
I am trying to work out if there are any methods available to be able import a result set returned by SQL query into a persistent class.

I have to connect to some legacy SQL databases through SQL Gateway and run some queries. I need to inster the rows returned into a class to then be able to do a %JSONExport to produce a JSON object. I know I can iterate through the resultset and insert one row at a time into the class but was wondering if there is any other/direct way of importing the resultset rows into a class.



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It is probably somewhere in the doc. So hard to search. Hope InterSystems going to AI on their community/support data.

How to see a meaningful value in management portal - sql explorer. For instance
Class MySetting Extends %Persistent{
Property Name As %String;

Class MyObj Extends %Persistent{
Property Setting As MySetting;

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Presenter: Andreas Dieckow
Task: Apply SQL security to multiple servers in a distributed system
Approach: Provide code samples for using new API calls to apply SQL security statements to multiple instances of our products

Description: The requirement that started at all. See examples on how to use this new feature and integrate it into your application by discuss code examples.

Problem: SQL Security is local to the instance and most of time driven by customer application code. That it is only local to the instance and is not automatically going to other instances requires a solution.

Solution: With application code use new API calls to issue SQL security statements that is applied to multiple instances.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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· Jan 11, 2019 4m read
SQL Performance Resources

There are three things most important to any SQL performance conversation: Indices, TuneTable, and Show Plan. The attached PDFs includes historical presentations on these topics that cover the basics of these 3 things in one place. Our documentation provides more detail on these and other SQL Performance topics in the links below. The eLearning options reinforces several of these topics. In addition, there are several Developer Community articles which touch on SQL performance, and those relevant links are also listed.

There is a fair amount of repetition in the information listed below. The most important aspects of SQL performance to consider are:

  1. The types of indices available
  2. Using one index type over another
  3. The information TuneTable gathers for a table and what it means to the Optimizer
  4. How to read a Show Plan to better understand if a query is good or bad
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Can I use a the SQL 'Table-Valued Parameter' when i call a store procedure in sql outbound adapter using ExecuteProcedure?

to pass multiple rows all together as a block, I need to process all the records in one transaction using commit and rollback (if failure)



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· Mar 15, 2021
FHIR Analytics

Hi developers,

We have received quite a lot of interest in using SQL on FHIR data. As you know, FHIR data is encoded in the form of a complex directed graph, and thus you can not easily query it with traditional SQL queries or business intelligence tools. Some customers have noticed that the "FHIR search tables" in IRIS for Health have flattened part of the FHIR graph, and have tried to use them for analytics. This is an undocumented and unsupported part of IRIS for Health, and can change without notice.

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I'm close with this but I'm not sure how to grab JUST the GT1.3 data. I know I can do a substring but finding the 3rd | is a tad tricky. I've not been this deep in SQL for 15 years.

SELECT SUBSTRING(hm.RawContent, (CHARINDEX('GT1',hm.RawContent)), 50) as NameDesc
FROM Ens.MessageHeader as em, EnsLib_HL7.Message as hm
where em.Status = 'Suspended'
and em.MessageBodyId = hm.id

I expect it should flow like this...


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· Jan 28, 2022 2m read
Embedded SQL Bug and Workaround

We recently encountered an Embedded SQL issue while upgrading to IRIS 2021.1, and thought the issue and workaround might be interesting to share.

Key takeaway: Host variables in an ORDER BY clause of an embedded SQL query that is inside of a method don't work as expected. IRIS versions starting with 2020.1 are affected. As a workaround, add the host variable to the Method's PublicList list and "new" them so the embedded query has access to them.

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· Jan 30, 2023
SQLComputed Code issue

Hi All,

I have a below query for which I need help.

I have a persistent class User.Cars.cls. The properties of this class is mapped through Global mapping with global (^CAR(Date,CarSerialno,Seq)).

Property CarNumber as %String (TRUNCATE=1) [SqlFieldName= CAR_Number];

Mapping of 5th Piece of ^CAR global to CarNumber property.

