Question Laura Cavanaugh · Oct 26, 2022 One-to-many relationship not ordered as expected Hello all; I am using a one-to-many relationship. I have a Claim (one), in a relationship with Lines (many), but the Claim is storing a list of Lines IDs, rather than the Lines storing the Claim Id. This seems upside down, and not what I expected. #Databases #Data Model #Object Data Model #ObjectScript #SQL #Caché 0 3 0 270
Question Laura Cavanaugh · Aug 29, 2022 How to store and translate CodeTableDetail value with all punctuation? Hello; I am using a custom class extending CodeTableDetail (actually it extends CodeTableTranslated) for a MedicalClaimLine.Extension property for a Procedure Modifier value, in addition to the existing MedicalClaimLine.ProcedureModifierItems property (this is a list of %String). This works very well, stored AND translated correctly, until a valid ProcedureModifier value is used that is all punctuation: ##, **, or ++. #XML #HealthShare 0 2 1 152
Question Laura Cavanaugh · Feb 2, 2022 HealthShare: Feeding Data to HSHI but de-prioritizing demographic data for certain Facility I have an SDA feed from an Edge server that eventually is fed into HSHI / Analytics. This edge server is loading up patient demographics (in the Patient object), which feeds the HSAA.Patient table in HSHI / Analytics. However, we have other edge servers also feeding into the same HSHI database, and these other edge servers have better demographic information. #Analytics #HealthShare 1 2 0 344
Question Laura Cavanaugh · May 11, 2020 Clones, oref reference count, and scope Hello all, I have a question about constucting thousands of clones, and scope. In my code, I'm looping through a database, say 200k+ objects, and creating a clone of each object (we need to evaluate a modified clone of the object, but not account for what's on disk). I see this a lot in the documentation: #ObjectScript #Caché 1 7 0 692
Question Laura Cavanaugh · Mar 31, 2020 Table of segment types for the Interoperate/X12 Schema structures? Hello; we are scanning 835 files, and need to validate segment types (such as ISA, ST, IEA, etc.) before we give the file the "OK". I see segment types in the management portal under Ensemble / Interoperate / ASC X12 / ASC X12 Schema Structures. Are these segment types stored in an IS table anywhere? Aside from EnsLib_EDI_X12.Document, are there any other tables that describe, or support, document segment types? Thanks, Laura #Interoperability #Ensemble 0 2 0 263
Question Laura Cavanaugh · Nov 26, 2019 recent version of zenutils.js Hello community, I recently added a change to our copy of zenutils.js, and while moving it up to production, I found different versions of zenutils.js. I edited a copy stored in the default directory for our web application (e.g. c:\intersystems\DEV\CSP\{application}) but the file on production is stored in {install dir}\CSP\broker. #Frontend #JavaScript #UI Development #Caché 0 1 0 356
Question Laura Cavanaugh · Nov 7, 2019 %OnNew and %OnAfterSave - do they user transaction processing under the covers? Hello community! I have a question about the %OnSave method of a class. We have a class that has two properties that are classes. Class A Class B Class C Class A.PropertyB as Class B ClassA.PropertyC as Class C Classes B and C also need to point back to Class A - it's just the way it is. We need to be able to use any one of these classes and get to the others (it's actually even more complicated than this, as Classes B and C also have a PropertyC and PropertyB as well, respectively) : #Database Transaction Processing #Object Data Model #Caché 0 3 0 936
Question Laura Cavanaugh · Nov 1, 2019 Unable to run OScommand to print widget from DeepSee Hello Community, We have two live servers running DeepSee dashboards for users. One of the servers can print a widget to a pdf file, and the other can't. I learned that 1) a Java JRE needed to be installed on the second server, and 2) it's trying to run an OS command to render a pdf file (details below). An audit log of the event shows this: #Callout #Dashboards #Caché 0 4 0 249
Question Laura Cavanaugh · Jul 19, 2019 Private Global Blocks in the Process Details Hi all,I have a question about the Private Global Blocks when viewing a process's details. This number is growing while my process runs - is this due to variables, process-private-globals, or both?ThanksLaura #Globals #System Administration #Caché 0 3 0 349
Question Laura Cavanaugh · Apr 4, 2019 CSP Gateway Management via Managment Portal link returns a page with a '0' and nothing else On one of our servers, when I am in Mgmt Portal and click the link for Configure / CSP Gateway Management, I get this url:http://ipaddress.of.server:port/INSTANCENAME/csp/bin/Systems/Module.cxw?CSPSYS=0&CSPSYSreferer=_CSP.Portal.Home.zenbut the page displays a 0, and nothing else. Literally, just a 0. This link works on our other servers, with the same URL. Any idea why? Thanks,Laura #CSP #Management Portal #Caché 0 4 0 316
