
I am making a request to an API and JSON is coming as follows:

SET %httprequest = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
DO %httprequest.Get(URL)
SET %responseBody = %httprequest.HttpResponse.Data.Read()

W %responseBody
{produto:"CHP0001",Local:{IDMV: "000000001",LOTE: "",DtFabric: "null",DtVenc: "null",Atributo06: "0000000002",Atributo07: "",QtdeDisp: "10.00000",QtdeAloc: "0.00000",QtdeSep: "0.00000",QtdeTotal: "10.00000",Status: "OK",Motivo: ""}}

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I am trying to use %ZEN.proxyObject to send out in JSON format so I do:

set tProxyRequest = ##class(%ZEN.proxyObject).%New()
set tProxyRequest.notanumber = "28001"
set tProxyRequest.aboolean = "true"

set tBody = ##class(%GlobalCharacterStream).%New()
do ##class(Ens.Util.JSON).ObjectToJSONStream(tProxyRequest,.tBody,"aelotwu")
w tBody.Read()

and I get:

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We are working with a vendor who only accepts JSON as payload. We are currently still on Cache/HealthShare, not IRIS. Since we have to send Continuity of Care Documents, this raises issues with Long Strings (some CCDs can be quite large and in addition to that, they have to be b64-encoded which increases their size even more).

My question is: if we were to go on IRIS and use %JSON.Adapter, storing the encoded Stream in an object's Stream property, would calling %JSONExport() on this object produce the desired JSON? Or would we have to call %JSONExportToStream()?

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What is the best way to create an HL7 message from JSON input file?

We have JSON file available with data required for building the HL7 message . I am trying to use a standard file/FTP Business service to pick up the file and convert the input %FileCharacterStream into a dynamic Object and use the stand JSON features to read /process the data and build the HL7 message.

Is there any other better way to do this? or any standard built-in functionality available in HealthShare?

Thanks you for your help


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Hey Intersystems Community,

I have a Problem with the Session Handling in .csp.

I wrote all my Web Services in .csp-Pages and do the work for example in the OnPreHttp Method for to get some data.

After that the Web Service response is in JSON.

I call These Web Services via fetch in my react Single Page application, also Many request parallel. The react App is Rolled out as index.html.
Everything Works Fine with the session Handling via Cookie.

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Hi all,

I need some advice about JSON conversions and the outputs. I am being sent a JSON response from an API call and I am struggling to produce an output that I can use from it.

I have used the %FromJSON() method call to take the JSON stream source (pData) and convert it to a Dynamic object (object) but I am a little unsure as to how I can read the dynamic object and use it to extract the values from this and set the values as a property in another class.

The current coding I have for the conversion:

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Hello Intersystems-Community,

I build an API and there I use $order to get the Data from my Globals.
When I first time use that API it's get an error (504 Gateway-Timout > 60 Sec.).

After 2 reloads it works with a loading time of 2 Sec.! Sounds for me like the $order is cached and it works faster. Is it true $order will be cached?

When it works, I only get the error at the next day. So it's very hard to reproduce that error. Is it possible to delete the cache for $order?


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Hi everyone,

when I'm using the %JSONExport-function on Caché-Objects containing properties of type %integer, %numeric or %boolean, this properties are all automatically converted to Strings in the JSON-Output.

Is there a way to get around this type-cast?


Result with %JSONExport:

maxOrderable and maxReserveable are of type %integer, deliverable and assembly of type %boolean. All 4 properties are shown as quoted Strings.

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Running Cache 2017.2.2.

I'm trying to make a REST API call in JSON format. When using the example in the class reference documentation the getJSON method in the %Net.Http class throws the error <METHOD DOES NOT EXIST> on a %Clone() method in the %LIbrary.DynamicObject class. I even changed the parameter to a JSON string to no avail. The code will then fail on the %Compose method (examples below). My workaround is to use the %Net.HttpRequest functionality. Is there another workaround to this?

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Hello All,

I am compiling a REST Operation to call our hospital Administration system, following tutorials around the REST API's etc. First time we have integrated like this so not much knowledge around our hospital - hoping someone on here can help.

I have been using the JSONStreamToObject Method which is working as i expected, apart from trying to get a specific item in the example JSON Response as follows:


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I am using studio 2015 version which does not have dynamic objects and I need to read xml and convert that to a json I have managed to come close to json string but with little difficulties .I need to be able to identify the root element and specify where to put braces between objects anyone with any idea is welcome he is my code so far

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Hey Community,

my Caché Version is 2013.1 and I can't update now.

I want to serialize a SQL Answer row into an Array filled with objects and then convert it to json.

Actually I use the following, which is very error prone when I have to do that often:

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I know there are several alternatives, but I would like to find the easiest & simpler ones to store data coming in Json format from post requests and also allowing me to do SQL queries.

I want to have a property called favouriteColors. I want to store a few colors, and I want to be able to do queries to get top favorite colors, etc... so not handling the list of colors as just a fixed string or fixed object.

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Hello Community,

My Intersystems Caché Version: 1.2014 (Can't update now.)

I have the following issue:

I have for example an articlenumber with 15049950, which is numeric. But sometimes it can also be an alphanumeric string like PK15049950.

How can i set numbers always to string in Json Stream with quotes like "15049950".

Code Example:

set object = ##class(%ZEN.proxyObject).%New()

set articlenumber = "15049950"

set object.articlenumber = articlenumber

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I need to convert an array with an unknown number of indices to a JSON string for transmission (which is why it isn't possible to iterate through it using $ORDER). Does ObjectScript provide functionality to convert an array to a JSON string?

Edit 1: As Joel mentioned, the array is subscripted and has an arbitrary structure like:


which needs to be converted to

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The class %JSON.Adaptor is very convenient,

I wonder if anyone faced the following scenario using it-

Exporting an object, that has a many to many relationship, and getting the details of the related objects.

For example, if we have three classes - Teachers, Students, and an intermediate class TeacherStudent .

The classes extend %JSON.Adaptor, and we would like to open a Student object, use %JSONExport, and get a JSON

That includes the details of the student and all the teachers that teach the student, something like:

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