For e.g.^CAR(Date,CarSerialno,Seq)=1^2^3^4^BMW 4567^6^7

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If I had:
Class MN.Student Extends %Persistent
Property Name As %String;
Class MN.Course Extends %Persistent
Property TeacherName As %String;
Relationship StudentName As MN.Student [ Cardinality = one, Inverse = Name ];

For "Cardinality = one" the SQL line below would be sufficient for archiving
INSERT INTO MN.Course (TeacherName, StudentName) VALUES ('Pierre','3')"

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· Jun 22, 2017
Hash values of columns

I try to find a function, which generates hash values of columns. In MS SQL Server I can use

select hashbytes('sha2_256', my_column) ...

to create hash values of my_column. Is it possible to use such things in Caché?

Thank you

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· Dec 10, 2017
Cache and Database

Hi, I'm a student, weak programming. I ask for your help, I write a program in C #, there are two tables, but I do not understand how to organize the connection between them many to many. Table in DataGridView1 from DataSet1 on Form1 key connection in DataGridView1 from DataSet1 to Form3

I do this on Form1

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· Feb 15, 2018
The Index on a String field

I noticed that the subscript of the index map is actually the collated field (%SQLUPPER).

Is String the only data type going through this transformation? Any other data type would also go through this transformation?


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I have a lookup table and record batch Table I would like to do a count on the records stored in that batch by counting the number of records in that batch that have a certain key on the responseKey column. This column keys are stored in the look up table for comparison. So I would like to do a join sql pivot that will use my keys stored in the lookup as columns and count as values

so far I have managed to do this but this is not efficient I would like to fire that sql once not on every count

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· Jun 14, 2018
Single Row SQL.Snapshot

I have several stored procedures that when I execute them they will only return a single snapshot. In my BP I have been setting this to a Snapshot variable then looping using a WHILE through the snapshot variable just to get that single value.

Since it is only a single row, is there an easier way where I don't have to do a WHILE loop to pull the values out of that row? Can I call First Row or something like that to get me just the row into the Snapshot variable?

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Is there a way to lock at the record level? I know that you can lock at the table level:


but am unable to find a way to lock just at the record/row level.

Would this also affect a SELECT statement done on the record?

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· Jan 14, 2021
SQL Inbound Adapter settings

In the Inbound SQL Adapter settings, is it possible to specify more than 1 field as the Key Field Name?

Because of the way the Query is being index in Ensemble by the Key Field Name, sometimes transactions get missed and I would like to see if we can add an additional key to the mix to ensure all the transactions are picked up. In this case the InterfaceTrigger is an ID that is auto generated by the table, and I would like to use that as well to ensure we don't miss transactions, and it does not throw any warning messages when it executes the Delete Query.

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I am trying to use Dynamic SQL because I need to supply data at runtime.
The generated query returns 0 rows for some reason. If I copy/paste the query into Monitor, it works correctly. I am suspecting it has something to do with dates being the wrong format (I am supplying them in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format). Is that the cause? And if so, how do I supply dates in correct format?

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So I know it's been a while, and I hate to let my adoring fans down... just not enough to actually start writing again. But the wait is over and I'm back! Now bask in my beautiful ginger words!

For this series, I am going to look at some common problems we see in the WRC and discuss some common solutions. Of course, even if you find a solution here, you are always welcome to call in and expression you gratitude, or just hear my voice!

This week's common problem: "My query returns no data."

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Hi All -

I was wondering if the below query could be enhanced to automatically look back 24 hours from the current datetime the query is run. As is now I, of course, have to update the date range in the WHERE clause manually.

The query is just getting all MessageBodyClassNames, counting them and then doing an AVG on TimeCreated and TimeProcessed. Nothing too complex.

SELECT MessageBodyClassName, count(ID) as Count_Of_Messages, avg(datediff(ss, TimeCreated, TimeProcessed)) as avg_processing_time_in_seconds

FROM %PARALLEL Ens.MessageHeader

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1 2.6K
· Oct 30, 2018
ID vs %ID in tables

What is the difference between %ID and ID in a database table? Both seem to reference the same column labelled ID.

For context, I am trying to create a viewer class for an existing persistent class.

Let us call the persistent class A, with SqlTableName = OldA.

The viewer class will be B with SqlTableName = A and ViewQuery = {select %ID, <other fields> from <some other class with the same fields as A>}

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