) in a day at an interval of 3 hours. Timings are as (7:00 am, 10:00 am,13:00 pm,16:00 pm,19:00 pm). But at each time when task will run i have to set a variables as per below condition


1) If task run at 2019-03-19 07:00 am in morning

I have to set two variables (start and end) whose value will become like this

(set starttime= 2019-03-09 07:00:00.00 and set endtime=2019-03-09 10:00:00.00)

0 3
0 311

Hi community,

I have a rights problem when giving a user permission to perform some select queries on particular tables. So I have created a user with the following rights.

So this all works well. No problem so far. But the customer is using a program where you can easily build visually the query by selecting the table, choose the right colums etc. So the problem we have is when I give the user the Role %All the tables are shown.

0 6
0 459

I have a cache client trying to call a web service using SOAP version 1.2. We receive a SOAP error with the following text:

COD>w ##class(DBMS.Tools).DecomposeError(%objlasterror)

ERROR #6248: SOAP response is a SOAP fault: <Fault><Code><Value>s:Sender</Value>

0 3
0 1.9K
· Mar 5, 2019
.INT file not generated

After compilation of routine .int file is not generated and toggle breakpoint is also not visible for that routine.
It is showing error #5001 Editing of INT file is not allowed. How can I resolve this ?

0 2
0 247


Just curious to know about the pros and cons of Parent/Child Vs One/Many.

We do use a bit of both.
One big reason we use Parent child is we feel if we delete one global, it gets rid of all child data too and all parent child data is stored in one global. Much easier to manage.

0 4
0 637
· Mar 2, 2019 6m read
Belated - Advent of Code 2018 Day 1

I know it's late, but I really love the advent of code theme each year to find some project ideas to go out and code something and push myself.

I had the intentions of completing the AOC 2018 before the new year, but I've got 2 young kids (1yo and 4yo), so most nights I just want to sleep.

I've been looking at this on my half hourly commute each day before and after work.

So whilst doing this, I found not many people had posted what they had done and in previous years.

0 2
0 213

I have one abstract class and several subclasses. All share one data/id global.

How can I get concrete class name from id (without opening the object)?

What I have so far:

write $p($lg(^DATAGLOBAL(<id>),1),"~",*-1)

It does the job, but is there a more official way?

0 3
0 261

Here's a simple indirection snippet. It fails with <UNDEFINED> error and I'm not sure why.

ClassMethod ind()
  kill info

  set active = 1
  set reactive = 2

  for i="active","reactive" {
    set info(i)= @i

  zw info


I'm getting this exception: <UNDEFINED>zind+5^test.Client.1 *active

0 6
0 483

I'm connecting to a remote device using TCP. It has a binary protocol.

set host = ""
set port = ""
set io = $io
set device = "|TCP|7000"

set timeout = 2
open device:(host:port:"M")
use device:(/IOT="RAW")
read string:timeout

use io
zzdump string

The problem is when reading from it, I get a 0A (also known as 10 or \n or linefeed) byte, which terminates the read.

Expected output:

0000: 42 00 7B 0A 11

But I get this output:

0000: 42 00 7B

How can I fix that?

0 1
0 246

I have an existing table, and I've added an array property to it that I need to populate.
The issue is that I can only use SQL to insert into the table due to access reasons.

For example:

Class Package.Tables.Person Extends %Persistent
Property Name As %String(MAXLEN = "");

Property Address As Array of Package.Datatypes.Address;

0 1
0 394

I try to create a column with computeonchange.

Its works with CREATE TABLE sql command, but if i use ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN sql command this computeonchange doesn't works.

any reason why?


CREATE TABLE MyStudents ( Name VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, surname VARCHAR(16))

alter table MyStudents add column fullname Varchar(50) COMPUTECODE { SET {fullname}={Name}_ "?" _{surname}} COMPUTEONCHANGE (Name,surname)

insert into SQLUser.MyStudents (Name, surname) values ('name1',null)

update MyStudents set name = 'name' where name = 'name1'

0 1
0 203