We recently went through an Audit of our Security Policies and Procedures when it comes to IRIS. As a result of that Audit, we need to make adjustments to the way that Security is setup within IRIS. I have already done my changes on our TEST and DEVELOPMENT environments, but now I am trying to plan out how do we make these changes in Production.

These changes include moving away from the PWS, setting up Apache/Web Gateway, moving to LDAP instead of using Delegated Authentication, updating Web Applications, updating Resources, updating Services, etc...

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I am looking to run IRIS for UNIX on the Linux Ubuntu 22.04 platform and need to determine which filesystem configurations are considered supported. The three options under consideration are Ext4, LVM with Ext4, and OpenZFS. Currently, the system is running on a raw Ext4 filesystem, but there is a desire to switch to either LVM with Ext4 or OpenZFS to make it easier to handle disk usage.

This leads to two questions:

Are either of these two configurations considered to be tested and supported by InterSystems?

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I have received 2 errors while publishing Patient data to repository. Message viewer displays like below and the Application log found bold content.

Could you please help me on this to resolve the errors.

An error occurred with the web application.
It has been logged to system error log (System Operation>System Logs>Application Error Log).

"<METHOD DOES NOT EXIST>OnPage+42^EnsPortal.MessageContents.1 *%Id,HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.Request : CSP Error"

0 8
0 290
I'm wondering what the best practice is for handling %Status values within the terminal.
1. set tSC=...
    do $SYSTEM.Status.DisplayError(tSC)
2. set tSC=...
   zwrite tSC

3. An alternative?

Is there a meaningful difference between the two? Should one be used over the other for any reason? Should something else be used?

0 2
0 87

We are running Batch job in scheduled task and the messages are picking in single session and it is not easy to trace the record.

I used the Set ..%SessionId= "" at before sending the message to BP but I see the session Id is '1' created for each message.

Is there anyother way to create new session for each message sending to BP?


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· Jan 17
VSCode New Files

The company I work for have a repository for one of our products which already contains both InterSystems and non-InterSystems source code. I'm in the process of trying to migrate us over to using VSCode to edit the InterSystems source but am stuck on some issues surrounding the files on disk and the routines in the IRIS instance.

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I have this IRIS server, NODE1. NODE1 is a Linux server running IRIS.

To connect to IRIS on this server I:

From my PC ssh (via putty) to NODE1

From the putty session, I, "iris session <iris instance>"

I was hoping to use iristerm on my PC:

I put NODE1 into IRIS Server Manager

From my PC, I, "iristerm /server=NODE1"

I get this error message:

"TCP connect() failed"

How to get this to work?

0 6
0 188

When I do $TRACE("message") I can see the message on the message viewer. However, I don't know where to find messages generated from $$$sysTRACE, and I haven't found anything about it in the documentation.

Do you know where I can find it?

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Our application needs to create system users from a request form.

To use Security classes, it is necessary to have rights to use the %SYS namespace, which is not the case for users who validate requests.

It is not desirable for these users to have this role permanently, so I proceeded as follows:

I created a facade class for the Security.Users, Security.Roles, Security.Resources classes which allows me to log in with an authorized user on the NS %SYS

Here is an example method:

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0 189

I need to verify that certain .m files have been compiled and inserted into the VA mumps database. I need to do it on a schedule and thus I want to automate it. Because of the automation I'd prefer not to use the IRIS web app. So if there were a similar CLI version that would be great. I see there is something called /usr/bin/iris but this seems to be a maintenance tool, not a IRIS.DAT querying tool. I'd love to be wrong about that.

Please forgive my lack of proper nomenclature, clearly I'm a n00b.

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0 177


We are in the process of upgrading to 2023.1 for InterSystems Health Connect, and the Business Rule Engine editor is very difficult to use compared to 2022.1. It's difficult to scan over the rules as it all looks the same style with barely any distinction between rules, constraints, conditions, whens etc. There's also tonnes of whitespace, and searching on the page is hit and miss (using Ctrl + F) . I can see the previous editor is still available when you modify the URL, but I'm wondering if we can set it to be the default editor, and if this is something supported.

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1 360

Is it planned that LOAD DATA takes into account several DATE/DATETIME formats with, for example, a parameter indicating the format used in the source data?

example :

LOAD DATA .../...
  "from": {
    "file": {
       "dateformat": "DD/MM/YYYY"
2 3
0 169

I'm testing git-source-control and I have problem with a CSP application.

I was able to configure in settings a CSP application that use the path /csp/myapp, that worked.

I have another application /slg and I'm unable to add it to Git.
I created the mapping as "/CSP/" - "/slg" - "csp/slg/", then in Studio when I right click on the CSP folder in the Namespace Work Area, select Git -> Add:

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0 140

So I am running IRIS 2023.3 via a Docker container on Windows 11 and when I go to System Administration > Connectivity > SQL Gateway Connections, I am able to connect to the iris container via jdbc. However, when I go to JBeaver and try connecting to IRIS via JDBC I am unable to do so. I know that this is a local laptop issue because when someone else runs it on t heir mac it works fine.

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