Hello everyone!
I need to have a ResultSet of type % SQL.Statement show its contents when it is trafficked in a message property by Business Process.
I tried to use the % XML.DataSet type that inherits properties of type % XML.Adaptor, but did not work.
Is there any other way to traffic as an object, other than within a Stream?

Note: I can not traffic Streams and I will not be able to use Correlate in this case.

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0 241
· Mar 20, 2019
Query Response from MSSQL

I am having an intermittent issue that when I make a call to MSSQL from a BPL that the response does not come back in the amount of time required. Since the call from the BPL is synchronous I tried changing the timeout to 60 but it has not helped (see below). Is there anyway to guarantee that the call waits long enough for a response before continuing on?


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0 343
· Mar 12, 2019
String to date

I am trying to convert a string to date but can not get it to work I have function that I would like to take in a date string and covert it to date object

here is the ezample so far can not get it to work any help appreciated

set p="12/03/2019"
w $System.SQL.TODATE(p,"YYYY-MM-DD")
<ILLEGAL VALUE>todate+32^%qarfunc

if I try this still get the wrong value returned

set p="12/03/2019" 
w $ZDATE(p,3)
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Can I use a the SQL 'Table-Valued Parameter' when i call a store procedure in sql outbound adapter using ExecuteProcedure?

to pass multiple rows all together as a block, I need to process all the records in one transaction using commit and rollback (if failure)



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Let's imagine you have only SQL. You need some table where you should increment value in some property when you update this line.

We have the table

  "identifier"   VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
  "value"        INTEGER,
  PRIMARY KEY ("identifier")

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0 654
· Mar 5, 2019
PrimaryKey vs Idkey

Just wondering an Insight in the difference between these two indexes

IdKey / PrimaryKey

Property Identifier As %Integer

Index Index1 on Identifier [Idkey]

Index Index2 on Identifier [PrimaryKey]

What's the difference?

1. If I don't have Index1 and only have Index2, then cache does still make its own id.
So how and why do I ever use the PrimaryKey. In Joins ??

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0 963

I try to create a column with computeonchange.

Its works with CREATE TABLE sql command, but if i use ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN sql command this computeonchange doesn't works.

any reason why?


CREATE TABLE MyStudents ( Name VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, surname VARCHAR(16))

alter table MyStudents add column fullname Varchar(50) COMPUTECODE { SET {fullname}={Name}_ "?" _{surname}} COMPUTEONCHANGE (Name,surname)

insert into SQLUser.MyStudents (Name, surname) values ('name1',null)

update MyStudents set name = 'name' where name = 'name1'

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0 203


When Creating a custom security role, what privileges do I need to add to it, in order for the users that I grant him the role, to be able to use

dynamic SQL to perform read only queries on all tables in a namespace?

I have a security role, that contains the %Service_SQL privilege,

And yet when I connect to a terminal and try to run an SQL query using dynamic SQL , I get a "user is not privileged for the operation" error.

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SetIdentityInsert call controls the ability of the user to specify a value for the IDENTITY property when saving a new object, a value for the IDENTITY column or an explicit ROWID value in an SQL INSERT. If IDENTITY_INSERT is false and the user specifies an explicit IDENTITY or ROWID value when saving a new object or inserting a new ROW then an error condition is reported.

Setting takes effect immediately and lasts for the duration of the process or until SetIdentityInsert is called again.

My question is how can I change this setting system-wide?

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0 289

Is there a way or can it be done to use conditional logic in sql like so

 Query Q1(formal as %String) As %SQLQuery [ Final ]
    SELECT patientnumber,ID, CASE
    WHEN ID = 50 THEN "The is 50"
    WHEN ID = 30 THEN "This is 30"
    ELSE "The quantity is under 30"
END FROM Audit.Table WHERE ID = :formal AND EndDate is null} 


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0 342


I'm working on exporting data from an Intersystems Cache database through the Cache ODBC Driver. There is a particular table that is giving me an error message. The ODBC Driver crashes and reports an error from the Cache system. I think I was able to trace down where the error is coming from, but I do not know how to debug or fix the error.

The table I am trying to extract is called SEDMIHP.

Here's the Error:

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0 1.2K

Let Say I have
Class Carrier Extends %Persistent

Property Employee As Array of Class Employees

Class Employees Extends %SerialObject

Property Name As %String

Property Address As Array of Class AddressDetail

Class AddressDetail Extends %SerialObject

Property Street1 As %String

Property Street2 As %String

I can get value for Employee Name as Employee_Name.

But I want to Get Value of Address Street1 and Street2 of Class AddressDetail using SQL Query
How can I get that?

