Article Nigel Salm · Sep 16, 2021 3m read A new Global Masters Topic and a useful guide to Python I have just created a new Global Master Topic, "IRIS Cheatsheets". IRIS has introduced a lot of new functionality, especially in scripting languages, FHIR R4 support, enhanced Interoperability Tools, and IRIS Analytics. Having spent 35 years working on Windows-based PC's and Laptops, I have surprisingly little knowledge of Linux, Docker and Git. Furthermore, I have written almost every application and Interface in ObjectScript with splatterings of SQL, .Net, and Java Gateways and the most basic knowledge of WinSCP, Putty, SSH. All that changed when I received my first Raspberry Pi. #Containerization #Docker #Languages #Python #Ubuntu #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) #VSCode 8 3 1 495
Announcement Nigel Salm · Sep 15, 2021 Very experienced Ensemble/IRIS Developer seeking Contract or Permanent Job Opportunities Hi #Job Wanted #Ensemble #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 2 0 523
Article Nigel Salm · Aug 21, 2021 106m read How to develop an interoperability solution in one code base and then use it to generate many individual interfaces How to develop an interoperability solution in one code base and then use it to generate many individual interfaces Overview #Coding Guidelines #Deployment #Development Environment #Interoperability #Ensemble 15 2 0 682
Article Nigel Salm · Aug 18, 2021 15m read Why I love ObjectScript and why I think I might love Python More Why I love ObjectScript and why I think I might love Python More #Coding Guidelines #ObjectScript #Python #InterSystems IRIS 36 17 4 1.5K
Article Nigel Salm · Aug 11, 2021 3m read Interoperability with IRIS and Pharmacy Robotics I have attached a document that describes the product I have developed called NiPaRobotica Pharmacy. This is an interface I developed that accepts Pharmacy Dispense Requests and converts the line items on the order into dispense dialogues which it sends to pharmacy robots. I deployed the interface into 3 Hospital pharmacies two of which had 6 robots that were arranged in such a way that the dispense chutes channelled medications to desks by the pharmacists sitting in windows serving 1200 patients a day. The robots cut the average waiting time from 2 hours down to one hour. #FHIR #HL7 #Interoperability #InterSystems Business Solutions and Architectures #InterSystems IRIS for Health 17 2 1 430
Question Nigel Salm · Jun 11, 2021 Backup Software Hi #Backup #Failover #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS 0 4 0 474
Question Nigel Salm · Apr 22, 2021 Installing ZPM NigelTSalm — Today at 23:45 #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #Health Connect 1 3 0 578
Question Nigel Salm · Apr 21, 2021 Viewing .int code of Compiled classes in VS Code Hi How do I view the .int code of a compiled class in VS Code? I am trying to use gj::Locate and the setup works, the explanation is all fine but when i paste an error from the Error Logs into the gj::locate it firstly tells me that it can't find the .cls and when I paste in the .int reference in the text box where you can specify the class, method, line+offset it replies that it can't find the item. This is something to do with the objectscript extension rather than gj::locate Nigel #Debugging #InterSystems IRIS #VSCode 1 5 0 642
Question Nigel Salm · Mar 16, 2021 Calling class methods of a class in another Namespace Hi I have a class in several namespaces. This class is what I call a common component in that it is a class that performs a certain set of functions that are common to a number of Interfaces. In this example the class is essentially a Message Queue. When a Data Event is created in my source database I want to invoke the CreateMessage() class method in all of Interface namespaces. #InterSystems IRIS 1 5 0 1.8K
Question Nigel Salm · Oct 4, 2020 How to run a CSP page in VS Code Hi How do I run a CSP page from within VS Code. Secondly I have installed an extension called "Live Server" which will run .html pages within VS Code. Have any of you made use of this extension and if so can you specify that .csp pages are html pages? If I press F5 in VS Code (just as you would in Cache Studio) in order to view a csp page when I press F5 in vs code it tries to open http://localhost:57772/csp/bootstrap/ without the csp page name #Angular2 #VSCode #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 6 2 1.1K
Question Nigel Salm · Jul 18, 2020 iris-facial-recogniotion Hi I want to download the iris-facial-recognition application but the download link returns an HTTP 404 error. Any ideas why? Nigel #InterSystems IRIS 0 3 0 216
Question Nigel Salm · Dec 3, 2019 Extending the FHIR Resource Model and adding those extensions to SDA3 so that I can create FHIR->SDA3 and SDA3 - FHIR DTL's I need to add some extensions to the HS.FHIR.vSTU3,Model.Resource.Patient class and then use those extensions to convert incoming FHIR JSON to the FHIR Patient Resource and Likewise add functionality to create A FHIR Patient (target class) from my patient database into the FHIR Patient Resource Object (target class) many months ago I found a tutorial that explained all of this but can no longer find that tutorial. Yours Nigel Salm #DTL #FHIR #Interoperability #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 3 0 664
Article Nigel Salm · Nov 21, 2019 2m read Cache/Ensemble/IRIS software Distribution Application Some time ago I developed an application that tackled a familarial problem faced by many developers when required to update multiple UAT or PRODUCTION sites with the latest Software patches that have been developed and tested on your DEV server and now need to be deployed to multiple sites running that software. In principle the solution works as follows: 1) Prepare an XML export of affected classes/routines/csp pages/hl7 definitions et al 2) Optionally create a global export of any new globals or changes to existing globals #Caché #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 1 0 381
Question Nigel Salm · Sep 6, 2017 Auto refresh a Table Pane HiPlease can someone send me an example of how to auto refresh a table pane. ThanksNigel #Frontend #Caché 0 2 0 654
Question Nigel Salm · May 19, 2017 Example Ensemble production using the Java Business Service/Operation and Java Gateway HiDo any of you Java Ensemble enthusiasts have a simple example of an Ensemble Production and .Jar they would be willing to share with me. #Development Environment #Ensemble #Java 0 3 0 530
Question Nigel Salm · May 12, 2017 Web Sockets Hi I am working on a project that will interact with some software called ROS (Robot Operating System). One of the development challenges we have is as follows: ROS uses web sockets... So one connect with ws://localhost:9090 to the web socket server. It starts off as http, but then "upgrades" to web socket. It then keeps open this "tunnel" for bi-directional communication.. I need something like a HTTP Outbound adapter, but the Web Socket version of it... Does anyone have any experience in this area? Nigel #Java #Frontend #Caché 3 14 1 1.3K
Question Nigel Salm · Apr 28, 2017 Best tool to create an Entity Relationship Diagram of a collection of Cache/Ensemble Classes HiI have an Ensemble Application with many classes and relationships between those classes.I need a tool that can connect to Cache/Ensemble and create a visual ERD from the class definitions within a particular Cache NamespaceMS-Access is one option but it does not automatically create the relationship connectors between classesAny suggestionsNigel Salm #Data Model #Object Data Model #Studio #Tools #Caché 0 6 0 5.3K
Question Nigel Salm · Mar 24, 2017 Configuring Ensemble EMail operations to use HiI wish to use to send emails from an Ensemble production and require assistance on how to configure SSL for the connectionNigel Salm #Business Operation #Ensemble 0 3 0 926