Question Scott Roth · Dec 15, 2017 $ZSTRIP removing too many characters We are seeing something funky when using $ZSTRIP. w $ZSTRIP("ZZZZTESTSLOCKTEST","<","ZZZZTEST")LOCKTESTShouldn't this be returning....SLOCKTEST and not LOCKTEST, the goal is to remove ZZZZTEST from the beginning of the string.THanksScott RothThe Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center #Object Data Model #ObjectScript #Ensemble 1 1 0 528
Question Scott Roth · Dec 14, 2017 Using THROW/CATCH within Business Process Lanaguage We are starting to look into our BPL's and catch errors that calls may return. Can someone explain how to use the THROW and CATCH within the Business Process Language or have a sample of how it should work?ThanksScott RothThe Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center #Business Process (BPL) #Object Data Model #Ensemble 0 3 0 637
Question Scott Roth · Nov 30, 2017 EnsLib.RecordMap.Operation.BatchFileOperation I have a process that I am trying to duplicate from SQL Integration Services (SSIS) into Ensemble so that the rest of my team can help support any issues that may happen.This particular job creates multiple dictionary files, but for each one of the dictionary files it creates, it also creates a control file that tells the vendor what to process. #Business Operation #Business Process (BPL) #Object Data Model #ObjectScript #Ensemble 0 1 0 470
Question Scott Roth · Nov 3, 2017 Executing Dynamic SQL as Execute Querry I am trying to replace one of our SQL Integration Service jobs with Ensemble and I am running into an issue executing a query against a MS SQL database using JDBC drivers. My SQL Outbound code looks like this. #Business Operation #Databases #JDBC #ObjectScript #SQL #Ensemble 1 4 0 716
Question Scott Roth · Oct 19, 2017 EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot - Limitation of RowCount??? We are trying to convert some of our SQL Service Integration Service jobs from Visual Studio to Ensemble. If we execute a Stored Procedure within SQL Server Management Studio it is returning approx 12,000 rows. However when Ensemble executes the same Stored Procedure it is only returning 250 rows.Is there a limitation to EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot?This is how we are calling the Stored procedure #Business Operation #Business Process (BPL) #Object Data Model #ObjectScript #SQL #Ensemble 0 4 0 890
Question Scott Roth · Aug 1, 2017 PDFs and Reading them I know there are numerous Java libraries available to scan a PDF meta data, but is there a way to scan a PDF using native cache object script? We are looking to take a PDF from an external vendor, scan for meta data, create the HL7 message, and embed the PDF within the HL7 message.ThanksScott RothThe Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center #Java #Object Data Model #ObjectScript #Ensemble 0 2 0 1.5K
Question Scott Roth · Jul 20, 2017 SQL Inbound Adapter - Not returning all the records it should from a View in Micrsoft SQL Server I am currently working on a issue with WRC on one of my Inbound SQL Adapters not returning all the records it should be. If I looked at the count of the records in Ensemble and compare it to that of a Microsoft SQL View, Ensemble seems to be off by a few records here and there. I am using a full dynamic select statement in my settings of the adapter. SELECT Text, PhysicianLastName, PhysicianFirstName, PhysicianAddress1, PhysicianAddress2, PhysicianCity, #Business Service #JDBC #ObjectScript #SQL #Ensemble 0 5 0 765
Question Scott Roth · Jun 19, 2017 Date Filtering Functionality I have come across several cases where I need to set a Date filter to send only send any admit/scheduled date past a certain point. We have a couple different date comparison functions but none looking at the true date. Most of them are date + 15 or etc. Does anyone have a good date function they have written to say if x > 20170102 ?ThanksScott #Ensemble #Business Rules #DTL #HL7 #ObjectScript 0 14 0 2.3K
Question Scott Roth · Jun 9, 2017 Invoking EnsLib.FTP.OutboundAdpter from Object Script I have a case where I am creating a PDF file from an Encoded String, and I need to transfer this file over to another server. I was wondering since this is PDF file if I could just invoke the FTP.OutboundAdapter within my Object script that is creating the PDF from the encoded string. Is this possible? Does anyone have an examples of using EnsLib.FTP.OutboundAdpater within their Object Script?ThanksScott RothIntegration - InterfacesThe Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center #FTP #Object Data Model #ObjectScript #Ensemble 0 5 0 603
