Greetings to all!!! Suppose there is a table Mother (ID, Name) and Child (ID, Name, Mother), Mother in the table Childis a relationship. Let's say the task is to deduce the names of all the children whose their moms' names start with the letter 'A', I can do this in two ways in sql, and I can not understand the difference, the pros and cons that when to use:

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0 417


I have a class with around 400k lines and 60 columns. Class storage is Cache SQL storage (Mapped from a global).

I want to create multiple indices on certain fields.

I am familiar with two approaches:

1. Create a new map (Index type) on a pointer global.

2. Create a bitmap index

Which approach is more recommended to be used in the case I described? If there are any other approaches, I will be happy to hear.

Thanks :)

0 11
0 733

Hi World

I've a problem when in extract a float value from my database

the problem is that i get an interger instead of float.

my record is 2,56 but when i do a select , the request extract only 2

can you have a solution for it.

thank you

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0 275
· Oct 14, 2017
Multiple joins in a SQL query


I have a query like below but its syntax is not accepted by Cache.

I would like to perform a left join on two tables first and then make a inner for this result with another table.

Given the constraint that we only allow one SELECT in the query, it is possible to achieve this semantics ?

Thank for your help.

Select *
FROM ( sample . employee e
LEFT JOIN sample . company c
on c . id = e . id ) g
JOIN sample . vendor v
on v . %id = g . attr

0 3
0 1K

Hi, folks!

Is there any way to use $CASE or $SELECT functionality in SQL SELECT query?

E.g. something like this:

SELECT product, $CASE(status,"New":field1,"Payed":field2) as data from sales

To see either in data column either field1 or field2 values in regard of status value.

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0 813

Hi, folks!

When you deploy DeepSee solutions you often do not want grant a User %All Role to work with a particular Dashboard.

Consider a Dashboard 'Dash' with a few widgets where listings are being used.

If you manage a Role to get access to the Dash you need to grant access to %DB_DBNAME resource to have a database access, grant access to a Dashboard resource (if any) and ... grant SELECT accesses to all the tables involved in SQL queries being used in all the listings of widgets.

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0 458
· Sep 22, 2017
browse sql record

Hi , World

this is i field in my global:


for information: it's respective key is "peyload"

my question is :

I want to extract the timestamps value , and the profile_id value , how can i do?


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0 353


I'm developing an integration between Caché servers by ODBC conection, and I have the following problem.

In this call:

call COSClass_Methode('222169^^98^155^64530^06:30^021542987897458855441112877855^1^0^281992^GC')

the ODBC driver is truncating the string to 50 characters.

If I run this same command with $system.SQL.Shell(), this doesn't occur.
I did a test creating several parameters for COSClass_Methode, and they all have a 50 character limitation.

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1 1.6K
· Aug 29, 2017
ad hoc sql service

Hi everyone, I have a SQL service that is working fine, except I don't want it to run on a schedule or continuously. I'd like to only run when requested. Run once and then stop until another request. Is there anyway to set up a service like that?

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0 406
· Aug 24, 2017
Error on SQL update service

I have a simple SQL service that does a simple select from an SQL database. After the select, I do an update to set the ProcessedFlag to "Y" for yes, so my next pass doesn't select records already processed. The service works fine, except when it's done I get the error below, anybody know what is causing this error?

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0 338

I am currently working on a issue with WRC on one of my Inbound SQL Adapters not returning all the records it should be. If I looked at the count of the records in Ensemble and compare it to that of a Microsoft SQL View, Ensemble seems to be off by a few records here and there. I am using a full dynamic select statement in my settings of the adapter.

SELECT Text, PhysicianLastName, PhysicianFirstName, PhysicianAddress1, PhysicianAddress2, PhysicianCity,

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0 754
· Aug 8, 2017 1m read
Outperforming PostgreSQL and MySQL

In a previous exercise, I was able to show the power of Caché.
A medium-designed set of interdependent tables with some GB of data.
URLs cross reference over some million pages resulting in ~3 billion records

Competition was between

  • Caché
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL

Criteria were Speed + Storage consumption
I composed a customized loader fed over a "raw" TCP connection
Mapping the "objects" into the final table by directly writing to Global Storage.,

17 3
0 765
· Jul 22, 2017
select sql error


I execute sql like this: select * from DHC_PatBillDetails where PBD_PBO_ParRef>='2046121'

error message:

but the sql: select * from DHC_PatBillDetails where PBD_PBO_ParRef='2046121' can be executed successfully


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0 335

I have a query string that I am creating programmatically, based on some user inputs. The user might search on 5 fields, or 8 fields, or no fields.

In my sql statment, some of these fields require parameters in the %Execute statement.

For example:

if user picks lastname, sql = "select * from person where lastname = ?"

if user also picks age, sql = "select * from person where lastname=? and age > ?"

I then have these lines of code to create my result set:

set statement = %SQL.Statement


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0 22.5K


Is it possible to use the value of a column that is populated by its own subquery, in the WHERE clause of the outer-query ?

The following fails (it does not parse syntactically):


I guess I could wrap it up as in inner query of it's own - this way (which works) :

Select * from 
(SELECT A, B, (SELECT S1 FROM Table2) "C" FROM Table1)
where C>10

but I was wondering if there was some syntax in the original snippet that I could do instead.

Thanks - Steve

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0 723

Hello! So, my knowledge on the Cache database is extremely limited, and I was hoping I could find some assistance here. I'm connecting to the DB via ODBC. The table(s) I'm interested in are named as such nameYYYYMMDD. So each day, a new table is created with logs. We'd like to grab these records each day, for the previous day's logs.

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0 669

Hi everyone

Is there any way to change a class definition (especifically a query definition during the compilation time)?
The idea is:
I have an abstract class with a parameter where I will define the ROWSPEC of a query and some methods to populate e temporary table
The implementation class will override the parameter, specifying the ROWSPEC of this implementation, and the methods will populate the rows in the same format as the ROWSPEC.

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0 624