· Jul 20, 2021
Caché and IRIS doubt


I have two questions:

  • Does "everything" that's available on Caché it's available on IRIS too?
  • Does everything available on IRIS Windows version it's available on IRIS Linux version?
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Hi! I am working on a project where I use record map to transform a flat file and split it into two output text file and in the future will need to split four output files.

I only want to use one target business operations instead of multiple. Is there a way to set the output file and the target folder path in my business process class?

Any advice on how I can achieve this or is this possible? Thanks!

0 5
0 401

Apologies if this isn't the correct forum but here goes..

I'm accessing an Intersystems database from MS SQL Server using Intersystems ODBC driver and using OPENQUERY statement to read metadata of tables using


but I get an error message saying INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS cannot be found.

Intersystems SQL documentation does reference this table so is there some other way to access this table or is it maybe a permissions issue?

0 3
0 569
· Aug 2, 2020
Kafka Java Host

I'm trying to produce Kafka Message to Topic using Java Objects. I have build Business operation and Jar file and trying to execute. I'm getting following exception

Terminating Job 8316 / 'IrisKafkaProducer' with Status = ERROR #5046: Error executing java command 'init() returned: "ERROR #5034: Invalid status code structure ("java.sql.SQLException: [InterSystems IRIS JDBC] Communication link failure: Access Denied")"'. Java may not be installed correctly on your system., %QuitTask=

Getting following trace at Audit Database

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0 464
· Jul 13, 2021
Method return List of type

Good afternoon I am making a method of a class that I want to return a list of objects of another class that I have defined, example:

ClassMethod myMethod() As list of MyPackage.MyClass

But it gives me a syntax error, I try this and it works:

ClassMethod myMethod() As %ListOfObjects

But I would like to keep the typing.

Is there a way?

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After cloning "" sample code I imported sample production from /home/project/Samples-Integration-RedLights/data/EndStateProduction.xml file to my local system.

Now I am getting the error "ERROR #5021: Directory '\home\project\shared\Samples-Integration-RedLights\data\SampleFiles\' does not exist." in my service.

While modifying the Directory path I am getting below error :

0 1
0 360

Hi all,

We're encountering a problem using CacheSQLStorage where one of the subscripts of this mapped table contains the string "||", which causes issues as Caché uses "||" as a delimiter. Is it possible to assign a different delimiter?

I'm attaching the code of the class as an example.

Class MainCore.System.MDA.msort2x2x2 Extends %Persistent [ ProcedureBlock, StorageStrategy = MainStorage ]

Property Subscript1 As %String;

Property Subscript2 As %String;

Property Data As %String(MAXLEN = 32000);

0 3
0 220

In a DTL to transform from HL7v2 to FHIR; select the code for the attending provider within a for each statement

<foreach property='source.AttendingClinicians()' key='st' >

<if condition='source.AttendingClinicians.(st).Code&apos;=""' >


<if condition='..In(source.AttendingClinicians.(st).IdentifierTypeCode ,"NPI","PNPI")' >

0 3
0 249

Can the built-in $System.Encryption.TOTP() function be used in conjunction with Authenticator Apps (e.g. Google, Microsoft, and so on)?

Providing the same secret/key to a variety of authentication apps, they all return the same synchronized value. However, passing the same secret/key to $System.Encryption.TOTP() is generating a different value (with all instances executing at the same time for comparison).

0 1
0 201

Native API , IRIS 2019 regression vs Cache .Net provider

1. checking the native API, with .net provider, from IS docs, I realize,

that it is not possible to wrap objectSricpt Class with .NET (C# for example) pure Class with it's methods/properties

and make pure instance syntax of: new myNetClass - as wrapper of irisClass.

as I realize, you can run .Net Class , only with .Invoke or iris.ClassMethodVoid("","method")

such syntax, cannot execute event driven on proprety change, let say, with it's build in mechanizm in .Net

0 18
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· Jul 13, 2021
Initialise object list

How do you initialise a list of objects of a particular type?

I have tried the following code and I get an undefined when I try to insert.

I can do this and it works but I don't know if it is correct.

Is there any way to do something like this?

Set a= New list of Accciones()

Thank you.

0 3
0 239

I successfully installed IRIS Community edition on my new RYZEN7 desktop. However when I try to start IRIS I get an error event that states IRIS cannot start due to too many cores. (I have 15 on this CPU).

So how do I resolve this? I do have to install the image onto a single core? Or how many cores can this version run on?

Any comments/suggestions or hysterical laughter will be very much appreciated.

Gary Marston

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0 385

Hello All

I'm running into an issue performing UPDATES that I'm not getting on INSERTS. It's probably obvious, but I'm just not seeing it and could use a little help.

I'm going over an HL7 message and depending upon varying criteria, the relevent variables will get items added to them like the following:

Set patientId = pRequest.GetValueAt("PID:3")
Set sqlColumns = sqlColumns_",patient_id"
Set sqlValues = sqlValues_",?"
Set par($i(p)) = patientId

After compiling the variables, I check to see if accession number is found in the table.

0 14
0 375

I have a ZEN PDF report that prints headers and footers with images correctly but when I try to embed an image into a table it does not print.

Are there examples snippets where a fully url qualified image can be embedded within the <table><item><img> tags?

0 2
0 193

HI Community,

Now Intersystems has developers definitely cut-off from Zen/CSP I am looking for sample code how to invoke server-side methods from Angular and PHP, Java client.

I only see some rest/json crud examples, but that is not the whole picture I assume.

Let's say I have a persistent Class with a class method to import or modify data...

I want to invoke this from my Angular App or PHP app.

any examples, suggestions?

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· Jul 11, 2021
Applying Stylesheet

Hi Guys,

I'm using the below style and everything looks good, with my Dynamic Grid width 1300px, but when I refresh my grid the width goes out of whack and the grid is too wide, so how can I re-call my enforce my style to be applied again after refreshing my grid, so basically I'm looking for a line of code that I add it to my refreshing () clientMethod ?

XData Style
<style type="text/css">
body {
padding: 5px;
margin: 0px;
height: 100%;
background-image : url(images/bkground.gif);

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