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Strategic Interoperability

Executive Overview

This white paper discusses the critical requirements for the U.S. Departments of Defense (DoD) and Veterans Affairs (VA) to share Service members’ medical records – including real-time access to a complete composite health record – and it proposes an immediate solution via implementation of a health informatics platform. This approach will provide significant and clearly visible results in a matter of months, while positioning the Departments for strategic improvements in the years ahead.

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We are investigating option of populating .pdf Custom Properties Name-Value pairs with episode/billing information from the TrakCare database, using Logi Reports. Resulting .pdf would be stored in a designated network folder. Would welcome suggestions on feasibility / technique to achieve / code to achieve (or alternative approach).

Intent is for further (watcher) process to detect new .pdf file in network folder and determine actions and/or process flow based on Name-Value pair information in pdf's Custom Properties.

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I am very pleased with the added XML import/export feature in VS Code, this is something I found valuable in Studio. Similarly, I would find it very useful to allow import/export of .rtn files from VS Code. Is this currently possible (other than using SMP)? If not, are there plans for adding this? I frequently work with exported routines in .rtn format that I import into multiple instances.

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Hi Community,

Immerse yourself in our fresh video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Data Fabric Demystified - Patterns and Examples @ Global Summit 2023
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Hello everyone,

I am new to Deepsee (BI intelligence) concepts in IRIS. I am looking for a solution of below question

Question: We have a server where we are currently storing archive PDF reports of our application.

We want to add and view these archive reports (PDF format only) in dashboards. Is there any way we can do this? Or any article which can help us performing this task.

Thanks in advance!!

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· Sep 24, 2023 2m read
Reviews on Open Exchange - #32

If one of your packages on OEX receives a review you get notified by OEX only of YOUR own package.
The rating reflects the experience of the reviewer with the status found at the time of review.
It is kind of a snapshot and might have changed meanwhile.
Reviews by other members of the community are marked by * in the last column.

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Hi Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

InterSystems IRIS Scalability: New & Next Plus Ultra @ Global Summit 2023
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We have top stories on the right side of the main page.

How CP understands what to put there?

Are there most viewed posts?

Or most commented?

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In healthcare, information accessibility can impact the outcome of a medical decision, or the success of a bundled payment initiative. To ensure that the right information is available at the right place and time, healthcare organizations typically have used HL7® interface engines to share data among clinical applications. But the demands on healthcare information technology are changing so rapidly that these simple engines are no longer sufficient.

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Hi guys,

I try to make a test of encryption, decryption of a simple text.

I can crypt my text, but I can't decrypt it, do you see somewhere a dummy error of my part ?

Thanks for help

ClassMethod UnitTest()


set inputPlainText = "David"

// get private key

set privKeyFileName = "C:\temp\toto.pem"

set privobjCharFile = ##class(%Stream.FileCharacter).%New()

set privobjCharFile.Filename = privKeyFileName

set privKey = privobjCharFile.Read()

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Given the number of new features in this release, InterSystems has decided to add this fifth preview as part of the 2024.1 developer preview program. This extended developer preview release only includes InterSystems IRIS® for HealthTM, and HealthShare® Health Connect.

❗This announcement does not apply for InterSystems IRIS®

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Hey Community,

Hit that play button and enjoy the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Can You Autoscale This? Lessons from the Field on Kubernetes @ Global Summit 2023
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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Hi All,

I have ROUTINE for Get Data end of day. Routine Name is "getTicket.mac" . previously i execute at studio using this command to get data

w $$getTicket^production.etl.getTicket() and the result success as we want, in this case i want execute routine using BS ( Business Service ) and i want this routine execute every night at 12.00 AM

how to implement this condition.

Thanks For your help and time

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