Question Scott Roth · May 2, 2017 Inbound Email Adapter Confguration Does anyone have a good example of setting up an Inbound Email Adapter Service to retrieve an email? I am thinking of sending this email to a BPL to retrieve the Attachment that is in the email. Would that be the correct method to do that? Thanks Scott Roth The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center #Business Service #Ensemble 0 1 0 614
Question Scott Roth · Apr 25, 2017 uu-encoded? We have a vendor that can only send us a uu-encoded PDF. Is there a way to decrypt it in Ensemble?ThanksScott RothThe Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center #Object Data Model #ObjectScript #Ensemble 0 1 0 425
Question Scott Roth · Apr 19, 2017 Difference between %Stream.FileCharacter and %FileBinaryStream Awhile back we had someone write some code to Log messages like we did in eGate but with Ensemble. #Object Data Model #Caché 0 2 0 1.3K
Question Scott Roth · Apr 11, 2017 Invalid Status Code Structure Error With help from others here I had developed some code to take a Base64 PDF within a OBX.5 and save it locally to the file structure on the server.I had to make a change to the code to return me a String so I can pass the Path back into Ensemble to use it in the message. When I made this change I am getting " ERROR #5034: Invalid status code structure ("/ensemble/data/transfer/AncillaryPDF/TMSAUDIO/Apr-11-1/980512729TMSAUDIO1046784936436537800.pdf")"Here is the code... #DTL #Object Data Model #ObjectScript #Ensemble 0 3 0 1.2K
Question Scott Roth · Mar 31, 2017 Troubleshooting Disconnects One of our Departments are claiming that we are loosing HL7 messages that are sent from their Vendor's system to Ensemble.I know interfaces 101 if we have no record of the message then we never received it, however they are insisting they are sending it.I asked them to provide the ACK's if they sent the messages but Ensemble had no corresponding Message Control ID (MSH.10) .Currently I have the following settings... #Business Service #Ensemble 0 2 0 1.7K
Question Scott Roth · Jan 9, 2017 Automatting Data Lookup Table Import Is there a way to have a Data Lookup table be automatically updated via a script or cache code? We have a file that is being created by our EMR, and we need to import it into Ensemble to update it. Just trying to see if we can automate this process. Thanks Scott Roth Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center #Data Import and Export #ObjectScript #Ensemble 0 5 0 1.5K
Question Scott Roth · Dec 8, 2016 Storing a PDF in a Stream and Seaching for Values within that Stream Using the following... //Get PDF stream object previously saved Set pdfStreamContainer = ##Class(Ens.StreamContainer).%OpenId(context.StreamContainerID) Try { Set pdfStreamObj = pdfStreamContainer.StreamGet() } Catch { $$$TRACE("Error opening stream object ID = "_context.StreamContainerID) Quit } Would it be possible to search the pdfStreamObj for certain values like a Medical Record, or Patient Name? Thanks Scott #Object Data Model #ObjectScript #Ensemble 0 1 0 1K
Question Scott Roth · Dec 5, 2016 Using %Net.SSH.Session to do scp Does anyone have a good example of using %Net.SSH.Session to do a scp copy of a file from one server to another? #Callout #Object Data Model #ObjectScript #Ensemble 0 6 0 1.1K
Question Scott Roth · Dec 2, 2016 Connecting to FHIR services via Ensemble Can you connect to FHIR through ensemble or do you have to have HealthShare to connect to FHIR services? #Business Operation #FHIR #Ensemble 0 10 0 1.7K
Question Scott Roth · Nov 23, 2016 Text File Fixed Format I have a standard text file that is coming out of a system new line delimited. Each document will have the same field structure each time. #Business Service #DTL #HL7 #ObjectScript #Ensemble 0 7 0 1.1K
Question Scott Roth · Nov 22, 2016 Cache Syntax - Directory Exists I am trying to write some code to check to see if a directory exists before creating a new directory. When I do the following I am not getting a response, but the directory exists.. do ##class(%File).DirectoryExists("/ensemble/") am I missing something? #ObjectScript #Ensemble 0 5 0 918