In System Administration | Configuration | System Configuration | Journal Settings there is a check box for Freeze on error.

From reading the documentation, it sounds like the choice to freeze on error is one of system availability vs system integrity.

Curious to know whether Ensemble users choose to freeze on error or not.

If you have a best practice recommendation based upon your experience or knowledge, that would be helpful information too.

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Currently, we are running 2014.1 on two different servers (OpenVMS, RHEL). The plan is to transition from OpenVMS to RHEL, but our Write Daemon is in a Troubled state on both servers.

On the OpenVMS server, we have a WIJ file that's 26G and can grow to 40G (size of database cache). Since it hasn't grown to 40G, we don't believe the size of the WIJ file to be the issue.

What else should we be looking at regarding the performance of the Write Daemon?

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I'm purging a lot of management data from an Ensemble production, which is creating 100s of GBs of journals. Has anybody succeeded in disabling journaling on an Ensemble purge? The user interface doesn't have an option for this, but I'm thinking you might be able to identify the process and externally disable journaling on it.

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· Mar 21, 2017
Journal file I/O error

One of my journal spaces has status "IOER" in MSM MUMPS.

I think this is happend during system freeze.

I never seeing a journal file status like that. I did not find anything about it in the intersystems documentation.

I can simply delete the damaged file, but I'd like to know how to prevent this from happening.

Anyone have some idea about it?

My MSM-UNIX Version is 4.4.0.


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We are finally planning to migrate some ancient Caché applications that are run on Caché 5.0.21 to a new server with Caché 2016.2.0 or so.

I wonder if we could use Shadowing between those to keep the data on the new server up to date?

We would copy the Caché backup from the old environment to the new and do a RESTORE there and then start shadowing.

I know than 5.0.21 is no more officially supported by ISC.

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