InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,613 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

It is probably somewhere in the doc. So hard to search. Hope InterSystems going to AI on their community/support data.

How to see a meaningful value in management portal - sql explorer. For instance
Class MySetting Extends %Persistent{
Property Name As %String;

Class MyObj Extends %Persistent{
Property Setting As MySetting;

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Hi Community,

We'll show you the recent changes to InterSystems HealthShare Clinical Viewer and what is coming next:

InterSystems HealthShare Clinical Viewer: New & Next
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I recently had the need to monitor from HealthConnect the records present in a NoSQL database in the Cloud, more specifically Cloud Firestore, deployed in Firebase. With a quick glance I could see how easy it would be to create an ad-hoc Adapter to make the connection taking advantage of the capabilities of Embedded Python, so I got to work.

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Hey Community,

Watch the latest video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Using Vector Search for Generative AI
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Hi all,

I have a situation where I am writing to global from different processes - let's call it an Event Queue.
There is then a different process that uses $order to read through the data - the PubSub processing BP.

Sometimes the writing of this global will form part of a transaction that also insert data into other tables, using tstart and tcommit.
If there is some issue, it will roll back, and the entry written to the global will also roll back.

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Updated Jan 19th, 2023.

Hi all,

I want to share a quick little method you can use to enable ssl with a self signed certificate on your local development instance of IRIS/HealthShare. This enables you to test https-specific features such as OAuth without a huge lift.

1. Install OpenSSL

Windows     : Download from or other built OpenSSL Binary. 

Debian Linux: $ sudo apt-get -y install openssl

RHEL        : $ sudo yum install openssl
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Say I've been developing a web application that uses IRIS as the back end. I've been working on it with unauthenticated access. It's getting to the point where I would like to deploy it to users, but first I need to add authentication. Rather than using the default IRIS password authentication, I'd like users to sign in with my organization's Single Sign On, or some other popular identity provider like Google or GitHub. I've read that OpenID Connect is a common authentication standard, and it's supported by IRIS. What is the simplest way to get up and running?

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I am currently adding a field to our Existing messaging from Epic, however there might be a possibility I need to back load data into the Ancillary system. While I have the previous messages that can be sent, they do not have this additional field that I am adding to the message.

I can do a lookup against Epic Clarity SQL Database; however, I don't want to throw a wrench into the workflow if the system cannot connect to the Epic Clarity SQL Database.

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I am trying to connect to another server using %Net.HttpRequest.

I keep getting this error : SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unsupported protocol.

My guess is that the site I am reaching for uses TLS1.3 which is not supported in 2016, But I cant right now ask my client to upgrade.

Is it possible to override this ? install some kind of a patch or a more recent version of openssl on the server ?



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For example, I have two timestamp values ('2024-04-01 10:00:00', '2024-04-01 11:30:30'). I would like to find the difference between these two timestamps, and I need the result in hours:minutes:seconds (hh:mm:ss) format.

Expected Output: 01:30:30

Note: I need an SQL query command. I should not use ClassMethod, Function, or Stored Procedure.

Could anyone please provide me with an SQL query for my question?

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Hi Guys,

I'm converting our system from Ensemble 2014 to 2018 and we do have Security package of classes in deployed mode in our 2014 (eg. Users, Role, ...etc) which doesn't exist in our newly installed 2018, so how can I include those classes in 2018?


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Hi Community,

Watch this video to learn about InterSystems Startup Program and hear lightning pitches from startups innovating with InterSystems technology:

Startup Showcase - Lightning Pitches @ Global Summit 2023
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A report that I need to create - I need to write a class method that will execute a few queries and save the data to a class and then return the data in a result set that can be used in the Logi report as a Stored procedure.

I can create the class method that is a Stored procedure and do the queries and manipulate the data, however I am having an issue at the end of the method to return the fields back as a result set.

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Hi Guys,

After converting from Ensemble 2014 to 2018 and ran my application I get the below error message:

MSDS.ZEN.Component.imageclickbuttom exits and compiles fine and also compiled the Zen page extending the class successfully but still getting the error so not sure why I'm still getting the error!?


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Hi Community!

It's time to celebrate our 19 fellow members who took part in the latest Technical Article Contest: InterSystems IRIS Tutorials and wrote


Our judges mentioned that it was a very tough challenge to choose only three articles each because more deserved points. Despite it all, they persevered and now it's time to announce the winners!

Let's meet the winners and look at their articles:

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If one of your packages on OEX receives a review you get notified by OEX only of YOUR own package.
The rating reflects the experience of the reviewer with the status found at the time of review.
It is kind of a snapshot and might have changed meanwhile.
Reviews by other members of the community are marked by * in the last column.

I also placed a bunch of Pull Requests on GitHub when I found a problem I could fix.
Some were accepted and merged, and some were just ignored.
So if you made a major change and expect a changed review just let me know.

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After running many tests to kick the tires calling Python from COS (which worked fine) in any directory, I encountered problems when trying to access Python libraries like Numpy from any OTHER namespace. I saw some other posts about this but the resolution seems unclear. When I run the test program method numpytest below in %SYS it works just fine. If i run the Python method in any other namespace I get:

PITT>do ##class(test.python).numpytest()
DO ##CLASS(test.python).numpytest()
<OBJECT DISPATCH> *python object not found

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During the realization of some required functionality, I discovered that I need to use Deflate compression, and found, that IRIS does not offer any options, $system.Util.Compress, works one way open (GZIP/COMPRESS) totally different, even for the same algorithms, I see that what I would expect as a result for Deflate somewhere there, but Compress returns something more. Is there any way to get a correct result using just ObjectScript without a need to use external tools? Was it really so difficult to have Deflate implemented in the first place?

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I know that you can use Do $SYSTEM.SQL.Schema.ImportDDL() to insert sql files into IRIS however I was wondering if there is a way that I can upload .sqlite files into iris? I have about 20 .sqlite files that I need to get into my database. I tried using the ImportDDL method but it said "SKIPPING non-SQL SOURCE:"

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