Hi, Community!

Here is the digest of Articles and Questions published on InterSystems Developer Community in September 2016.

Most viewed

Mirroring 101: a brief guide and FAQ - 238

NewBie's Corner Session 27 Traversing A Global with $Order Part 1 - 214

Cache for Raspberry Pi? - 209

Free Text Search: The Way To Search Your Text Fields That SQL Developers Are Hiding From You!* - 199

REST in Pieces - 196

User authentication using Arduino with RFID - 146

Windows 7 performs shutdown too fast for Cache to close and so it gets forced down - 143

Cache or Caché? - 141

NewBie's Corner Session 28 Various Methods to Traverse a Global - 134

Cache Certification - 128

Most voted

Ensemble and file outbound adapters - a small hint - 11

Free Text Search: The Way To Search Your Text Fields That SQL Developers Are Hiding From You!* - 9

Windows write caching - 9

Advanced URL mapping for REST - 6

Windows 7 performs shutdown too fast for Cache to close and so it gets forced down - 6

Featured InterSystems Video: OAuth 2.0 Overview - 6

The Art of Mapping Globals to Classes (2 of 3) - 5

Running HealthShare XSLTs from Terminal - 5

Cache for Raspberry Pi? - 5

Cache or Caché? - 5

Most commented

NewBie's Corner Session 27 Traversing A Global with $Order Part 1 - 16

Cache for Raspberry Pi? - 14

question on ExternalFreeze on windows platform -- - 14

Cache or Caché? - 12

Mirroring 101: a brief guide and FAQ - 10

Windows 7 performs shutdown too fast for Cache to close and so it gets forced down - 9

Multiple namespaces in web application - 8

cleaning up CSP sessions (aka where/who/what is the %CSP.Daemon?) - 8

NewBie's Corner Session 28 Various Methods to Traverse a Global - 8

Free Text Search: The Way To Search Your Text Fields That SQL Developers Are Hiding From You!* - 7

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,787 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
· Sep 9, 2016

Hello, guys.

I found one interesting moment in Cache Object Script. It doesn't have(or at least I didn't find) trimming function. By trimming I mean if a string has some whitespaces/tabs/carriage returns from very beginning or/and from very right, this function removes them.

I have found several workaround ways.

1. Using Cache Basic

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· Sep 30, 2016 1m read
ECP Magic

I saw someone recently refer to ECP as magic. It certainly seems so, and there is a lot of very clever engineering to make it work. But the following sequence of diagrams is a simple view of how data is retrieved and used across a distributed architecture.

For more more on ECP including capacity planning follow this link: Data Platforms and Performance - Part 7 ECP for performance, scalability and availability

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It appears latest version of field test supports Rules. What does support of Ensemble rules in Atelier mean for Ensemble users? Does it mean compilation and development can now be done in new Studio? If yes, how indentation and aliment work with Atelier?


2016.2.0.726.0AtelierCDS2785Support Ensemble Business Rules in Atelier api
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Checking if Directory or File Exists:

Outlined below is an example of how to check if a directory exists:

Set directoryName="c:\temp\nosuchdir"

/* Check for existence of a directory - Return Value:  0 - directory does not exist;  1 - directory does exist  */

Set directoryExists=##class(%File).DirectoryExists(directoryName)

If ('directoryExists)  // do the processing for when a directory does not exist

Outlined below is an example of how to check if a file exists:

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Hi all,

We're creating a series of RESTful APIs that output data from a Cache database (made up of global storage that we've mapped to classes). I'm running into some problems with object-to-JSON conversions when relationships are involved. Eg:

ParentClass has children relationship to ChildClass

ChildClass has parent relationship to ParentClass

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Hi All

I have a question on working with dev and prod environments.

After project is ready and signed, I usually migrate outcome to production using the export tool from the studio.

For changes/adding to existing projects, I exclude the production class (as it has some different values differing the dev from the live) and I add the differences manually afterwards.

My questions on migrating are:

Does anyone has (to share) his/her best practice steps on "migrating dev to prod"?

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I need to do an UPDATE via SQL and I would like the statement to return the `ID` column of each row that is updated. MS SQL has an "OUTPUT" statement, but I don't see anything similar in Cache. Is there a way to do this?

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Cross-origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is one of the basic security features built into browsers. CORS controls accessing resources from a HTML page in domains other than the original domain. It is particularly important for AJAX calls. Since RESTful services can be used as data provider to any AJAX call, you have to be able to control cross-origin access. By default services are not allowed to do CORS. You are going to learn how to enable it for Ensemble RESTful services.

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NewBie's Corner Session 29 Documentation on the Caché/MUMPS Global Structure

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

This post contains several links to very good documentation of the Caché Globals Structure.

Like I said, "Perhaps the most difficult concept in Caché/MUMPS is its Global Structure."

universalNoSQL.pdf - http://mgateway.com/docs/universalNoSQL.pdf

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We're developing Ensemble PoC and one day our frontend developer (who doesn't have Ensemble production running) said that Populate just doesn't cut it and he needs to see the real data. He needed only one object, but the problem was - it's a big object. Still, I checked ids of everything related and wrote this command (parts omitted, but you get the idea):

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0 687

I know per documentation (pasted below) to set the DSTIME parameters for the base class of a cube. If that base class has a property that is another class, do I have to add the DSTIME parameters to that secondary class?

Documentation says the following in a section titled "Enabling Cube Synchronization:"

Before you can synchronize a cube, you must enable the cube synchronization feature for that cube. To do so:

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Preface: our small, but very ambitious company called “Black Mushroom Studio” came up with an idea for an e-commerce project and a mobile app that would let users pay for certain goods/services via a payment aggregator.

What we had initially: an Android app skeleton that, of course, liked communicating via HTTP and JSON, and a payment system with an API – web services with SOAP content.

Goal: make it all work together.

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NewBie's Corner Session: 9 Documentation and books

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

To access your documentation:

Assuming you have installed Caché, (see NewBie's Corner, Session:1),

Click on the InterSystems cube in the Windows system tray, then choose Documentation.

Or – another method you can use to access your documentation:

Assuming you have installed Caché, (see NewBie's Corner, Session:1),

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Can someone please explain the affect of the Failure Timeout on an ensemble business operation with a EnsLib.HL7.Adapter.TCPOutboundAdapter

Is this setting indicating the number of seconds that the operation will attempt to resend a message to a target before it fails?

How does this setting affect message processing of messages that fail because of a missing or failure response code that comes back in an HL7 message response?

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