Hello community,

I would like to know answer to the question: What would be an optimal way to connect an Ensemble and a pure Caché server? Optimally in such a way for the Caché system to be able to fire Ensemble processes and the Ensemble server to call Caché server functions.

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I'm purging a lot of management data from an Ensemble production, which is creating 100s of GBs of journals. Has anybody succeeded in disabling journaling on an Ensemble purge? The user interface doesn't have an option for this, but I'm thinking you might be able to identify the process and externally disable journaling on it.

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· Aug 9, 2017
SSL_connect() error

I am trying to send an HTTP request and getting "SSL/TLS error return from SSL_connect()." error (Cache 2013). No modification in SSL/TLS Configuration helped. Could anyone point me in the right direction?


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I have an imported WSDL from SalesForce and I am trying to send a login-request to the SalesForce-servers via InterSystems. The login requires a username and a password in the body, and an organizationId in the header. I am having trouble filling the organizationId in the header.

Via SoapUI I can send a successfull message to the SalesForce-servers. The message should look like this:

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My scenario is:

I have a Cache method that

call a REST -> JSON -response > INSERT/UPDATE the source table of a DeepSee Cube -> Update the Cube only for this change -

I want to view in .NET Application the changes. For that I want that this method should be executed at a defined interval.

Or maybe the solution is a Refresh button in .NET page. is there any way to access a Cache method from .NET?

Any idea how to do it?

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· Oct 3, 2017
.NET Gateway vs. Java Gateway


we have to implement some application logic using either Java or .NET. Which should we choose? Given that all other considerations are equal, which is in your experience better way performance-wise to interact with external components in Caché: .NET Gateway or Java Gateway?


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· Oct 7, 2017
.xls format problem

When i tried to print .txt format,data will be coming without space between each row but when
I tried to print .xls format mean ,it gives gap of each row.what is the reason behind this?

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I'm trying to write an installer manifest that can create a namespace, resources (%DB_namespace) and a role (with the resource, above), based on the namespace. So you could pass in "ABC", or "XYZ", and it would create the %DB_ABC resource and the ABC role with %DB_ABC:RW permissions; or it will create the %DB_XYZ resource and the XYZ role with %DB_XYZ:RW permissions, accordingly.

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So we are still fairly new to the ensemble app and getting set up. I have 3 seperate batch record file services that pull in files and send to 3 seperate processes. there is no real rules other than an when condition=1 use this said DTL and send to operation. all 3 of these routers use different DTL's as they are seperate files but all go to the same operation. for some reason i am seeing the files sit in the Process and say Delivered. 2 of the three process after up to 10-15 mins of sitting and the third gets an error i am very unfamiliar with, so this post is two-fold.

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Hi, team

i configure my authorization server and client and i want define access rights for different users , how can i do it?

knowing that we have our own database with different users ID and access privilege ?

is there any one who can help us? thank's

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We have an web application accessed using https, that uses CSP technology with frames.

The initial 'login' is via a single CSP page, which then redirects to another CSP page which creates the frames (4 in all) and loads a CSP page in each of those. For the most part the frames load without error, but sometimes when logging in and sometimes while using the system ' 5916 Illegal CSP Request ' errors occur.

I say 'login' in inverted commas as a Cache login is not performed just an application login, I don't know if that's relevant so thought I'd mention it.

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· Nov 27, 2017
"Contains" operation for bitstring


Is there a handy function to test wether one bit string is covered by another one bitstring? For example, "bb" is covered by "aa".

I currently implement this by one AND operation and then do a bitcount, I just want to know any default function is already out there.


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