Announcement John Murray · Sep 6, 2019 Use Serenji to debug your REST service classes in Visual Studio Code We've just published an update to the Serenji extension for VS Code. Starting with this version (3.0.7) you can now debug the code that implements your REST services. Here's a taster: Read more about Serenji on Open Exchange. #Debugging #Development Environment #George James Software #REST API #VSCode #Caché #Ensemble #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 4 0 2 484
Announcement John Murray · Apr 1, 2019 Serenji debugger and editor now available for Visual Studio Code We at George James Software are pleased to announce that our acclaimed code debugger and editor Serenji is now available as a Visual Studio Code extension. As well as supporting the latest InterSystems IRIS platform Serenji also works with earlier platforms, including versions lacking the server-side Atelier API support required by other VS Code extensions. Serenji connects you directly to the code in your namespaces, resulting in an experience more familiar to existing Studio users. No need to export and import classes and routines. We believe Serenji is the first extension to bring VS Code's powerful debugging features to ObjectScript developers. #Debugging #Development Environment #George James Software #VSCode #Open Exchange Open Exchange app 5 13 3 1.3K
Announcement John Murray · Jan 14, 2019 Seeking field testers for an upcoming VSCode extension from George James Software At the George James Software booth at Global Summit last year we took the wraps off the work we've been doing to make our popular editing and debugging tool Serenji available on the Visual Studio Code platform. Rather than requiring you to pull code from your namespaces into local files, then push the changes back to the namespace to run it, you work directly in the namespace. In other words, the editing experience is like Studio rather than like Atelier. As well as editing code you can also debug it directly from VSCode. #Debugging #Development Environment #George James Software #VSCode #Caché #InterSystems IRIS 3 12 1 810
Question John Murray · Oct 2, 2018 Can I compile a class without using worker jobs? Using our cool new debugging extension for Visual Studio Code I'm trying to debug a CreateProjection method of a class, but when I compile it the work apparently gets done in one of the worker jobs, so my breakpoint never triggers.Is there a compiler flag or qualifier to force the compilation to be done in-process rather than getting handed off to a worker job? #Compiler #Debugging #Object Data Model #Caché 2 4 0 460
Announcement John Murray · Sep 21, 2018 George James Software lunchtime meeting at Global Summit 2018 If you are attending Global Summit 2018 please be sure to say hello to George James Software in the Partner Pavilion.You are also invited to the informal lunchtime meeting we're hosting at Global Summit on Tuesday 2nd October from 1pm in Indian Paintbrush, a meeting room at the conference venue. We will be previewing the next versions of Deltanji, our integrated source code management solution, and Serenji, our editor and debugger. #Change Management #Debugging #Deployment #Development Environment #Global Summit 2018 #Global Summit 10 0 0 356
Announcement John Murray · May 25, 2018 Atelier 1.2 has landed! Just now when I started up my Eclipse I was offered an Atelier update. After waiting for so long, how could I possibly refuse? Wish me luck! 1 8 0 542
Article John Murray · May 3, 2018 4m read The (somewhat limited) value of 'ccontrol default' If you have ever issued the command ccontrol help to discover what ccontrol is capable of, perhaps you noticed this section:Syntax: ccontrol defaultDescription: Display the name of the default Cache instance, if one has been designated. #Caché #Ensemble #System Administration 0 2 1 669
Question John Murray · Feb 13, 2018 Do you always use unique names for class members? Documentation here lists the kinds of members a class definition may contain. In summary:ParametersMethodsPropertiesClass queriesXData blocksProjections(and some that are relevant only for persistent classes):Storage definitionsIndicesForeign keysSQL triggersLater in the same document, a section headed "Class Member Names" contains this warning: #Coding Guidelines #Object Data Model #Caché 2 7 0 357
