· Dec 12, 2016 3m read
Generate and Validate Captcha Code

Suppose you have developed your own web app with InterSystems technologies stack and now want to perform a captcha validation on the client side in order to determine whether or not the user is human and make it safer. There are some modern frameworks to address the captcha issue, however most part of them needs internet access to generate codes and sometimes are complex to implement. Take this as basic example considering that image recognition has gotten too good. That's why you nowadays you tend to see more pattern recognition captchas than mere reading ones. (I.e.

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Please note, this article is considered deprecated, check out the new revision over here:

The goal of this post is to discuss working with Websockets in a Caché environment. We are going to have a quick discussion of what websockets are and then talk through an example chat application implemented on top of Websockets.

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In this article I would like to present the RESTForms project - generic REST API backend for modern web applications.

The idea behind the project is simple -after I wrote several REST APIs I realized that generally, REST API consists of two parts:

  • Work with persistent classes
  • Custom business logic

And, while you'll have to write your own custom business logic, RESTForms provides all things related to working with persistent classes right out of the box.
Use cases

  • You already have a data model in Caché and you want to expose some (or all) of the information in a form of REST API
  • You are developing a new Caché application and you want to provide a REST API
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· Dec 7, 2016 3m read
Enable CORS for CSP/ ZEN Applications

As web application gets more complex, more technologies are involved into the application development. Once it gets deployed in large scale the configuration gets more complex too. For sure one of the most difficult part of the story is the security. In a complex solution when independent servers are feeding single web pages with contents, it is indeed challenging to keep the integrity of such system. HTML5 introduced a (weak) security constraint, the Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). This article tells how to enable CORS for CSP/ ZEN applications.

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Caché Localization Manager

CLM is a tool for localization/internationalization/adding multi-language support to a project based on InterSystems Caché.

Imagine that you have a ready project where all the content is in Russian, and you need to add an English localization to it. You wrap all your strings into resources, translate them into English and call the necessary resource for Russian or English when necessary. Nothing tricky, if you think about it. But what if there are lots of strings and there are mistakes in Russian (or English)? What if you need to localize in more than one language – say, ten? This is exactly the kind of project where you should use CLM. It will help you localize the entire content of your project into the necessary language and retain the possibility to correct entries.

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· Oct 4, 2016 1m read
How to Parse a URL in Caché

How to parse a URL in Caché:

Let's pretend you are working on a project where you may be retrieving a URL for some purpose and you have the need to be easily able to parse apart that URL to get the various components that make up the URL.

Here's how to do that:

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Presenter: Danny Wijnschenk
Task: Build a development stack that enables state-of-the-art rapid development with a stable but adaptive back end.
Approach: Use InterSystems’ new document data model to achieve modern full-stack development

The MEAN stack is a very popular stack for building applications quickly that can change at a rapid pace. We will explore the benefits of such a stack and how you can tackle the requirements for modern and fast paced front-end development with support of a stable, but yet adaptive back-end using our new document data model.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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There have been a few use cases recently within InterSystems where we've needed to connect to Caché-based web services from PHP. The first of these was actually the Developer Community itself, which uses web services as part of Single Sign-On with other InterSystems sites/applications. The following example demonstrates how to connect to a Caché-based web service (particularly, the web service in the SAMPLES namespace) from PHP, using password authentication.

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RESTful API Call From Cache to Electron

Tom Fitzgibbon | Multidata | 212-967-6700 x537 |

Summary: Simple Blink Tutorial for Electron Device from Cache

Electron device is a tiny ARM processor ($40-$60) that connects to Particle’s world wide leased 2G/3G network (about $3/mo) and runs off an included LiPo battery. Using Cache’s %Net.HttpRequest you can send/receive data, control hardware and read sensors.

Step by Step (about 1 hour)

1) Get the Electron from

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Oracle plans to deprecate the much-maligned Java browser plugin in JDK 9. For years, the bundled plugin put users at risk with its numerous security flaws. The web is clearly moving to a plugin-free state, which is a good direction.

If you are relying on the Java browser plugin, you should take a look at Java Web Start.

Here is the official blog post by Oracle:


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