· Jun 29, 2023 3m read
IRIS Api Tester

Hello Community!!

I just upload my lastest application "IRIS Api Tester" to the Open Exchange.

It's a docker project with InterSystems IRIS + Newman that will allow you to test your Postman Collections in a quick and easy way..

It's ready to work out of the box, you just have to clone the repo:

Run the docker-compose file:

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I want to connect IRIS system as it has all the database tables. on top of that I am creating a REST API in python. How can I connect to IRIS DB. here is my example code for connection

def connect():

connection_string = "localhost:1972/USER"

username = "_SYSTEM"

password = "SYS"

conn = iris.connect(connection_string, username, password)

after this connection is created but how can I get tables data. Please let me know more about how we can integrate IRIS database into a python REST API.

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· Jun 16, 2023 10m read
Creating a REST service in IRIS

One of the most common needs of our clients is the creation of REST services that allow access to the information present in IRIS / HealthConnect. The advantage of these REST services is that it allows the development of custom user interfaces with the most current technologies taking advantage of the reliability and performance of IRIS in the back-end.

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Hello Team,

please can someone help me in the below.

I'm trying to call a Rest API below specification working in postman, and receiving perfectly the response:

POST /PharmacyServices/api/Pharmacy/Upload?Key=aaaa&Username=bbb&Password=ccc HTTP/1.1
Host: abc:38440
Content-Length: 240
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="File"; filename="///xxxx/POC/CSV/20230607.csv"
Content-Type: text/csv

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How many times do we find ourselves rebuilding, copy-pasting, adapting, Business Operations that make calls to REST services, and only adapting one or another part of the final code. This is annoying a lot. To resolve this our inconvenience, I present to you Interopway REST, a set of classes (a micro framework) that allows us to just add Business Operation to Production and use it.

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Good morning:

Thank you very much for reading the doubt and above all thank you very much for answering.

Given the following use case:

If we have a Destination Service that through a HTTP GET by REST gives us a certain JSON response, where it should be noted that it is a list of objects where each object in the list does NOT have a key:

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Hello everyone,

I am looking for a sort of REST interoperability adapter that can forward REST calls within HealthConnect. If necessary, we need to adjust the requests or responses.

For Fhir calls, we use the FHIR Interoperability Adapter. This works perfectly; a message comes in as HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Request, and a message HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Response goes out. I can make adjustments as needed to both the request and response. I am looking for the same functionality, but then for non-FHIR REST calls.

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Programming and languages

Being a programmer nowadays is basically the geek version of being a polyglot. Of course, most of us here, in the InterSystems Community, “speak ObjectScript”. Howeever, I believe this wasn’t the first language for many people. For instance, I had never heard about it prior to getting the appropriate training at Innovatium.

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It is clear how to get the request header value with a specific name:

Class My.RestController Extends %CSP.REST

ClassMethod processRequest() As %Status
    #dim request as %CSP.Request 
    set request = %request
    set h = ##class(%REST.Impl).%GetHeader("...")
    return $$$OK

But I can't figure out how to enumerate ALL the request headers (and also get all values).

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0 635

I am using the %Net.HttpRequest class to download a file from the internet .using the following code. When a file is returned in the DOM I am able to read the file content and save it to the desired location but when my response is a download dialog nothing is returned in the HttpResponse. Am I doing something wrong here is where I have gotten to so far any help appreciated.

current code

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This week I was able to demo a proof of concept for our FMS interface on traffic cop architecture to my team. We are working on modernizing an Interoperability production running on mirrored Health Connect instances. We deploy IRIS workloads on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform using InterSystems Kubernetes Operator (IKO). We can define any number of replicas for the compute stateful set where each compute pod runs our Interoperability production. We introduced Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) to scale up the number of compute pods based on memory or CPU utilization.

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· Mar 27, 2023
JSON Validation Errors

When using %JSONImport it seems to only report a single error, is there a way to report all the errors with out having to do multiple requests?


"errors": [


"code": 9406,

"domain": "%ObjectErrors",

"error": "ERROR #9406: Unexpected format for value of field, CurrencyCode, using Update mapping",

"id": "JSONImportError",

"params": [



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InterSystems IRIS versions 2022.2 and newer feature the ability to authenticate to a REST API using JSON web tokens (JWTs). This feature enhances security by limiting where and how often passwords transfer over the network in addition to setting an expiration time on access.

The goal of this article is to serve as a tutorial on how to implement a mock REST API using InterSystems IRIS and lock access to it behind JWTs.

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· Mar 7, 2023 3m read
_spec for swagger-ui from spec class

Surely you wanted to use the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) JSON you used for your spec class on the iris-web-swagger-ui iris package. The generated OAS from the ##class(%REST.API).GetWebRESTApplication(...) method is very crude, with no description on the parameters or the expected response structure.

So after creating your REST application from an OAS you should have:

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Hi folks!

Researching FHIR bundle transactions.

The idea is that you can post a bundle to a FHIR server with a set of resources. And you can send it as a transaction, so only all the resources will be published or neither.

E.g. I send a bundle of two resources: patient and its observation.

The observation resource should reference an existing patient. But it probably doesn't exist yet on the server and goes within the same bundle.

For this purpose there is a way to have a temporary id in the bundle, to let resources reference ids.

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· Feb 14, 2023 9m read
Generate client SOAP and REST

Hi Community,

I would like to take advantage of our topic on capture for Health Data Warehouses (on DC-FR) to show you how to quickly create HTTP SOAP and REST clients. IRIS, as well as applications available on Open Exchange offers solutions to generate them from a WSDL or a swagger specification.

SOAP client

Nothing could be easier than creating a SOAP client. All you need is the WSDL. A wizard is available from the IRIS Studio. It allows you to generate not only your classes for a web service client but also the “Business Services” and “Business Operations” if you want to consume them with the interoperability framework.

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Recently i've been using Restforms2 to create a CRUD API for a project. But it lacks some advanced functionality that we need, so we have created a production with a REST WS which handles those advanced methods. That works great but there's a drawback, it does not have authentication.

I would want to use the same authentication method as Restforms2 which is a basic auth using IRIS users and passwords.

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· Feb 7, 2023 9m read
OpenAPI Suite - Part 2

Hi Community,

In the first part, we describe all packages, used libraries and REST services.

Now, I would like to add some details about converter and validator services.

By default, OpenAPI-Suite sends an HTTP request to if the specification version is less than 3.0 and another HTTP request to to simplify the structure of the specification document.

Although the usage of online utilities is convenient, in some cases it could be better to have our own instance of the converter and validator. For example, if OpenAPI-Suite is provided on a server in an organisation for ObjectScript developers, it may be preferable to avoid requests to external services (privacy, avoid request rate limits).

Just run:

docker run -d -p 8085:8080 --name swagger-converter swaggerapi/swagger-converter:latest
docker run -d -p 8086:8080 --name swagger-validator-v2 swaggerapi/swagger-validator-v2:latest

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· Feb 5, 2023 2m read
COS Url Shortener

Hi Community!

I want to share with you mi first Open Exchange application.

It's a tool to made our developments easier. It's a micro service in a IRIS docker that help us in our new features giving us a way to add short links in our SMS, Email campaigns and for links of the different stores for our apps.

It's very easy to use it.

Simply clone this repo:

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