· Oct 1, 2016

Developer Community Articles and Questions Digest, September 2016

Hi, Community!

Here is the digest of Articles and Questions published on InterSystems Developer Community in September 2016.

Most viewed

Mirroring 101: a brief guide and FAQ - 238

NewBie's Corner Session 27 Traversing A Global with $Order Part 1 - 214

Cache for Raspberry Pi? - 209

Free Text Search: The Way To Search Your Text Fields That SQL Developers Are Hiding From You!* - 199

REST in Pieces - 196

User authentication using Arduino with RFID - 146

Windows 7 performs shutdown too fast for Cache to close and so it gets forced down - 143

Cache or Caché? - 141

NewBie's Corner Session 28 Various Methods to Traverse a Global - 134

Cache Certification - 128


Most voted

Ensemble and file outbound adapters - a small hint - 11

Free Text Search: The Way To Search Your Text Fields That SQL Developers Are Hiding From You!* - 9

Windows write caching - 9

Advanced URL mapping for REST - 6

Windows 7 performs shutdown too fast for Cache to close and so it gets forced down - 6

Featured InterSystems Video: OAuth 2.0 Overview - 6

The Art of Mapping Globals to Classes  (2 of 3) - 5

Running HealthShare XSLTs from Terminal - 5

Cache for Raspberry Pi? - 5

Cache or Caché? - 5


Most commented

NewBie's Corner Session 27 Traversing A Global with $Order Part 1 - 16

Cache for Raspberry Pi? - 14

question on ExternalFreeze on windows platform -- - 14

Cache or Caché? - 12

Mirroring 101: a brief guide and FAQ - 10

Windows 7 performs shutdown too fast for Cache to close and so it gets forced down - 9

Multiple namespaces in web application - 8

cleaning up CSP sessions (aka where/who/what is the %CSP.Daemon?) - 8

NewBie's Corner Session 28 Various Methods to Traverse a Global - 8

Free Text Search: The Way To Search Your Text Fields That SQL Developers Are Hiding From You!* - 7

By Tags


ASP.NET Identity Caché Provider — working with Identity via InterSystems Caché


Cache up gradation Cache 5.02 to cache 16




Has Anyone Managed to configure CSP Gateway on CentOS 7 with Apache 2.4 and Secure Enhanced Linux Enabled?


Automating External Freeze on server with restricted access


Diagnosing Framing Errors

Has Anyone Managed to configure CSP Gateway on CentOS 7 with Apache 2.4 and Secure Enhanced Linux Enabled?

Windows write caching


Google calendar

Application Server

Has Anyone Managed to configure CSP Gateway on CentOS 7 with Apache 2.4 and Secure Enhanced Linux Enabled?


Minor typo in Atelier 1.0.240

What are the proper web application settings for Atelier?


Atelier "Check for updates" broken?


Support Ensemble Business Rules in Atelier


User authentication using Arduino with RFID

Multiple namespaces in web application

ASP.NET Identity Caché Provider — working with Identity via InterSystems Caché

FHIR and OAuth Documentation


How to end a session or clean up license if a tab is simply closed


Quickest way to backup routines


NewBie's Corner Session 20 Parameters and Status Part I

XMLObject.OutputToString and Hebrew

NewBie's Corner Session 25 Globals and Arrays Part 1

question on ExternalFreeze on windows platform --

NewBie's Corner Session 26 Globals and Arrays Part 2

Automating External Freeze on server with restricted access

Creating a RESTful Service using Ensemble


NewBie's Corner Session 28 Various Methods to Traverse a Global


NewBie's Corner Session 29 Documentation on the Caché/MUMPS Globals Structure


Enabling Cross-origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for RESTful Services


Consuming RESTful Web Services

Business Operation

Ensemble and file outbound adapters - a small hint

Best Practices for Custom Business Components?

