What about if you are logged into Linux as the userid which your IRIS runs as? On a default install it's typically irisusr, and on the containerized IRIS instances @Dmitry Maslennikov probably uses it's typically irisowner.

Here's what I find when I successfully connect to a Docker container created from a DC registry image, authenticating as SuperUser/SYS

Node: d2ba2ec8dbce, Instance: IRIS

USER>w $zv
IRIS for UNIX (Ubuntu Server LTS for x86-64 Containers) 2024.1 (Build 262U) Thu Mar 7 2024 15:36:40 EST
USER>w $username


@Jeffrey Drumm I think your issue is likely to be that the app apparently assumes this OS-level command will lead directly to an IRIS shell prompt without requiring credentials. On Linux this means the %Service_Terminal service is accepting Operating System authentication. There must also be an IRIS user definition that matches the OS username under which IRIS runs, and that user must have sufficient rights. Enabling login-related audit messages may help you diagnose failures in this area:

/path/to/iris/bin/irisdb -s/path/to/iris/mgr

Setting this up on a 2024.2 Windows instance hasn't been easy, and even now I'm only getting a blank page like @Jeffrey Drumm reported elsewhere on this thread. His IRIS was 2024.2 but not on Windows.

Hurdles were:

  • zpm 0.7.2 was failing because 2024.2 on Windows doesn't bundle pip. I got a bit further by upgrading to 0.7.3 which shipped last week.
  • zpm 0.7.3 wouldn't install iterm until I'd gone through the Flexible Python Runtime setup steps and also worked out for myself the extra zpm steps (did I overlook documentation for these?):
zpm:%SYS>config set UseStandalonePip 1

zpm:%SYS>config set PipCaller "C:\Program Files\Python312\Scripts\pip.exe"

So now I have it installed in %SYS (thanks to the tip from @Evgeny Shvarov in this thread):

zpm   0.7.3
iterm 0.1.0

But still the blank page. And I'm wondering why the iterm contest entry mentions WSGI but the /iterm app set up by the installer is a REST one rather than a WSGI one.

So far, no gain in return for the pain, and I'll continue to get along with Lite Terminal that's built in to the VS Code ObjectScript extension. It requires zero config and works on 2023.2+