Hi guys!

As you know there are two (at least) ways to get the stored value of the property of InterSystems IRIS class if you know the ID of an instance (or a record).

1. Get it by as a property of an instance with "Object access":

ClassMethod GetPropertyForID(stId As %Integer) As %String


set obj=..%OpenId(stId)

return obj.StringData


2. Get it as a value of a column of the record with "SQL access":

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 17,964 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

NewBie's Corner Session 11 Routine Line Types and Gotos

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

InterSystems Caché provides a GUI (Graphical User Interface) based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) called Caché Studio. Developers can use Studio to create and maintain applications.

In this session we will cover Routine Line types; which are Label lines, Executable code lines and the Routine Header line as well as Gotos.

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· Jul 13, 2016
Overriding soap body

We can override soap body by using WriteSOAPBodyMethod. Something like:

Method Online(ByRef Obj1 As myClass1, Obj2 As myClass2, Output ObjOutput1 As myClass1Output(XMLNAME="Obj")) [ ..., WebMethod ]


s ..WriteSOAPBodyMethod="override"

d (..WebMethod("Online","ProcessRequest")).Invoke($this,"Online",.Obj1,.Obj2,. ObjOutput1)

s ..WriteSOAPBodyMethod=""


Method override(proxy As %SOAP.ProxyDescriptor, tag As %String)



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Hi, I am trying to transform a message to meet a third party specification, and would like to know if you can advice me on how to separate a single OBX segment into several segments based on a '.'

I would like to separate the segment where the . [marked in red] is into another OBX segment. So the next segment would be:

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While HL7 Errors ACKs come back in the soap response, the HL7v2 Error ACK message is not processed.

I used the SOAP Wizard to construct my classes, but the generated code doesn't handle the HL7v2 ACK.
Does health Connect have a class that handles this?

Failing an official solution should I go ahead and make make my own classes based on EnsLib.HL7.Operation.TCPOperation, but wrapping it with the generated SOAP handling code.

How have others dealt with this?

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Cache 2015.2

I need to get a sort order stored in my database with mutiple decimal places, but I want the string stored and retrieved EXACTLY as I enter it. so if someone enters 700.3000 I don't want cache to treat it as a decimal and strip the trailing zeros storing it as 700.3

once it comes back, I want the sorting to sort AS STRINGS, again, none of that stripping training/leading zeros.

this ay, I can create local arrays in exactly the order they think? they created them

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Hey Community,

In this demonstration you will see the building blocks of an integration in InterSystems IRIS for Health and HealthShare and see how messages are received, processed, and sent—including messages in the HL7 format:

Overview of Basic Components for InterSystems Integration Solutions

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I am wondering the best way to disable a user account using this class in Cache (Security.Users).


Example User Account = jhipp

Currently is Enabled

I know that we can use the auto-generated EnabledGetStored method, for example:

%SYS> w ##class(Security.Users).EnabledGetStored("jhipp")

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Does any one could tell me how can I access the target properties from inside SQL in DTL Subtransform? For example, if I use the following statement:

SELECT ID INTO :target.SetIDPID FROM firstlook.person WHERE FirstName = 'Paul' - as said in documentation :

  SELECT Name INTO :target.Name FROM MainFrame.EmployeeRecord WHERE SSN = :source.SSN AND City = :source.Home.City

I get an Error: ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST>

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· Aug 26, 2016 2m read
NewBie's Corner Session 18 Caché or Cache

NewBie's Corner Session 18 Caché or Cache

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Caché and Cache

Caché and Cache are not the same. Caché is a product offered by InterSystems. Whereas Cache refers to memory storage.
In computing, a cache /ˈkæʃ/ KASH, is a hardware or software component that stores data so future requests for that data can be served faster; the data stored in a cache might be the result of an earlier computation, or the duplicate of data stored elsewhere.

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Ensemble 2015. Working on an a way to send NACK'd HL7 messages to a flat file for external review/troubleshooting. (Similar to the way BadMessageHandler deals with validation errors.)

I think I have the Alert piece down, but need assistance with the exact syntax to do an SQL query in the DTL (or a custom function) to pull the HL7 message Raw Content into the Alert, based on the SessionID.

(Also, anything special to write alerts to the File Operation?)

Thanks, Brian

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Dear Colleagues,

Recently I am working on a Cache project should enable the customer, to update our Cache application independently from us. Our idea is a client (preferred .net) application that will copy all the necessary Cache stuff (classes, routines) into a cache database. For this, we are looking for the appropriate technology – in old times this would be a CacheDirect.

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I have developed a process that pulls data elements from a cache instance using the tools provided with the "intersys.pythonbind3" import. This is a windows box. After validating the process, the next step is to install the process on a site (Windows) that does not have an installed version of cache and access the cache instance remotely. But, since intersys.pythonbind3 is part of the cache install, I am not sure what to do to allow this process to function because of the missing import.

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Hey Developers,

Join us as we share lessons learned from standing up the initial InterSystems cloud offerings. We'll cover the challenges of standing up a SaaS and how to meet them:

Running InterSystems IRIS Workloads in the Cloud: Lessons Learned

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I know %CSP.Daemon is supposed to clean up old CSP sessions (?). In my management portal, under System/ License Usage, I see 33 "Units" used (and there are 33 licenses in use), but usernames from old IP address and that are not being used. Their active times are often in the millions of seconds. They are not "on" the system right now.

At most, only 3 users are on the system right now.

Are these supposed to be cleaned up? Can I clean them up programmactially, and how would I know if they're not active?



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Hi, we are trying to run a dynamically generated Oracle Insert SQL script using Do $SYSTEM.SQL.DDLImport("Oracle",""," sql.txt",[Error Log]) to insert multiple rows into a Linked Table within HealthConnect to an Oracle database.

We have tried using statements that are accepted within Oracle but not when using Intersystems DLL along the lines of :

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I had an issue when using the method Exists, I noticed that if you provide a directory for this method it returns 1.
This is really misleading, because sometimes the input could be a directory and the only way to predict this is to also test if the file is a directory.

I didn't tested using the Attributes method, but I supposed that this means could also be a solution for that issue.
But still, I expected the Exists method to return 1 for files and 0 for directories, since there's also method called DirectoryExists already.

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