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Hi Community!

It's time to celebrate our 25 fellow members who took part in the latest InterSystems Technical Article Contest and wrote


The competition was filled with outstanding articles, each showcasing innovation and expertise. With so many high-quality submissions, selecting the best was no easy task for the judges.

Let's meet the winners and look at their articles:

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We recently changed the 'UserID" property in a "User" class from type of %String to be %Library.Username. This is for better consistency across our codebase regarding MAXLEN limit.

%Library.Username is a system wrapper datatype which extends %String and has a MAXLEN of 160. This change should have minimal/no impact on code behavior. However, we found that some SQL query cannot return expected rows after the change. Query will return empty values even if the entry is in the table.

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As of InterSystems IRIS® data platform version 2025.1, InterSystems is officially deprecating MultiValue and including it in the Deprecated and Discontinued Features list. While InterSystems will continue to support existing customers using MultiValue, it is not recommended for new applications.

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I have an Embedded Python method, which is essentially a call to one third-party module.

Most of the time, the method takes <0.1 seconds to execute, but sometimes it takes 30 or 60 seconds.

The server is relatively idle (20-30% CPU load).

How can I debug this issue further? Ideally, I want to know where this library spends the time. The library is mainly Python code (it's boto3, so it's not a Python C API proxy library).

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Hello, Does the NodeJs package work when running a node js file on windows (nodejs for windows)? I've added the package by running npm install <package location folder>

I have the following index.js file, but when running from node (windows) I get the following error. Does the NodeJs package build the output files when the package is added or does it just assume linux as the underlying os?

Error: Cannot find module './bin/winx64/irisnative.node'

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I have a repeatable field within HL7 that I want to create a List from. Do I have to initialize the List by using $LB, or can I just use $LI to keep adding on to the end of the list as it is looping through the field?

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I would like to convert an html zen page to PDF using wkhtmltopdf so I've installed it in Ubuntu and the command wkhtmltopdf but because I've my IRIS installed in a container that command is not recognized and we can't install wkhtmltopdf in the container so is there a way to be able to run this command?


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Hello and welcome to the January 2025 Developer Community YouTube Recap.
InterSystems Global Summit
"Code to Care" videos
Open Source and Proprietary LLMs
By Don Woodlock, Head of Global Healthcare Solutions, InterSystems
AI model distillation
By Nicholai Mitchko, Manager of Solution Partner Sales Engineering, InterSystems
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Hi ,

I have a scheduler task and an associated class that works.

Class Sample.Util.CreateTask Extends (%SYS.Task.Definition, %Persistent)


Parameter TaskName = "Sample.Util.CreateTask";

Method OnTask() As %Status
// Perform the logic


Is there a way to Enable or Disable the above task "CreateTask()" from an external function/Method/class ?

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In this article I'll show you how to set up in your laptop, very quickly, a cluster of IRIS nodes in sharding. It's not the goal of this article neither to talk about sharding in detail nor define a deployment of a production ready architecture, but to show how to set up quickly, in your own machine, a cluster of IRIS instances configured as shard nodes, with which you'll able to play and test this functionality. If you're insterested in knowing more about sharding in IRIS, take a look at the documentation clicking here.

First and foremost, I want to remark that IRIS sharding will allow us 2 things:

  • Define, load and query shard tables, which data will be distributed transparently between the cluster's nodes
  • Define federated tables, which offer a global and composed view of data belonging to different tables that will be physically stored in different distributed nodes

So, as I said, we let for other article playing with shard or federated tables, and just focus now in the previous step, that is, setting up the cluster of shard nodes.

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In 2023, according to IDC, Salesforce's market share in CRM reached 21.7%. This company owns a substantial amount of critical corporate business processes and data, so the InterSystems IRIS must have an interoperability connector to fetch data from the Salesforce data catalog. This article will show you how to get any data hosted by Salesforce and create an interoperation production to get data and send it to such targets as files and relational databases.

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Hi, Community!

🔒Are you linking your InterSystems Cloud Services deployments to a private network? See how to do this securely:

Creating and Managing VPNs with InterSystems Network Connect
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Hey Community,

We're pleased to invite all the developers to the upcoming kick-off webinar for the InterSystems AI Programming Contest!

Discover the exciting challenges and opportunities that await Vector Search, GenAI and AI Agents enthusiasts in this contest. We'll discuss the topics we expect from participants and show you how to develop, build, and deploy applications using the InterSystems IRIS data platform.

Date & Time: Monday, March 17 – 11 am EST | 5 pm CET

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Hey Community!

We're happy to share the next video in the series dedicated to Gen AI on our InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Energy Consumption for AI
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Hey Community!

We are pleased to invite everyone to participate in the new webinar in German dedicated to AI:

➡️ Interoperability as a catalyst for AI

Date & Time: March 11, 2025, 3:30 pm CET

👨‍🏫 Speakers:

  • @Thomas Nitzsche, Sales Manager, InterSystems
  • Dr. Olaf Iseringhausen, Head of Competence Center Health Care Solutions, Bechtle
  • Dr. @Erion Dasho, Clinical Advisor, InterSystems

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Hello, dear colleagues.

I need to connect to a remote JavaGateway from an Ensemble service.

I am trying to use the EnsLib.JavaGateway.Service with a remote host where the JVM is running.

I can successfully ping the remote Java Gateway from EnsLib.JavaGateway.Service, and Ensemble reports that the service status is OK.

There are no network issues, and all necessary ports are accessible.

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Hi all,

I'm working on a requirement to loop through all encounter streamlets(SDA) to identify specific encounters based on an encounter extension property for a patient fetch request. However, this current process is time-consuming, and we need to create indexes for that property to quickly retrieve the expected results without going through all the encounter streamlets of a patient.

I would appreciate help on how to achieve this, as I couldn't find any documentation explaining how to create indexes on a SDA element.

Thanks in advance.

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Hi Community,

Enjoy the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Customizing the InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service @ Global Summit 2024
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