Hi Developers!

Often when we develop some library, tool, package, whatever on InterSystems ObjectScript we have a question, how we deploy this package on the target machine?

Also, we often expect that some other libraries already installed, so our package depends on them, and often on some particular version of it.

When you code on javascript, python, etc the role of packages deployment with dependency management takes package manager.

So, I'm pleased to announce that InterSystems ObjectScript Package Manager available!

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For some build scripting with the InterSystems Package Manager, I'd like to first uninstall a package with `zpm "uninstall"` and then load it from disk using `zpm "load"`. That way anything that got deleted from the source will also be deleted from IRIS.

The problem is that `zpm "uninstall"` takes in a module name and I only have the directory path to the package source. Is there a way to get the module name for an installed IPM module given the source path? It's okay to assume that it has previously been installed from that same directory with `zpm "load"`.

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After having some discussions at Global Summit and using a lot of package managers in my day to day development (npm,nuget,Chocolatey, etc) in addition to recently using the InterSystems Package Manager for some CICD process I'm building using Intersystems IRIS and IRIS 4 Health, I wanted an easy and integrated way to search/view/install packages related to the Intersystems tech stack.

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Hi Community,

Enjoy the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

InterSystems Package Manager @ Global Summit 2024

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InterSystems Official
· Dec 17, 2024
IPM 0.9.0 Released

We have released IPM 0.9.0. I previously remarked on some of the history and reasoning here; to summarize, this is a big release for two reasons: it represents a long-overdue reunification of our internal and community-driven work around IRIS-centric ObjectScript package management, and it has some backwards incompatibilities. There are several necessary backwards incompatibilities in our roadmap, and we've lumped them together; this will not be some new norm.

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Monitor incremental changes in the database through scheduled tasks, display change trends through charts, set alarm thresholds, and write information to messages.log

How to use it

You can install it through Docker or ZPM

Deploying with Docker Prerequisites

Make sure you have git and Docker desktop installed.

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I assume IPM manifest tag UnitTest is tightly coupled with the standard unit test framework, right? However we have our own one that predates the standard one and we are not going to switch.

I think I need to import the unit test cases and then be able to run a single class method for the test run. Any ideas how this would be possible?

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I'm working on my first (!) IPM module and I'm a little puzzled with the registry authorization.

I have a working local registry (I hope!) and the module is loaded (with load-command) to the namespace.

Now publish-command fails because of missing authorization. I have set nothing authorization related myself and I'm lost how the authorization should be configured. All the material I have read so far seems to ignore that and only mentions one have to authenticate ...

Here's the command output:

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Is anyone using the IPM client (e.g., running commands like zpm "install somepackagename") on an IRIS version earlier than 2022.1?

We're thinking about raising the minimum supported version so we can use Embedded Python in IPM. I'm curious if this would impact anyone. Of course, you'd be able to continue to use an earlier version of IPM.

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It's not supported at the moment but is it possible to implement the Sonatype Nexus (or JFrog Artifactory) support based on the current (or upcoming) IPM version?

In repo command help I see there is a support for filesystem repositories (which I have not yet tried) and my current (hopefully not far-fetched) interpretation is the IPM is designed to be able to support different repositories:

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I'm trying package IPM command but I'm getting the following error:

zpm:IPMTEST1>package -verbose -only -path /home/irisowner/ osex-ipm-hello

[IPMTEST1|osex-ipm-hello]       Package START
Exporting 'OSEX.ipm.hello.Hello.cls' to '/home/irisowner/src/OSEX/ipm/hello/Hello.cls'
Exported to /home/irisowner/module.xml
Module exported to:

[osex-ipm-hello]        Package FAILURE
ERROR! ObjectScript error: <VALUE OUT OF RANGE>zConstructTar+19^%ZPM.Utils.FileBinaryTar.1

What's wrong here?

I can see all the correct module files created:

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Hi folks!

Often, when we develop commercial solutions, there is a necessity to deploy solutions without source code, e.g., in order to preserve the IP.

One of the ways how this can be achieved is to use InterSystems Package Manager.

Here I asked Midjourney to paint an intellectual property of software:

How this can be achieved with IPM?

In fact, this is very simple; just add the Deploy="true" clause in the Resource element in your module.xml manifest. Documentation.

I decided to provide the simplest possible example to illustrate how it works and also to give you a development environment template to let start building and deploying your own modules without source code. He we go!

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If you are using the client-side development paradigm (i.e. editing code in local files that get imported and compiled onto the IRIS server your `objectscript.conn` settings point to) you can now use IPM in VS Code to manage the packages in your IRIS target by launching it from the Explorer view.

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· Sep 29, 2024 1m read
IRIS Test Data Generator

The test data generator is mainly used to generate test data, which can be used to generate test data for tables and fields to meet the needs of different fields according to different types, currently supports Text, Number, Enum, UUID, regular expression, Multiple date and time formats, and Time Seven different types

How to use:

1. Select a namespace, you can see all the tables under the namespace,

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Hi Developers!

Recently we launched InterSystems Package Manager - ZPM. And one of the intentions of the ZPM is to let you package your solution and submit into the ZPM registry to make its deployment as simple as "install your-package" command.

To do that you need to introduce module.xml file into your repository which describes what is your InterSystems IRIS package consists of.

This article describes different parts of module.xml and will help you to craft your own.

I will start from samples-objectscript package, which installs into IRIS the Sample ObjectScript application and could be installed with:

zpm: USER>install samples-objectscript

It is probably the simplest package ever and here is the module.xml which describes the package:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Export generator="Cache" version="25">
  <Document name="samples-objectscript.ZPM">
      <Resource Name="ObjectScript.PKG"/>

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The Application Services team is pleased to announce the release of git-source-control version 2.4.0, introducing several new features to the open-source project.

For those unfamiliar, git-source-control is an embedded (or "server-side") source control tool for InterSystems products, installed through the InterSystems Package Manager.

Here are the key additions to the 2.4.0 release:

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I'm working with isc.rest and am going through the tutorial right now. My project directory exists on my IRIS server. When I try to create a module.xml file in the root package, I get a #16006 error. I see that there is a "generate" command for zpm that should create a module.xml for me on my local filesystem. How can I create this module.xml in the same folder that holds my code living on the IRIS server?

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· May 7, 2020 4m read
Unit Testing with ZPM

Hi Developers!

I want to share with you the approach you can use working with Unit Testing which I personally find very convenient and robust.

Will not talk much here about Unit Testing, we have documentation, enough good articles on the topic not only on the Internet but here on Developers Community too, e.g. this one.

How can you manage the Unit Testing of your ZPM module?

This is pretty handy with ZPM. It has a special command "test" which runs all the tests you mentioned in the module. You can execute it as shown below:

zpm:USER>module-name test

And this command runs all the tests you mentioned in module.xml.

Let's see how it works.

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Hi folks!

Recently I was in need to setup a local FHIR server using IRIS For Health and I think I found the easiest and simplest way ever.

Just run in terminal these two lines below :

docker run --rm --name my-iris -d --publish 9091:1972 --publish 9092:52773 intersystemsdc/irishealth-community


docker exec -it my-iris iris session iris -U "USER" '##class(%ZPM.PackageManager).Shell("install fhir-server")'

And you'll have FHIR server running locally at http://localhost:9092/fhir/r4.

That's it!

The FHIR server will use the latest build of InterSystems IRIS for Health Community Edition and will deploy FHIR server from this app via IPM package in FHIRSERVER namespace.

This is for Mac, so please add in comments how it works in Windows.

This is a very short article as it is really easy to setup a local FHIR server with InterSystems IRIS for Health and IPM Package Manager.

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