Diagnosing Framing Errors

XDSb Provide and Register Passthrough

Business Process (BPL)

ErrGeneral: Object is immutable


Analizing Ensemble Business Processes Performance


Custom Router vs. Standard Router


Best Practices for Custom Business Components?


XDSb Provide and Register Passthrough

Business Rules

Support Ensemble Business Rules in Atelier

Business Service

Diagnosing Framing Errors

Using a pool size of > 1 for inbound file service




Best Practices for Custom Business Components?


XDSb Provide and Register Passthrough


NewBie's Corner Session 20 Parameters and Status Part I

How to implement bcrypt algorithm

chown may clear the setuid and setgid bits on Caché executables

Cache up gradation Cache 5.02 to cache 16

Quickest way to backup routines

Bootstrapping a Cache application

Caché MapReduce - putting it all together – WordCount example (part III)

Can MERGE Statements using an $HOROLOG global index cause a race condition?

Some considerations when creating objects with >1 level of serial objects

Cache Certification

NewBie's Corner Session 25 Globals and Arrays Part 1

Caché on new hardware

Job offer to Cache Developers in Vienna / ERP System Developer

LDAP Interface

Free Text Search: The Way To Search Your Text Fields That SQL Developers Are Hiding From You!*

CSP ERRO for upgrade cache 16.1

NewBie's Corner Session 26 Globals and Arrays Part 2

CSP Error

User authentication using Arduino with RFID

Stream Property

Tips & Tricks - Export object to global


Windows 7 performs shutdown too fast for Cache to close and so it gets forced down

Class change trigger

NewBie's Corner Session 28 Various Methods to Traverse a Global

OnHTTPHeader not support cache 14

NewBie's Corner Session 29 Documentation on the Caché/MUMPS Globals Structure

CSP Session

Featured InterSystems Video: OAuth 2.0 Overview


Registering New Error Code and Error Message

ERROR - SQL Error '[Cache ODBC][State : S1000][Native Code 29]

Cache - Checking If a Directory or File Exists

Exporting global nodes to xml


About Cache 2015.1.0.429 Software


Why can't I have CSP Gateway files where I want on a cache_silent install?


Compare time


Query Method -Stream Property


onHTTP method not support


Caché SQL error (ODBC?) - <Prepare+41^%SYS.SQLSRV *%New,%sqlcq


How to open ms-dos text files


Array collection of Cache class


Has Anyone Managed to configure CSP Gateway on CentOS 7 with Apache 2.4 and Secure Enhanced Linux Enabled?


Cache class definition


Cache Task Manager Usage and Configuration


Automatic removal of system methods from codebase


Get information from patients - Health Share


question on ExternalFreeze on windows platform --


List Medical Records of an Patient


Automating External Freeze on server with restricted access

Caché Objects

Caché MapReduce - putting it all together – WordCount example (part III)

Bootstrapping a Cache application

These Are NOT Identical Twins: the Class Keywords DependsOn and CompileAfter

Output object fields to string

Some considerations when creating objects with >1 level of serial objects

CSP ERRO for upgrade cache 16.1

Free Text Search: The Way To Search Your Text Fields That SQL Developers Are Hiding From You!*

CSP Error

Tips & Tricks - Export object to global

Stream Property

Registering New Error Code and Error Message

OnHTTPHeader not support cache 14


CSP Session


How to retrive the output of sample program


ERROR - SQL Error '[Cache ODBC][State : S1000][Native Code 29]


Compare time


Iknow concepts


Query Method -Stream Property


onHTTP method not support


Cache class Program


Cache Developer Certification


Stream Class


%WriteJSONFromObject retrieves too much of database when complex relationships are involved

Caché ObjectScript (COS)

Job offer to Cache Developers in Vienna / ERP System Developer

Can MERGE Statements using an $HOROLOG global index cause a race condition?

Free Text Search: The Way To Search Your Text Fields That SQL Developers Are Hiding From You!*



Automatic removal of system methods from codebase

Change management

cleaning up CSP sessions (aka where/who/what is the %CSP.Daemon?)


