I expect the IRIS Portal URLs for these two instances look like this:

In that case, use the bold section as the "pathPrefix" property within the "webServer" object in the server's entry in the "intersystems.servers" settings object.

When setting up a connection definition step-by-step this part is referred to as Path prefix of instance.

See https://docs.intersystems.com/components/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls...

I think it's possible to do this using our Yuzinji tool. Here's my idea:

  1. Go to https://structure101.com/downloads/, fill in your details, and download Structure101g Studio (S101g) for your desktop platform (one of the 3 icons circled red below):
  2. Read the instructions in https://structure101.com/help/generic/flavors/yuzinji/index.pdf to install Yuzinji into S101g, then to add Yuzinji's server-side component to your InterSystems server.
  3. Analyze all your classes and load the results into Structure101g Studio.

But how to identify which deprecated methods or classes are being referenced?

S101g has facility for tagging items on its diagrams. Its "Tag" menu can also export and import a list of tags.

  1. Tag an arbitrary class and an arbitrary method.
  2. Export your tags.
  3. Examine the file.
  4. Write a SQL query to list deprecated classes: select ID from %Dictionary.ClassDefinition where deprecated=1 order by ID  
  5. Format the output to match the structure of the exported tags file, and write this to a file. I'm leaving this as an exercise for the reader.
  6. Import the file into S101g
  7. Repeat previous steps to create a tags file for deprecated methods.
  8. Explore your diagrams to pinpoint the tagged (and therefore deprecated) items.

These Code Actions are contributed by the InterSystems Language Server extension. To request improvements please open issues at https://github.com/intersystems/language-server/issues

The presence of the VS Code lightbulb is controllable with the editor.lightbulb.enabled setting, which can be set per-language if you wish.

For example, in Settings Editor use this filter to alter the setting at user-level or workspace-level only for ObjectScript classes.

@lang:objectscript-class editor.lightbulb.enabled

It looks like you used VS Code to directly open the folder (C:\InterSystems\IRIS\CSP\goerke\) which your (local desktop instance) IRIS created for the /csp/goerke webapp it configured when you added a GOERKE namespace using IRIS Portal.

I think this is going to get confusing for you, particularly if you try to use documentation or training material.

Here's what I recommend you do:

1. Close your the folder in VS Code.

2. Copy your C:\InterSystems\IRIS\CSP\goerke into a folder where you will edit your source files, and perhaps in future source-control them with Git. For example, copy it to c:\MyProjects

3. Open the newly-created folder in VS Code (e.g. c:\MyProjects\goerke)

4. Reconfigure your /csp/goerke webapp in IRIS Portal so it points again to C:\InterSystems\IRIS\CSP\goerke

5. Delete all contents of C:\InterSystems\IRIS\CSP\goerke (files and folders), since you already have a copy of these in c:\MyProjects\goerke

Now when you edit a CSP file in VS Code and save it under c:\MyProjects\goerke\src a copy of it will appear in C:\InterSystems\IRIS\CSP\goerke and the /csp/goerke webapp will use this.

When you edit a CLS file in VS Code, saving this writes the class into the GOERKE namespace but doesn't create a file under C:\InterSystems\IRIS\CSP\goerke because IRIS classes live in IRIS databases, not in host OS files.