Hi there,

I'm discovering IRIS and I need to POC the solution, with a constraint: containerization.
I'm used to deploy my apps in a Swarm cluster, and all my bind volumes are written on a GlusterFS volume.

The problem here, when I start my stack, the first log is:

[WARN] ISC_DATA_DIRECTORY is located on a mount of type 'fuse.glusterfs' which is not supported, consider a named volume for '/iris_conf'

And of course the deployment fails.

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· Sep 12

I have a DOS batch file that calls *.scr script to back up an existing routine and upload the newly updated one.

I have a backup folder setup in C:\Users\[username]\Backup\ on each server, some with more recent versions of cache. The *.scr script calls on the command: $SYSTEM.OBJ.Export(routine,path) .

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I have an SQL table as below (columns - ID and Value)

I will get an ID number (first column) as an input from FTP inbound , and after that I have to query table taking ID as an input to get all the values for the ID

as -

if ID = 11 ; QRY output = aaa,bbb

if ID = 22 ; QRY output = xxx,yyy,zzz

can someone help me with query

ID Value
11 aaa
22 xxx
22 yyy
11 bbb
22 zzz

0 2
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Hello every one, here in our company we are trying to develop a tool to help us in our "Code Review" that today is completely done for another developer.

So I need to develope a tool that reads a class/routine (Already done) and identify if in the current line there is some abbreviated command, that is against our policy of codification, for example:

s variable = "test"
d ..SomeMethod()

So in this cases I want to warn the original developer that the code has parts that need to change the "s" to "Set" and de "d" to "Do".

3 6
2 146

Hi there, I'm wondering if anyone has run into an issue with <FILEFULL> when building an image from the ISC image? Specifically what's happening in our build is we are pre-loading our codebase into the image to make deployments faster and setting up source control, etc. When loading our libraries however we get hit with a <FILEFULL>. The resource limits on docker are pretty beefy and when observing resources on both the machine and container level we don't hit any issues. Oddly, this only happens when using the ARM64 version.

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0 61

I am trying to login to InterSystems image repository but it is not recognizing following credentials from ubuntu.

docker login https://containers.intersystems.com -u <username> -p <password>
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
Error response from daemon: Get "https://containers.intersystems.com/v2/": unknown: Bad credentials

The same credentials works via website.

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0 50

during an upgrade, a customer wants to load custom schemas in a particular order.
For this, they renamed a file EPIC_MDM.HL7 to 1EPIC_MDM.HL7
Upon importing this file into their server using VSCode, the custom schema was renamed to 1EPIC_MDM.HL7 inside the <Category>

This is impacting the upgrade and they are looking for a way to import a custom schema without renaming the schema itself.

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An IRIS.DAT file was removed, as it was not needed anymore. But the database was mirrored, so it still shows up in the mirror monitor and database list. How can this be fixed? There is no backup of the .DAT file so it cannot be restored.

w ##class(SYS.Mirror).RemoveMirroredDatabase("/mydir/")

throws a protect error.

0 3
0 64

I can START and STOP a business process via its Schedule setting.

Is it possible to change the value of another Setting in an analogous way?

I can imagine a SettingSchedule that could look like


But rather than just START or STOP, action could be "SET Setting = value", overriding whatever the normal value is.

Is there an existing way of achieving this kind of functionality?

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docker login -u=<username> -p=<password> containers.intersystems.com
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
Login Succeeded

$ docker pull containers.intersystems.com/intersystems/irishealth:2024.1
Error response from daemon: unauthorized: The client does not have permission for manifest: Download request for repo:path 'docker-customer-remote-cache:intersystems/irishealth/2024.1/list.manifest.json' is forbidden for user: 'anonymous'.

why the download is not working.

0 2
0 80

I need to know if given package exists or not.

Currently found two solution - one doesn't work, another works but I don't like it.

Solution 1.

I started, of course, with %Dictionary package - it has PackageDefinition class after all.

However, %ExistsId returned 0 on packages that clearly do exist, so I went to %LoadData, it uses this macro to determine if the package exist:

0 12
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I've recently updated the python version of a linux server running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.10 (Ootpa). We have an instance 2023.1 running there, and whenever I run the $System.Pyhthon.Shell() I can see it's still pointing to the old version. From within linux, it runs the latest one (we've change all the links to the new 3.11, so no scripts are broken).

So I guess the problem comes from the fact irispython is still compiled using old python version. So, how can I do to force IRIS to use the current version on the server, or update the irispython file?

0 3
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I am using this "$ZDATETIME($h,3,1,3)" and getting response as 2024-09-03 12:07:45.000
But I need proper values at the end instead of zeros (000)

Something like below -
2024-09-03 12:07:45.658

1 6
0 134

I encountered an unexpected behavior while working with the $ZTIMEH and $ZTIME functions, specifically with times between 12:00 and 13:00. Here's what I observed:

W $ZTIMEH("08:50:38.975411826")
Output: 31838

W $ZTIME(31838,1)
Output: 08:50:38

This behavior is correct as $ZTIME returns the expected time of 08:50:38.

However, with the following example:

W $ZTIMEH("12:05:38.975411826")
Output: 338

W $ZTIME(338,1)
Output: 00:05:38

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· Aug 28



K ^RICH D ##class(%Library.Routine).RoutineCompare("\\IP\C$\.......\$NAMESPACE","RTN","\\LOCALHOST\..........\$NAMESPACE","RTN","^RICH")

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0 95

I have some Services using EnsLib.File.InboundAdapter to go directly to respective operations using EnsLib.File.OutboundAdapter which has a 'File Path' specified.

Using this File Path as a root directory, I'd like to instead pass this through a Router where I could somehow inject a subdirectory to place the file into on the outbound side based off the source service it is coming from. There will likely be several inbound services writing to each outbound operation and I'd like to be able to sort the output into subfolders.

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