Article John Murray · Feb 8, 2018 1m read Atelier security quirk When defining a server connection in Atelier we are required to enter a username and password because these are mandatory fields in the dialog. However, if the /api/atelier web application definition on that server has only the "Unauthenticated" checkbox set in the section titled "Allowed Authentication Methods", then our Atelier connection will succeed even if we supply an invalid username and/or password. #Caché #Ensemble #Security 2 6 0 663
Question John Murray · Jan 30, 2018 Compilation qualifier /checkuptodate -- What is an "expanded class"? In part of this post in 2016 @Eduard Lebedyuk asked if anyone knew what is meant by an "expanded class", as referred to in the text that appears when we run the ShowQualifiers classmethod of %SYSTEM.OBJ thus:SAMPLES>DO $system.OBJ.ShowQualifiers()... Name: /checkuptodate Description: Skip classes or expanded classes that are up-to-date. #Compiler #Object Data Model #Caché 0 3 0 426
Article John Murray · Jan 17, 2018 1m read Observations about DC homepage views On the homepage that we get when we go to there are three views, controlled by a set of buttons in the upper right:Above is with the default view (the "house", i.e. the "home"). #DC Feedback 2 1 0 244
Question John Murray · Nov 29, 2017 What is the significance of the "Production Name" attribute of an Ensemble Rule? On the "General" tab of the Rule Editor there's a field called "Production Name". The doc says (my emphasis):The name of the production in which you expect to use this routing rule.Does anyone know where this value is used?Is it safe to set this field blank? #Ensemble #Business Rules 0 4 0 300
Question John Murray · Nov 9, 2017 Where can we obtain the code written for a generated method? When a class containing a method generator is compiled, the code that implements the method at runtime is written according to the instructions in the method definition. #Compiler #Object Data Model #Caché 0 6 0 590
Article John Murray · Oct 9, 2017 1m read Preventing a production from running in the wrong environment When implementing our Deltanji source control product on Ensemble or HealthShare sites I sometimes encounter places that implement multiple production classes, e.g. one for their DEV environment and another for their LIVE one. #Ensemble 5 1 0 297
Article John Murray · Sep 25, 2017 1m read Minor gripe: "Youtube" should be "YouTube" On the Links area:"Youtube" should read "YouTube". #DC Feedback 1 1 0 249
Question John Murray · Sep 25, 2017 Are images in posts only shown to logged-in users? I just noticed that when I view this post of mine from a browser where I'm not logged in, none of the three embedded screenshot images appear: this intentional? Or a bug? #DC Feedback 0 2 0 215
Question John Murray · Sep 22, 2017 Why is Atelier 1.1's "Compare With Server's Copy" option not available from document context menu? When server-side source control such as Deltanji is being used with Atelier we sometimes want to re-sync the local Atelier copy of a class or routine by pulling the copy from the server. 0 6 0 555
Article John Murray · Aug 17, 2017 1m read How to determine if a class is mapped (e.g. from CACHELIB) Here's one way to determine if a class is mapped (i.e. it is in a package whose definitions come from a database other than the default code database for the current namespace): SAMPLES>w ##class(%Library.RoutineMgr).IsMapped("Cinema.Film.cls") 0 SAMPLES>w ##class(%Library.RoutineMgr).IsMapped("%iKnow.Objects.Source.cls") 1 SAMPLES> If you pass a by-ref second argument to IsMapped you can also discover what database the class definition is stored in: #Object Data Model #Caché 7 0 0 622
Article John Murray · Aug 15, 2017 1m read Secure Telnet support in CTerm.exe broken in 2017.1 DC readers running Caché etc on Windows, configuring the Telnet service to use SSL/TLS, and using the Caché Telnet client (CTerm.exe) to make the Telnet connections may like to know that there's a fault in 2017.1 and 2017.1.1 which prevents CTerm.exe from establishing the secure connection. #Caché #Microsoft Windows 0 0 0 552
Question John Murray · Aug 10, 2017 Did DC lose a convenient way of reloading the homepage? I'm pretty sure that we used to be able to click on the logo at the top of the homepage in order to reload it:But this no longer has a hyperlink, so I have to use my browser's reload facilities.Was this change deliberate? #DC Feedback 0 7 0 241