So I have an interesting problem. I am going to be using a process and rule to determine if an HL7 message qualifies to be sent out, then using a record map to write certain aspects of that HL7 message to disk (with an HL7 to record map DTL). This is simple enough but the recipient of this file is requiring a single record map entry per DG1 segment in the HL7 message.

For instance if said HL7 message for PATIENT^TEST has 3 DG1 segments, I would need to write three lines (or records) like so:


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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,624 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

This is my first post, I have only been using Healthshare for a year.

We support multiple Healthshare test and development environments. We are trying to come up with the best solution for building an environment from scratch, as well as incremental updates. I am interested in hearing the pros and cons between using the Ensemble -> Export Production feature versus creating custom classes to do the install and setup.

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I'm able to log into my local instance of HealthShare through the Management Portal, but once I've done so, the screen is entirely blank. I'm still able to access Terminal and Studio without any issue, as well as a hosted instance's Management Portal. I've tried stopping and starting HealthShare, no luck. I've been working on this instance for the past several months and haven't experienced anything like this, and I don't know of anything that I was doing that would have broken the Management Portal. Anyone have a suggestion as to where to go from here?

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· Mar 10, 2019
Try Cachè on Ubuntu


There is a way to install and try Cachè 2018.1 on Ubuntu 16.04 distribuition or it's necessary use Red Hat/Suse distribuition to try Cachè on Linux?

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· Mar 9, 2019
%SYS.TasK Related query

Hi Community,

I have to make a daily task (Job) which will run (7 am to 7 pm) in a day at an interval of 3 hours. Timings are as (7:00 am, 10:00 am,13:00 pm,16:00 pm,19:00 pm). But at each time when task will run i have to set a variables as per below condition


1) If task run at 2019-03-19 07:00 am in morning

I have to set two variables (start and end) whose value will become like this

(set starttime= 2019-03-09 07:00:00.00 and set endtime=2019-03-09 10:00:00.00)

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Hi community,

I have a rights problem when giving a user permission to perform some select queries on particular tables. So I have created a user with the following rights.

So this all works well. No problem so far. But the customer is using a program where you can easily build visually the query by selecting the table, choose the right colums etc. So the problem we have is when I give the user the Role %All the tables are shown.

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I have a cache client trying to call a web service using SOAP version 1.2. We receive a SOAP error with the following text:

COD>w ##class(DBMS.Tools).DecomposeError(%objlasterror)

ERROR #6248: SOAP response is a SOAP fault: <Fault><Code><Value>s:Sender</Value>

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Hello Gentlemen,

My Business process connector receive a Oru_01 hl7 message with an ED segment inside (Base64 pdf). How is it possible to extract it and create a pdf file within?

Here is the sample of function I have. I know it doesn't work but if you could help me, it would be perfect. Here is my function, the goal would be it create the file where I want and return me the link of the file.

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Hi Community!

There are two general ways to execute arbitrary SQL in serverside ObjectScript code: EmbeddedSQL and ObjectScript SQL a.k.a. Dynamic SQL.

E.g. if we want to get the value of the property of instance with a certain ID using SQL we can do:

&sql(SELECT Name INTO :name FROM Sample.Person WHERE ID=1)

write name

Same result with %SQL.Statement:

set rs=##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(,"SELECT Name as name FROM Sample.Person where ID=1")
  do rs.%Next()

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I would like some help/ information regarding queued messages.

I have 1040 messages that are queued, but I only want to process the first 28 of them. Is there a way that I can do that?

If I abort them, would all of them go away?

Would appreciate if you can advice me on this



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I am trying to create a user role which shall allow users the access to only one specific namespace in an Ensemble system. I´ve startet creating the namespace with a database (with own ressource and no public access). In the second step I´ve created a role by copying it from the predefined role %Developer and assigned the ressource of the created database. After that i´ve created a user and assign him to the created role.

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· Mar 7, 2019
JSON challenge

Hello folks,

I have an JSON object that need to be updated before being parsed into a JSX component.

Source JSON obj:

var Obj = { "data": [
  {"id":1, "text":"Task #1", "project":"10", "sub_project":"10-1" },
  {"id":2, "text":"Task #2", "project":"10", "sub_project":"10-1" },
  {"id":3, "text":"Task #3", "project":"11", "sub_project":"11-1" },

Required JSON obj result:

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0 408

Let's imagine you have only SQL. You need some table where you should increment value in some property when you update this line.

We have the table

  "identifier"   VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
  "value"        INTEGER,
  PRIMARY KEY ("identifier")

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0 722

Our lab system is now sending DSC segments in large Pathology results in the ORU message that is followed by a partial continuation message with only MSH and OBX segments. the pointer is in the MSH;14 in the subsequent message. I believe the goal is to concatenate the first and second message but imagine this will require some custom functions which I have not done much of. Anyone already tackled this by chance?

Initial message:

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0 303
· Mar 5, 2019
.INT file not generated

After compilation of routine .int file is not generated and toggle breakpoint is also not visible for that routine.
It is showing error #5001 Editing of INT file is not allowed. How can I resolve this ?

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Hi Community!

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Engaging Patients Through Communication
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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We have built one interface but while sending messages it processed at first but then when we tried to send another file the router just stopped processing the message.

Checked the rule log and it should be processed as it does not falls under non processing condition
The router log has no error .The message just sits there.

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I'm using ZEN report to generate a PDF file out a table.

Although, I need to display data from two tables splitted into two different namespaces.

So, I created a process that fetches all the data I need and then calls the PDF class and generates the stream out of it.

My question is, once I've got my list of objects. How can I transform it into a ResultSet, in order to display in the report ?

Thanks for your answer.

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· Mar 5, 2019
PrimaryKey vs Idkey

Just wondering an Insight in the difference between these two indexes

IdKey / PrimaryKey

Property Identifier As %Integer

Index Index1 on Identifier [Idkey]

Index Index2 on Identifier [PrimaryKey]

What's the difference?

1. If I don't have Index1 and only have Index2, then cache does still make its own id.
So how and why do I ever use the PrimaryKey. In Joins ??

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