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0 372
· Jan 22, 2019
SQL select to a list

I need to select my result into a list and be able to loop through the list when query finished any help appreciated here is where I am

##sql(SELECT %ID INTO :IDArray() FROM MergeHyland.TypeTwoDimesionCollection WHERE GUID = :Key AND EndDate IS NULL)
for I=1;1:$LISTLENGTH(IDArray)


w $Data(IDArray),i



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0 1.3K

I have a persistent class.

I want to store one of the properties there as a stream or a string depending on a size.

99% of values would be strings (less than $$$MaxStringLength characters) so I don't want to store everything as streams.

What do you think of this approach?

What's the best architecture to implement in this situation?

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0 543

Let's say I have this property:

Property FavoriteColors As List Of %String;

I heed to convert it to JSON using SQL or at least without object access (so direct global access).

What's the fastest way to do that?

I thought about JSON_ARRAY and JSON_ARRAYAGG sql functions but they don't do that.

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I've mapped multiple tables (UNION on mapped SQL classes) into a view, using CREATE VIEW.

Through ODBC, in Entity Framework, I am querying against that view and offering paging. The paging is implemented using IQueryable.Skip and IQueryable.Take.

Skip seems to have unexpected results, I believe due to incorrect SQL generated by the Entity Framework provider, though perhaps I've done something incorrectly. The generated SQL looks similar to this (with some bits replaced or altered for security reasons), the basic structure is unaltered.

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0 669
· Jan 15, 2019

I have an sql statement that I would like to execute but I get the error

"zSearchChanges+5^MergeHyland.TypeTwoUtil.1 *KeyID"

and here is my sq

l  "&sql(SELECT Key INTO :KeyID FROM MergeHyland.TypeTwoDimesionalTable WHERE Key = :Key)" any ideas why 
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0 203

A very simple SQL

SELECT field1 F1, count(field2) CntF2
where field1 is not null
group by field1

gives an error back:

[SQLCODE: <-461>:<Communication link failure>]

[%msg: <Connection 'TRAKCARELIVE': Execute: SQLState: (HY000) NativeError: [10053] Message: [Cache ODBC][State : HY000][Native Code 10053] [c:\intersystems\ensemble\bin\cache.exe] Software caused connection abort> ]

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0 471


I'm looking to find if there is a datatype convert equivalent in Object Script to SQL convert function. Have a VarBinary string coming in from source application (which is really performing a SQL dump). The source application uses the standard SQL convert function to convert from varchar to varbinary on their side.

I know &sql(Convert()) should work in Object Script, but am wondering if there is a better way of doing this.

Getting data in via flat file (Record Map), then using data transform to transpose this data to SDA3.

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0 692

Dear all,

In our application made in Caché object script, when we deploy some classes modified we have the option of calling "Purge queries" feature of Caché.

We only were doing this call when a %Persistent class definition (table) was modified, as we assume that no other changes affect the cached queries and we don't want to purge them by default, as the first run of a query becomes slow.

We had a case where no table definition was changed but a purge queries was the solution.

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0 247
· Oct 25, 2018
Healthshare Health Insight

I need help in health insight. I am trying to generate reports on deep see but i am not able to pull in the patient ids as these are our requirements for the project. Can anyone help me in unlocking this feature.
Can anyone help me with link to correct documentation on how to access the edge gateways of multiple facilities to access the clinical data on sql explorer.

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0 437

I am trying to use %INLIST in SQL query using a cursor and the query fails to return results. It appears that the variable I use against %INLIST returns an empty string. All the examples I have seen use result sets and build the query as a string. Is it possible to use %INLIST in a cursor-based query? Below is a a snippet of the code I am using:

Property mylist as %String (MAXLEN="") [InitialExpression = "route1, route2, route3"];

set routeList = $LISTBUILD(mylist)




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0 592

When using the JSON_OBJECT() function in Caché SQL on a %String property that contains JSON syntax, it converts the %String into a JSON object instead of escaping it as a string literal. How can I prevent this? (without ridiculous hacks like "add a space to the beginning of the value" as we don't always know which properties will contain these values and I certainly don't want to have to check for nulls and add/remove a space every single place this value is used in the application)

I don't want these strings automatically marshalled into JSON objects.

For example:

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0 1.2K
· Nov 22, 2018
Embedded SQL bug?


Is this a bug? We came across it on an older version of Cache but I've also just tried it in version "Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2017.2.2 (Build 865U)" and got the same result.

Create a Class like so:

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0 527
· Nov 15, 2018
SQL calculated property rollback

Greetings all,

I have a quick SQL question. I am working with a class, which has a calculated property, which in turned indexed.
The calculation for this property is created based on another property value via:
SqlComputeOnChange = attributes - so basically every time I add a property attribute to my class, my new property
is calculated based on some SqlComputeCode which calls some class method.

That initial setup works as designed.

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