Why can't I have CSP Gateway files where I want on a cache_silent install?


Mirroring 101: a brief guide and FAQ

Code snippet

Tips & Tricks - Export object to global


Cache - Checking If a Directory or File Exists


Windows 7 performs shutdown too fast for Cache to close and so it gets forced down

Support for Java Hibernate 5


Automatic removal of system methods from codebase

Continuous Integration

Why can't I have CSP Gateway files where I want on a cache_silent install?


Migrating project from dev to prod


Multiple namespaces in web application


CSP ERRO for upgrade cache 16.1


CSP Error


Close current CSP connection through code


OnHTTPHeader not support cache 14


CSP Session


Why can't I have CSP Gateway files where I want on a cache_silent install?


Query Method -Stream Property


onHTTP method not support


Has Anyone Managed to configure CSP Gateway on CentOS 7 with Apache 2.4 and Secure Enhanced Linux Enabled?


What are the rules for DSTIME if a property type is a class?

Data Model

Caché MapReduce - putting it all together – WordCount example (part III)

Data Transformation (DTL)

ErrGeneral: Object is immutable


Mirroring 101: a brief guide and FAQ


Mirror Outage Procedures: How to handle planned and unplanned Caché mirror outages


What are the rules for DSTIME if a property type is a class?


User authentication using Arduino with RFID

Developer Community

InterSystems Developer Community August 2016 Digest

Fix RSS feed title field

Developer Community FAQ

LDAP Interface


Cache for Raspberry Pi?


FAQ Menu Link empty


About Cache 2015.1.0.429 Software


Tag for the newbies posts


Video timeout


Daily Digest set, but receiving MANY emails each day with subj of "Subscription Digest"


sorting the new posts (new, comments, answers) in date order


Additional information about community members


Why do I get notifications on my own posts/comments?

Developer Community FAQ

fixing repetitive problems after pasting content from Word or other sources into a Developer Community article

Development Environment

Migrating project from dev to prod

Distributed Data Management

Caché MapReduce - putting it all together – WordCount example (part III)


NewBie's Corner Session 29 Documentation on the Caché/MUMPS Globals Structure


How to implement bcrypt algorithm


Mirroring 101: a brief guide and FAQ

Errors requesting data from local Ensemble FHIR Repository

Featured InterSystems Online Course: Advanced Data Transformations

Does Ensemble has support for seal a flatfile with HMAC?

Featured InterSystems Online Course: Building Custom Business Operations

LDAP Interface

Windows 7 performs shutdown too fast for Cache to close and so it gets forced down

FHIR outside of HealthShare

Creating a RESTful Service using Ensemble

Is there a way to try/develop with Ensemble?

Enabling Cross-origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for RESTful Services

What's the difference between HealthShare and Ensemble?

Consuming RESTful Web Services

Deployment of Ensemble Production with different configurations


Ensemble Upgrade From v3.0.0


Connect Timeout vs Failure Timeout


XMLObject.OutputToString and Hebrew


Tips & Tricks - Export object to global

Exporting global nodes to xml


Ranking of Graph Databases and GlobalsDB


Running HealthShare XSLTs from Terminal

FHIR outside of HealthShare


What's the difference between HealthShare and Ensemble?


List Medical Records of an Patient

High Availability

Mirroring 101: a brief guide and FAQ


Mirror Outage Procedures: How to handle planned and unplanned Caché mirror outages


Diagnosing Framing Errors


Free Text Search: The Way To Search Your Text Fields That SQL Developers Are Hiding From You!*


Using complex filters

Iknow concepts

Free Text Search: The Way To Search Your Text Fields That SQL Developers Are Hiding From You!*


[Java Gateway] How to interprete %Status of COS in Java side


Support for Java Hibernate 5


EWD 3: Integrating Cache and Node.js. Free Training Course


REST in Pieces

Create a Json extract

Creating a RESTful Service using Ensemble

%WriteJSONFromObject retrieves too much of database when complex relationships are involved

Consuming RESTful Web Services

Key Value

Tips & Tricks - Export object to global


LDAP Interface

Management Portal

cleaning up CSP sessions (aka where/who/what is the %CSP.Daemon?)


