· Feb 22, 2018

What resources or services are needed to run the %File:FileSet query?

I was running the %File:FileSet class query, with my development user, but I am unable to run this query for an application user.  Does anyone know what resource or service is needed to run this query?  Assume the user has access to a certain directory on the file system needed for the query.

On second though, having tried almost all the available resources and services, perhaps the user doesn't have access to the directory.  How to tell when the error is this: 

set ok=st.%PrepareClassQuery("%File","FileSet")

d $system.Status.DisplayError(ok)
ERROR #5540: SQLCODE: -99 Message: User Laura_Test_DEV is not privileged for the operation



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SQLCODE -99 Privilege violation

You have 3 different sets of access rights in this scenario

  • your  development user    
  • the application user
  • the user your Caché / ENS server installation is running on

Check if also  your server has the required access rights at OS level.
under *IX it's quite likely that you don't run as root.
(though this happens also on other OS)

Are you sure that you granted your test user the EXECUTE privilege on the procedure in the actual namespace where it will be executed?

I created a new user "laura" who only has the %Developer role. From the USER namespace in Terminal she can't prepare the class query:

USER>w $username
USER>w $roles
USER>s st=##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()
USER>s ok=st.%PrepareClassQuery("%File","FileSet")
USER>d $system.Status.DisplayError(ok)
ERROR #5540: SQLCODE: -99 Message: User laura is not privileged for the operation

Then in Portal I granted her EXECUTE on the procedure, per my previous screenshot, being careful to do this in the USER namespace. Now the test results are as follows:

USER>s st=##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()
USER>s ok=st.%PrepareClassQuery("%File","FileSet")
USER>d $system.Status.DisplayError(ok)

And here are a couple of lines where I confirm that the user "laura" has the necessary privilege in the USER namespace but not in the %SYS namespace:

USER>w $system.SQL.CheckPriv("laura","9,%Library.File_FileSet","e","USER")
USER>w $system.SQL.CheckPriv("laura","9,%Library.File_FileSet","e","%SYS")

I am not sure.  I'll check now.

Edited to: I wish I could paste an image, but this may be the problem.  I granted my laura_test_dev user

1. direct permission to execute

2. the %Library.File_FileSet SQL Procedure,

3. in the PMG namespace.   

Logged out of the terminal, logged back in as that user, and got this:

Username: laura_test_DEV
Password: *********
PMG>w $system.SQL.CheckPriv("laura_test_dev","9,%Library.File_FileSet","e","PMG")

I agree; this seems like it should work, and for some reason that I haven't yet figured out, it is not working.  At this point, the folder structure and who created the folders has no bearing.  We're on version 2016.2.2.

MISSED A CRITICAL STEP.  I then ran the query from the terminal, after having given that user the direct permission, and the query worked.  Now I'm confused as to why I got a 0 on the priv check, but the query worked.  But, it worked.  So maybe I won't mess with it.

The priv check is case-sensitive on the username:

USER>w $system.SQL.CheckPriv("laura_test_dev","9,%Library.File_FileSet","e","USER")
USER>w $system.SQL.CheckPriv("laura_test_DEV","9,%Library.File_FileSet","e","USER")

Anyway, I'm glad it's now working for you.

BTW, to paste an image into a DC post I save it to a file, then use the following button in the DC editor to upload the file:

And then I sometimes (as above) use the Image button on the toolbar to add a 2-pixel border to the image, then the Increase Indent to move it across.

Also, a similar kind of check using a method of %SYSTEM.Security is not case-sensitive with respect to the username:

USER>w $system.Security.CheckUserPermission("laura_test_DEV","%Development")
USER>w $system.Security.CheckUserPermission("laura_test_dev","%Development")
USER>w $system.Security.CheckUserPermission("laura_test_devX","%Development")

We do have auditing turned on, for all kinds of events.  I was looking at that, and didn't see much that I could use.   Scratch that -- we happen to have %System/%DirectMode/DirectMode events turned on, and I could only see the fact that user Laura_test_DEV ran that command line in the terminal, but the Details page doesn't show failure or any more info.

Didn't think to debug the %PRepare method.  I can probably see what line of code is actually failing.  The other "low-level" (as I think of it) call to FileSetFunc works at the terminal prompt, but I'm not sure if it's working from the application.  I can only hope it has something to do with the test folders.

Thanks for the help.  I'll update with my final solution.

From the terminal prompt, logged in as my application user, the ##class(%File).FileSetFunc(directory) appears to be working.  Oddly, giving the user execute permissions like John suggested didn't work.  I wish it had because my code is all set up for the class query.

I had seen the FileSestFunc in other posts... I don't know why this works differently.  Can I use a FileMask, however?  

set rs=##class(%File).FileSetFunc("c:\","*.pdf;*.csv")

Oh, and we're on Windows, and the instance is running as a domain user with lots of privileges, but if the application user copies and deletes a file, who is actually doing it?  The instance's user, or the application user?

Too early for me.

Also, I did try the call with a FileMask, and it does work.  Is it the same as the FileSet query?  I can't find it in the code... must be a lower-level call to that query or something.