Let's consider you would like to efficiently store your historical data in a similar structure than the one used for your current data, but without sharing the same physical storage (ie : not in the same global). What is the most efficient way to do it ?

Below a simple class of your current data :

3 9
0 383
· Feb 2, 2022
Code Golf: Paired Opposites

You will receive a string of comma-separated integers whose elements have both a negative and a positive value, except for one integer that is either only negative or only positive, our challenge will be to find that integer.
As usual shortest solution wins.





3 has no matching negative appearance

4 34
0 723

For me the best moments were:

1 - Global Masters WON the 2021 Influitive BAMMIE Award for Most Passionate Community

2 - Tech Article contests

3 - InterSystems Programming Contests

4 - 10,000+ DC members

5 - Partner directory and business services

6 - 500+ applications on OEX

7 - Open Virtual Summits

8 - Prizes from GM points

9 - Free online learning courses

10 - Discord channels

11 - Innovations from IRIS Data Platform

12 - Multilanguage communities, including portuguese, spanish and chinese community

5 4
0 159
· Dec 28, 2021
On Datasets Licensing

Hi developers!

We launched the datasets contest.

And one of the important questions that need to be covered is dataset licensing.

There are two general cases:

a) a dataset you take from another place in public Internet or private network/person.

b) a dataset you create by yourself or own for any other reason.

We decided to follow the principles and considerations that data.world site introduces for datasets' licensing.

0 2
0 231
· Dec 15, 2021
UAE let’s meet

Hi, I’m recently decided to stay for some months in Dubai. And looking for new opportunities here, as well as even would like to meet in person with local people who works with InterSystems. I can share my knowledge and experience. What do you think? Do we have somebody from Dubai, or other from other parts of UAE?

1 1
0 297

Hi, Community!

Open Exchange (OEX) is getting more and more popular and more and more developers consider publishing their apps in the public package manager registry.

This is really great!

So the topic of thoughtful naming convention is getting more important and even critical. Let's discuss?

1 6
1 429
· Nov 19, 2021
Low-Code Platform

Intersystems recently announced a partnership with unqork. I would like to know if someone already used this tool, or another tool, and how was the experience. Is there within the intersystems ecosystem (partners) any low-code tool that generates COS? Tks

0 1
0 366
· Nov 17, 2021
Code Golf - Encoder

We need to send some coordinates to a spaceship through a laser beam.
To do that we have to encode it, and beam it out into space.
Your mission is to implement the encoder with a compression standard.
As usual shortest solution wins.


You will receive a string of comma-separated integers and you will return a new string of comma-separated integers and sequence descriptors.





4 8
2 590

For all docker versions we have direct download links.

Like on our repository or on docker hub :

However, there is no direct link to download the installable (non docker) versions.

I propose you these two scripts to solve this need, the first one is with the wget command, the other one in curl.

5 1
4 385
· Oct 8, 2021
Code Golf: Just add water...

Have you ever seen those vaccum compressed towels, that look like a pill and after you add water became a towel?

That's our challenge for today. As usual shortest solution wins.


You will receive an integer number and you will return a new number where each digit is repeated a number of times equals to its value.






3 11
0 455

When overwriting the Read method (that has a %CacheString return type) on a new class that inherits %Stream.FileCharacter class, returns an error about incorrect return type, must be Binary, even if it matched the real signature.

Looking at the compile global information we can see:


After further investigation we realise that there is a generator method looking at the OdbcType class definition.

Setting LONGVARCHAR results in:


0 0
0 191

A quine is a computer program which takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output.


How about a fun challenge?

The task is to write a quine in InterSystems ObjectScript. It can be a class, or a method, or a routine, or just a line to be executed in a terminal. You decide!

Here's some resources you might consider useful:

Hard mode: do not use source code access functions.

Here's my (extremely uninspired, I know) attempt:

Class User.Quine

/// do ##class(User.Quine).Test()
ClassMethod Test()
    set sc = ##class(%Compiler.UDL.TextServices).GetTextAsString($namespace, $classname(), .str)
    write str


It produces this output:

How many different ways of producing a quine are there in ObjectScript?

9 15
0 526

The goal is to construct a comma separated string, using a loop but the same way $listtostring(var,",") would do (i.e. "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h" without starting or ending comma).

What is the best way to do it, concerning the readability of the code and its performances?

To do so, there are more than 5 methods, but in this example we will test 4 :

1) using a "if" in the loop

4 9
1 454

When I'm asked questions about SQL, I like Intersystems staff at the WRC, generally ask about the Query Plan. My feeling is that even before you run a query you should examine the results of Show Plan to confirm that the code is going to give me the results in the manner I would expect. If I expect it to leverage an index and I see that it is not then I go back and look at what I might have done incorrectly and try to re-write the query to get the index behavior I'm looking for. To that end, there's a poll below to ask you if think moving the Show Plan button as the first button would be

0 0
0 157
· Jul 6, 2021
Vunerability Scan

Hi All,

I have to do intersystems iris objectscript code vulnerability scan. I tried in synck vulnerabilities but it's not supported for the xml file. Can someone guide me? Anyother tools are there to do this?

0 1
0 168

We've been tasked with developing a file upload module as part of our wider system, storing scanned documents against a patients profile. Our Intersystems manager suggested storing those files in the DB as streams would be the best approach and it sounded like a solid idea, it can be encrypted, complex indexes, optimized for large files and so on. However the stake holder questioned why would we want to do that over storing them in windows folders and that putting it in the DB was nuts.

2 25
2 1.1K
· May 13, 2021
Shout out to the Dev Community !

Hello All,

Just wanted to acknowledge the fact that this community has become a great resource for help. I have had many wonderful people helping me out with my questions in last couple of weeks. Thank you to all of you :)



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