Mirroring 101: a brief guide and FAQ


Mirror Outage Procedures: How to handle planned and unplanned Caché mirror outages


Free Text Search: The Way To Search Your Text Fields That SQL Developers Are Hiding From You!*


Tips & Tricks - Export object to global


Using ODBC with PHP in OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)

How do I get display value of a property via ODBC


How do I get display value of a property via ODBC

Online Learning

Featured InterSystems Online Course: Advanced Data Transformations


EWD 3: Integrating Cache and Node.js. Free Training Course


Featured InterSystems Online Course: Building Custom Business Operations


Featured InterSystems Video: OAuth 2.0 Overview


New Online Learning Platform, New Courses

Other Protocols

Diagnosing Framing Errors


Mirroring 101: a brief guide and FAQ


Mirror Outage Procedures: How to handle planned and unplanned Caché mirror outages

REST Services

Advanced URL mapping for REST

FHIR outside of HealthShare

REST in Pieces

Updating data using REST / best practices?

Creating a RESTful Service using Ensemble

REST json payload

Enabling Cross-origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for RESTful Services

%WriteJSONFromObject retrieves too much of database when complex relationships are involved

Consuming RESTful Web Services


ASP.NET Identity Caché Provider — working with Identity via InterSystems Caché


cleaning up CSP sessions (aka where/who/what is the %CSP.Daemon?)


"Secure storage may be corrupted" error in Server Explorer each time Atelier is relaunched on a Mac


Has Anyone Managed to configure CSP Gateway on CentOS 7 with Apache 2.4 and Secure Enhanced Linux Enabled?


The Art of Mapping Globals to Classes  (2 of 3)

ERROR - SQL Error '[Cache ODBC][State : S1000][Native Code 29]

Some considerations when creating objects with >1 level of serial objects

Caché SQL error (ODBC?) - <Prepare+41^%SYS.SQLSRV *%New,%sqlcq

Free Text Search: The Way To Search Your Text Fields That SQL Developers Are Hiding From You!*

Get information from patients - Health Share


Get list of rows affected by UPDATE?


How do I get display value of a property via ODBC


Cache Studio - How to Change the Login User

System Admin

Mirror Outage Procedures: How to handle planned and unplanned Caché mirror outages

Why can't I have CSP Gateway files where I want on a cache_silent install?

Windows 7 performs shutdown too fast for Cache to close and so it gets forced down

Has Anyone Managed to configure CSP Gateway on CentOS 7 with Apache 2.4 and Secure Enhanced Linux Enabled?

Yet another way to automate Caché shutdown on MS Windows platforms

Tips & Tricks

chown may clear the setuid and setgid bits on Caché executables


Mirroring 101: a brief guide and FAQ


Running HealthShare XSLTs from Terminal


Mirror Outage Procedures: How to handle planned and unplanned Caché mirror outages


Ensemble and file outbound adapters - a small hint


fixing repetitive problems after pasting content from Word or other sources into a Developer Community article


Tips & Tricks - Export object to global


Cache Studio - How to Change the Login User


Cache - Checking If a Directory or File Exists


Yet another way to automate Caché shutdown on MS Windows platforms


User authentication using Arduino with RFID

Web Development

Featured InterSystems Video: OAuth 2.0 Overview

Multiple namespaces in web application


How to end a session or clean up license if a tab is simply closed


cookies - login vs. session

Web Services

Creating a Dummy SOAP Web Service



wsHttpBinding with Cache


Diagnosing Framing Errors


XMLObject.OutputToString and Hebrew


Fully qualified domain names in a CSPGateWay configuration or zenLink.


How to end a session or clean up license if a tab is simply closed

ZEN Mojo

Create an android application


August 2016 digest


Discussion (0)2
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