Question Laura Cavanaugh · Feb 5, 2019 What are the pros and cons of keeping INT code Our development server is set up to automatically keep the .INT code of compiled classes and routines, but the live servers are set to not keep the .INT code.I know how to set the system to keep this code ($SYSTEM.OBJ.SetQualifiers() ?) but what are the ramifications of keeping this code on the live servers? Is it just a space issue? I always thought it was to keep the code more private. #Coding Guidelines #Debugging #ObjectScript #System Administration #Caché 0 4 0 594
Question Laura Cavanaugh · Oct 3, 2018 Receiving SQL Error -76, Cardinality Mismatch, even though query has no INTO I'm running this code in our application, and in the terminal:>set query="SELECT * FROM PMG_Data_Private.RemitInstance WHERE (VoucherNumber %INLIST ? SIZE ((10)))">set tRS = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("%DynamicQuery:SQL")>set ok=tRS.Prepare(query)>d $system.Status.DisplayError(ok) ERROR #5540: SQLCODE: -76 Message: Cardinality mismatch between the SELECT-list and INTO-listSQLTEXT: SELECT * FROM PMG_Data_Private.RemitInstance WHERE (VoucherNumber %INLIST ? SIZE ((10))) #SQL #Caché 0 5 0 1.6K
Question Laura Cavanaugh · Jul 12, 2018 How to make an array of Objects property use index to find rows with low cost I have a class that has a property calledTags (like DescriptiveWords, but tags), where multiple tags are possible. I am trying to decide on list of Objects vs. array of Objects.Based on this post:, sounds like using an array of Objects is the better way to go. Indeed, I already noticed that it's not possible to have duplicates when using an array of Objects. #Object Data Model #ObjectScript #SQL #Caché 0 4 0 878
Question Laura Cavanaugh · Mar 21, 2018 Is there a temporary-password concept in Caché 2016? I need to offer new users on our system a temporary password that is valid for only 48 hours. This is different than a 60-day password expiration window for existing users' passwords (where a password needs to be changed every 60 days), and is different than a "user expiration date", where you can set a date where the user's account expires and is disabled on that date, and different than the inactivity expiration date where a user becomes active if his account is not used within, say, 30 days. #Security #Authentication #Caché 0 2 0 452
Question Laura Cavanaugh · Feb 22, 2018 What resources or services are needed to run the %File:FileSet query? I was running the %File:FileSet class query, with my development user, but I am unable to run this query for an application user. Does anyone know what resource or service is needed to run this query? Assume the user has access to a certain directory on the file system needed for the query. On second though, having tried almost all the available resources and services, perhaps the user doesn't have access to the directory. How to tell when the error is this: #Security #Caché 0 13 0 713
Question Laura Cavanaugh · Nov 14, 2017 Database is mounted read only and I can't change it I have a couple of new namespaaces/databases that are read-only. I don't remember changing them to read-only, and although my username has %all (I installed the system), I am unable to change the "Always mount as read-only" property.What am I missing?Thanks,Laura #Namespace #System Administration #Caché 0 6 0 3K
Question Laura Cavanaugh · Nov 3, 2017 Best practice on managing encryption keys for multiple instances on multiple servers Hello; We are managing several Ensemble instances on several servers. One server has 4 instances, and two other servers have one instance each (those are production servers). We encrypt all instances using the Caché encryption in the management portal.Currently we are using two different encryption keys: 1 key on the server with 4 instances, which is used for all 4 instances, and a second key on single-instance server. ( I'm installing the newest production server now.) #Encryption #System Administration #Caché 1 1 0 660
Question Laura Cavanaugh · Oct 12, 2017 Unable to use variable in <Role> tag in Installer manifest? I'm trying to write an installer manifest that can create a namespace, resources (%DB_namespace) and a role (with the resource, above), based on the namespace. So you could pass in "ABC", or "XYZ", and it would create the %DB_ABC resource and the ABC role with %DB_ABC:RW permissions; or it will create the %DB_XYZ resource and the XYZ role with %DB_XYZ:RW permissions, accordingly. #Deployment #Security #System Administration #Caché 0 2 0 372
Question Laura Cavanaugh · Aug 17, 2017 Server-side way to disable logins for all users Hello all,In my ZEN login page, I found a way to bypass the submit button and force a user to click on the Sign In button, thus forcing the code to call my OnSubmit(), like this: #Authentication #ZEN #Caché 0 4 0 645
Question Laura Cavanaugh · Aug 10, 2017 autoExecute="false" is ignored; OnCreateResultSet and OnExecuteResultSet still run on page load I have a <tablePane> element with OnCreateResultSet and OnExecuteResultSet methods; autoExecute is "false" but the OnCreateResultSet and OnExecuteResultSet methods are nevertheless called on page load. I want the user to be able to press a button to submit the parameters, then have this button call tablePane.executeQuery() to execute the query. autoExecute is simply igonored. We're on 2014.1.3 with plans to upgrade to 2016 soon. Are there more settings I need to set? Or is this attribute simply ignored? #ZEN #Caché 0 5 0 378