Hey all,

I'm trying to enable an existing namespace to be Ensemble enabled by doing the command do ##class(%EnsembleMgr).EnableNamespac($namespace,1), but I'm still getting the error message. Is there something that I'm missing?

I've attempted to reboot the server and even went incognito to see if it was a caching issue, but I'm still not able to create an Ensemble production in that namespace.

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Hi ,

I'm using standard business service not(Customized business service). I'm not able to process the Hl7 data file which contains CRLF characters.It shows warning "Discarding Received non HL7 data". Actually it discards some segment after CRLF character. Is there any settings to overcome this problem?

Also i tried UTF-8, Ascii,Unicode.. characterset . But it won't work. Please help me .


0 11
0 1.6K
· Mar 20, 2023
Reading through file fast

Hi Guys,

I've the below code that copies 15000 records into a global, problem is that taking around 11 secs to finish and I'm wondering if there is any faster way (eg. would copying the file into stream and look through the stream makes it faster!?) because I've hundreds of files I need to process every time.

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0 316
· Mar 17, 2023
A confusing experience

During my last migration to IRIS I met this Compatibility parameter

  • NullSubscripts true
0 - Throw error when referencing a null subscript.
1 - Null subscript references do not throw an error.

The consequences are shocking. This was allowed:

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0 308
· Mar 17, 2023


I would like to Validate token signature with public key i have in pem format, i am using below code but i get error message. Could you please tell me what i am doing not right? FOUT #5002: Caché fout : <DIRECTORY>zLinkToFile+2^%Stream.FileBinary.1 *-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----

hier is my code

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0 210

Is there a command that will loop through the flat files of a given Linux/Unix folder? I can write the code to open and read each file. But the file names are unknown. I am looking for a way to access each file given a named Linux folder. The files have differing structures so a record map will not work.

Thank you for reading and thank you even more for answering!

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0 334

I am looking into creating a ZSTOP as you probably have seen from my previous posts, is there a way to capture the type of shutdown that occurred? So say if there was an unknown hardware failure (forced), vs a user shutdown? Mainly looking for user or system shutdown when we force another destination to become the primary in the mirror. So if a user shutdown the production to do.,... Task A, Task B etc..



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0 389

To prepare a migration to IRIS I use Docker images.
The (aged) application is built around Caché Terminal
And on Windows, IRIS uses the same ctelnetd.exe as Caché.

In my Docker installation, Telnet Settings are just grayed out in SMP.
and my Terminal can't 'connect.
Port mapping is OK and verified with TCP

Working from the console in Docker with the whole set of ESC and
screen formatting is not acceptable.
We tried WebTerminal but there is just no Partition behind as in Terminal.

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0 238

Hey guys.

I'm having trouble using the Certificate in my BO.

It started to occur after updating the certificate.

I have 2 configurations and 2 certificates, the first one was updated and no error occurs, the second one, the bad certificate or Handshake failure errors occurs. Both have the same configuration.
I already tried marking SSLV3, handshake error occurs. When I unchecked it, a Bad Certificate error occurs.

0 4
0 4K

Hi all,

When I run the ^SystemPerformance utility to collect performance data about my IRIS instance (community), it manages to collect all sorts of data except for data related to ^perfmon. I am using %SYS to run the utility which should have all privilages, not sure what's meant by the below error message

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0 248
· Mar 8, 2023
Session ending message

Hi Guys,

I'm using session to save some data eg. login details, data I need earlier, and of course if the screen left idol with no activity the session may time out and I would like to display a message waring the user that their session is about to expire (as some web application do) , so how can do that?


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Messages will contain fields with expressions like "REASON->Blood(1.23)" or "REASON->Bone(4.56)" or "REASON->Muscle Mass(7.89)". The word after the "->" can vary. I would like the outputs to be; "REASON(1.23)" or "REASON(4.56)" or "REASON(7.89)", basically removing "->" and the word or words that follow but leaving the parens and the numeric characters within.


Jonathan Harris

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