I am trying to create a query that returns the best and worst performing products for a given customer, based on this year's net sales versus last year's net sales, weighted by the total net sales for all of the products sold to this customer in the last two years.

I have created Last Year Net Sales (up to the last month end): AGGREGATE(PERIODSTODATE([Invoice Date].[H1].[YEAR],[Invoice Date].[H1].[Month].[NOW-13]),measures.[Net Sales])

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Dear Folks,

I have recently studied deepsee and developed few dashboards needed for our web app users. I am trying to embed them in our existing web app which uses angular with delegated user access. I need to embed the native IRIS dashboard into it. ( I can't use Highcharts or any other js tools).

How do I setup the dashboards to work with delegated authentication (Without providing access to management portal or other parts) ? Also should I use the default csp/{Namespace}/_DeepSee.UserPortal.DashboardViewer.zen? or any other web application URL ?


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After creating a new dashboard the filters and favorites are not displaying on the left side.

The version info is as follows:

Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2017.2.1 (Build 801_3_18358U) Tue Jul 24 2018 16:38:29 EDT [HealthShare Modules:Core:15.032.8680 + Linkage Engine:15.032.8680 + Clinical Viewer:15.032.8680 + Active Analytics:15.032.8680



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As the title mentions, I'm trying to determine how best to handle an issue with nested data. Essentially I have a setting like the following:

Object A has a transient property with an array of Object B. I want to create a level with a list of Object B. I also want this level to contain properties belonging to each object B.

So I have a layout of something like

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When creating pivots in DeepSee, there is the ability to group date dimensions by Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year. For some of our reporting the Week option is desired. However the display looks like the image shown below. Notice the "YYYYW##" formatting.

Is there any ability within DeepSee to modify the display of grouped week dates? E.g. instead of 2020W14 it could be 03/30/2020-04/05-2020, or even just the start or end date, etc.

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I need to create a KPI similar to the DeepSee.Model.KPIs.DemoTrendLines kpi in Samples. This kpi supports a scorecard widget with a trend line. It shows patient counts by city with a trend line of the count of patients over a decade. What I want is to show the trend line based on the average allergy score ([Measures].[Avg Test Score]). A pivot table query that shows the data I would want to base the trend line on is:

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My group needs to be able to monitor items / tasks, and let a non-management-portal user see the monitoring. Is it possible to run DeepSee queries on Production items? I feel like I should not be recreating the production environment or the task manager just so that I can query on the items that are running, and on their states (like "successful" or "send email").

Also, I need to log custom events for each task, and I'm running into difficulties with the task manager in this regard; hence the question about using the Production instead, but querying it.

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Hello, I've completed this tutorial: https://community.intersystems.com/post/deepsee-period-date-vs-same-peri...
I've used the "year" level instead of a pivot variable.
I want to calculate something like the following variation: 100 * ([DateOfSale].[PTD] - [DateOfSale].[LYPTD]) / [DateOfSale].[LYPTD]
I create a new calculated member, under the same dimmension with the above expression.

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Working on "HealthShare 2019.1 [HealthShare Modules: Core:17.0.9941 + Patient Index:17.0.9941 + Clinical Viewer:17.0.9941 + Active Analytics:17.0.9941] - Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.1 (Build 312_1_18859U) Tue Mar 19 2019 00:43:30 EDT"

In creating a DeepSee Cube - Pivot - Dashboard I am not finding out how to sort my rows by the row label value.

My Rows are numeric values, but they are sorting lexically not numerically. By this I mean that given the Row Values 1, 2, 3, 10, 100 the rows ar being displayed in the Analyzer in the alphabetic order of:

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I am working on a project and I am facing a weird problem. I have created an MDX using Analyzer. This MDX executes very fast. I am trying to automate its execution with %DeepSee.ResultSet and the query never returns:

Set tSC = oMDX.%PrepareMDX(tMDX)

Set tSC = oMDX.%Execute()

What could be causing %Execute() to take so long to run while Analyzer is responding fast?

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· Oct 27, 2016
DeepSee Overview Document


I was wondering if there was a DeepSee overview document available for a non-technical user. Something short and concise describing what DeepSee is and its key features.

I've looked at the documentation and although there are parts of what I am looking for there it is much too technical for my needs.


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My scenario is:

I have a Cache method that

call a REST -> JSON -response > INSERT/UPDATE the source table of a DeepSee Cube -> Update the Cube only for this change -

I want to view in .NET Application the changes. For that I want that this method should be executed at a defined interval.

Or maybe the solution is a Refresh button in .NET page. is there any way to access a Cache method from .NET?

Any idea how to do it?

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