My boss would like to change the Ensemble logo that one sees in the mangement portal, because it's part of the DeepSee Anaylzer.

I can see where it lives on the generated html.

I kow that you can set the logo for the User POrtal settings in DeepSee -- you can specifiy a URL for your logo. But we'd like to go one stee further and change the Ensemble by InterSystems to our own logo / company name.

Is it possible to change this in the code? Is there a Configuration setting to change this?



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0 535

I have a query string that I am creating programmatically, based on some user inputs. The user might search on 5 fields, or 8 fields, or no fields.

In my sql statment, some of these fields require parameters in the %Execute statement.

For example:

if user picks lastname, sql = "select * from person where lastname = ?"

if user also picks age, sql = "select * from person where lastname=? and age > ?"

I then have these lines of code to create my result set:

set statement = %SQL.Statement


0 28
0 22.7K

I'm trying to recreate a smaller copy of our DEV machine on a sandbox instance. I installed a new instance, and thought it would be a good idea to copy over a few cache.dat files from the critical namespaces (but not all of them), and start from there.

0 1
0 440

I need a trick to display the cellTitle for just ONE column in a tablePane with a unique value. Here are the issues:

1. OnDrawCell has access to the cell data for that row/column, in %query(pName), but setting the cellTitle property to a column doesn't refresh the column object

2. Setting showValueInTooltip is good for the entire table, not just one cell

3. ** the column element does not evaluate zen expressions, so I can't say cellTitle="#(%query.Comment)#", for example. That's the crux of the problem.

0 2
0 510

I was looking at the OrefToArray^%occRun in the %CSP.ErrorLog page in version 2016. However, we're on version 2014, and that method does not seem to exist yet. I would love a good way to swizzle out the info in the %request, %session, %response objects for the error log for my own error page, in version 2014. I don't want to have to go through and get all the properties manually, but I will if I must. Any other good way already written?



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1 577

Hello; we have users on the system with cache logins. They have access to a specific namespace, and no access to %SYS of course. I'd like to give each user the ability to change his own password from within our application, using Security.User.PasswordExternal. This only exists in the %SYS namespace, and the average user can't get to it.

Should I give the users access to this column in this table (column Password, table Security.Users)? What about access to the namespace? Is this possible? Has anyone done this before?



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0 1.2K

Hi all, This is a bit embarrassing, and not that critical. I have a local instance of Caché 2016 on my computer, for playing around with. I was attempting to set up two-factor authentication on this instance, and I thought I simply disabled all users except for my own user and enabled two-factor for this user. The next time I tried to login to the Management portal, I received a Server Availability Error:


0 9
0 2.6K

My group needs to be able to monitor items / tasks, and let a non-management-portal user see the monitoring. Is it possible to run DeepSee queries on Production items? I feel like I should not be recreating the production environment or the task manager just so that I can query on the items that are running, and on their states (like "successful" or "send email").

Also, I need to log custom events for each task, and I'm running into difficulties with the task manager in this regard; hence the question about using the Production instead, but querying it.

0 1
0 340

I have a user with %All, and a user with %Admin_Task. The %All user can use SQL to view the %SYS_Task.HIstory table. The user with %Admin_Task does not have the privileges to see the same table.

What priv (or privs) is (or are) needed to view the %SYS_Task.History table? I just want to start with 'Select * from %SYS_Task.History'.

I've tried %Admin_Manage and %Admin_Operate. I must be close.



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0 588

Hello. When you export and then import a table of data, is the import smart enough to figure out if a row already exists in the new namespace, and if so update the row rather than just save/add the row?

For example, we have a table in DEV, and the same table in QA. The DEV table has more fields than QA. When we moved up the class, the field definitions went with the table into QA, so now the table definition is the same in both.

0 2
0 533

Here's an easy one for you; before I spend another hour looking for the answer, how do you convert %ArrayOfDataTypes to an array (that could, say, fit into the %session.Data array, or maybe just some array named info()), and of course back again?

NS>s aodt=##class(%ArrayOfDataTypes).%New()

NS>w aodt.SetAt("lcavanaugh","username")
NS>w aodt.SetAt("organization","coolcompany")
NS>w ##class(%ArrayOfDataTypes).BuildValueArray(aodt,.array)


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0 1.1K
· Oct 17, 2016
Are we using callin API?

Hello community; this may seem odd, but I need to know if there's any way we could be using callin functions from a C application without knowing? e.g. if other developers created some C programs that call in to Caché that we don't realize are running. Is that possible? If so, where would I look to see these programs? Perhaps the server's task manager?

Thanks --Laura

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0 366

I know %CSP.Daemon is supposed to clean up old CSP sessions (?). In my management portal, under System/ License Usage, I see 33 "Units" used (and there are 33 licenses in use), but usernames from old IP address and that are not being used. Their active times are often in the millions of seconds. They are not "on" the system right now.

At most, only 3 users are on the system right now.

Are these supposed to be cleaned up? Can I clean them up programmactially, and how would I know if they're not active?



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0 1.1K

If a user simply closes a tab (running a web application), is there any good way to ensure that the license is released AND the login cookie is destroyed?

I found that if the tab is simply closed without first logging out of the application, then 1) the license hangs around forever, and 2) if the user then opens a tab, he is already logged in.

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0 1.8K

I've noticed that Management portal somehow manages to allow a single user to be in different namespaces in different tabs in the same application (i.e. Management Portal). I've looked at my Processes, however, and see that all of my processes using MgmtPortal think I'm in %SYS, even though 2 of them are looking at globals in two different namespaces; NamespaceA and NamespaceB.

I can even fool MgmtPortal because the first time I try to look at a global in NamespaceA it thinks I'm in %SYS! After a refresh, however, I can see the global in NamespaceA.

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0 744